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recent popular movies

oh damn! how did this happen? wait, i'll teach you a lesson. just show me your ugly face once! if i don’t disfigure it thendon’t call me meeto! what happened, meeto? why are you getting so hyperearly in the morning? can't you see this?someone dropped this again! doesn’t this look like black magic?

no. it is not black magic. someone left a lemon for youto make lemon drink. why don’t you makelemonade out of it? which scoundrel createssuch mess every saturday? won't i chop him into piecesif i knew? move aside. gosh! why are you just standing here? get some water.let's clear this off.

your father didn’t gift thisat your wedding. keep it properly. my father gifted me, right? you can't keep her properly. what trouble have we caused you? such a drama queen. for god's sake mother,keep your radio station shut. yeah you can stop minebut try stopping her. damn you,i had named you sher (tiger).

i didn’t know you would turna cat in front of your wife. a cat, am i...? you know it well. ask her where has she sent amru? i am worried. worried? i didn’t send for war.he has gone to get biscuits for me. my son too is with him.he will be back soon. you come here. here take this clothesand hand them to dry.

go ahead, do it. hang them.. damn you! get off now. i am your uncleand not your ride. my shoulders are hurting. i won't get down. but i will surelygo home and complain to mummy. please don’t. you behave as ifi am charging you fare. don’t worry. i will give you toffees.but don’t tell sister-in-law. amru is his sister-in-law's drum.- hey, i will hit you.

amru is his sister-in-law's drum.- hey! get lost. amru is his sister-in-law's drum. amru is his sister-in-law's drum..- you! why do you address me as drum?did you see me play with a juggler? what is this?do you want to get beaten? i'll go and complain to your mother.- buddy, don’t do that, she'll hit me. then why are you troubling me?promise me that you won’t trouble me. i won't promise.i will keeptroubling you like this. - wait! amru is his sister-in-law's kowtow.- wait...damn you!

wait, i am coming after you. aunt! hurry up! hurry up?you want me to take a bus? yes, speak. talk to your son-in-law.he teases me every day. what does he say? he calls me sister-in-law's drum.- and? what do you mean?do you want him to start abusing? i told you what he said to me.

tell me something.where are you coming from? i had gone to the city toget biscuits for sister-in-law. what's in the bag? it's sister-in-law's dress.i brought it from the tailor. and whose child are youcarrying on your shoulders? sister-in-law' if you don’t know! yeah, sister-in-law's son, sister-in-law's biscuits,sister-in-law's dress. won't the kids tease you?do you want them to worship you?

you idiot.think about yourself too sometimes. how long will you be her servant? kowtow! here's my card. where are you coming from, amru? seems you are coming from the town. yes, uncle. you have brought biscuitsfor your sister-in-law in that box? yes, i have brought biscuitsfor sister-in-law.

this kid is hers, thisdress is also sister-in-law's. how does it concern you?- forget about it. what elders say and what you doyou realize later in life. once you past your youth,now one will value you. heed my advice. better find some womanfrom some backward village. at least your family will expand. if you had thought about it40 years ago you wouldn't be hiding here fearing your if... - don’t get me started.

you are back, my son?thank god. get him something to eat,he must be hungry since morning. i am not eating anything. villagers have given meenough to digest. sister-in-law, here's your biscuits,your dress, and there's your child. brother, you should runyour wife's errands. everyone in the village teasesme as sister-in-law's kowtow. thank god! at least now youunderstood what villagers say. don't these villagers see thati cook and feed the whole family.

don't these villager people see this? he just brought a dress for meand he became my kowtow! if you are so worried,get a wife for yourself. no one is willing to give youhis daughter in this village. hear him talk! from the day you have come here no one is ready to marryhis daughter into this family. if someone comes with a proposaldon't now what she whispers that they completely closetheir eyes for my son..

mother, if i say something,you will say that i talk back. how come simple whisperingcan close one's eyes? you better be quiet! henpecked husband. you are always after meall the time! when did i gossip about him,tell me.. of course, i would love tosee him get married. it is you... it's you who don’t let him getmarried and alliance go through.

whenever a proposal comesshe creates a fuss. i wonder what fairy angelshe wants for him. of course we will bringa beautiful angel. you just wait and watch.i will light a lamp for her. just don’t extinguishyour lamp of life. that's what you want thati am dead before the day begins. you want to be theboss of the house. please now...- stop it now. let me eat. you better shut up.- yeah!

"shut up!" eat now! women cause trouble.they cannot be trusted. amru, this creature called women god ruined this worldby creating them. god first created the universe. then he rested for 10 days. and then he created man. again he rested for another 10 days. then god made a mistakeand made woman.

then neither he, nor the manor the world could rest. but women tend to always stay happy. now you will ask me why. that's because shedoesn’t have a wife. even the greatest of greatscould ever fathom women. so where to you stand, amru. there is one thing for can take this in writing. your sister-in-law won'tlet you get married. after all she has a servant for free.

there is just two acres of land. if you bring home a wife,that too will get divided. hey, what do you say? this is too much. you village guys know nothing. don’t move,or i will chop off your ears. look at the world's condition. they aren’t real husband and wife. that's what i am wondering.

don’t their parents thrash them? why would they? this is their job.they get money for it. do what you are paid for. fine. you better sit still. they get money forwearing skimpy clothes? man, that's nothing. this is quite common in big cities. when i went to delhito get my razers sharpened

a girl came ans satnext to me in the bus. i got scared. i thought that she wouldget me into trouble. amru... amru! hey, amru! amru, what are you sitting herecounting people's hair? come, let's go to the city. what's in the city,is your aunt married in moga

that you go to city everyday?- yeah it's my wedding. i have to buy things from the can't get in shops here. come on, climb up.- get lost. you only disturb my clients here. yeah, as if you givesalman khan haircuts. you cannot even paythe rent for the shop. bye.- see you later. ready?- drive carefully. "he is jumping with joy"

"your buddy is goingto get married" amru, we will have funduring the wedding. and we will dance to english music. you can play english music later,first drive this properly. come on despite being a jatyou are scared of minor scratches? why?don't jats bleed? are they not made of flesh and blood? they do bleed, but they don’t care.we just have fun. what fun? what are you saying?you are getting married in a few days.

hey, i will get married for better think about yourself. ask your sister-in-lawto get you married soon. what the hell!are you on fire? can't you wait?- move aside. i won't give side. he's been honking since so longfor nothing. he has stopped the car. i think he will also stop your breath.he seems angry.. "don’t listen to such songs, girl"

"i have heard they spoil you, girl" they spoil you, girl. a jat gives way only if he is in mood. and the one who is askingyou to give way is also a jat, guys. what then? he is our keerat. that was written only for fun, brother. damn you, you've come to thevillage after a long time. how are you?

that is a very tight hug. man, just don’t kill uswith such your hug. you guys won't die so easily. don’t kill us. let's go have tea.- let's have tea first. come then. man, you have reallybecome city man! this is the effect ofchandigarh's water, man. is it because of bathing water ordrinking water of chandigarh? he still asks stupid questions.

tell us more aboutchandigarh's beautiful sights. why only tell you,i'll just show them to you. here you go. why, isn't this amazing? oh damn! is it a poneor a girl's college? this is how it is, brother.- bro, do all these girls now you? then why else wouldthey be on his phone? don’t misunderstand.they are just my friends. and, amru.what about your wedding?

a bald man never owns a comb. nothing ever works out for me. what have you thought about marriage? i still haven’t thought about it. i have a big car and free flowingcash. have a good business. girls of chandigarh die foryour bro's look. i don’t know whether youguys will get married or not. but don’t get my marriage canceled. come let's much?

i take it from him?- yes. - let’s go. 'i have a big car andfree flowing cash.' 'a good business.' 'girls of chandigarh die foryour bro's look.' "i like good things.i have a different style" "boys follow me.i am famous" "my dwelling is in heart's of lasses" "every girl tells me,i'm yours you're mine" "i'm yours you're mine"

"tuning on to english numbers,she proposes me" "and there are somewho keep searching for me" "they ask me to shack a legin the disco just once" i'm yours you're mine" hey, amru. what are you dreaming about? melo!where are you? are you at home? no, she's gone to her maternal home.

come on, she sitting there! then why do you ask?go there. you'll never speak sweetly! i don’t even drink sweet tea. why do you argue with her?- no, i don’t. she always interferes. tell me what's going on? good that i found you at home. i have brought a marriageproposal for amru.

that too of a girl who studiesin chandigarh. really, aunt? she is my niece. and also very beautiful. so much so that if you touch hershe will get dirty. then i won't touch her. then what will you do?worship her? you better keep worshipingthe one you already worship. shut up or should i tell you?

tell me more about it.- do you know what they say? they say, they want a simple boy. someone who doesn’t do drugs. i said, i have one in mind. if you say, we will goand meet them. may be things work out.- yes? but let me tell you something, don’t gather a crowd. got it?

yes, i understood. yes, we understood, aunt. well done, brother-in-law.! wonderful! right? when there is work it's sis-in-lawand then accolades to aunt. well, actually... aunt said not to gather a crowd. why would i say that? i meant don’t invite the neighbors.

your sister-in-law close relative. she has the right. now don’t act stupidwhen you go there. stupid... make the preparations to go. meeto, it's time to celebrate. keep it here. don’t scatter it. rajjo! get the baskets. don’t move away from me evenfor a second. - have mercy, lord.

don’t make your turban lose.- o lord... amru.. - take this. get him married this time. wait here.listen to me very carefully. don’t say yes as soon asyou see the girl. first let me see and assess her. she studies in a co-ed college.we don't know how she is. got it?- yes. let's go now.what are you whispering to him?

mother, i say that...- you better shut up. damn you! it would've been better ifhe said something instead of sneezing. let’s go. she must be waiting..- let's go. as if she is a deputycommissioner somewhere! move. come on, get in. sit over there.okay, sit here. stupid. drive slowly.

shift a little, sis-in-law.- don’t hit the brakes suddenly. i feel dizzy. so, be careful when apply break. let her feel dizzy. i say, it is a good family. yes. yes.- look how simple the boy is. your daughter willreally be happy here. son, it would be bettereat something now. brother, let the boy and girl approveeach other, then we'll have sweets.

gagan.- yes, mom? come here, dear.- okay. take a look. she's nothing much. hello.- tell your mother. hello. it is a yes from me. what?- yes, i do. how can you just say yes!sit down.

what? actually, he had said that hedoesn’t have much time. he has to go to the cityfor some important work. so, he came straight to the point.- yes. a guy who doesn’t have time to takesuch an important decision of his life how will he spend lifewith me in the future? aunt, i want to ask hima few questions. go ahead, dear. we aren’t orthodox.go ahead and ask.

yes, dear ask. by the way, what work did you have? work? no, it's not as if i have togo crush sugar canes. aunt just says anything,she's lying. okay tell me, how did you agree so quicklyto marry me? ever since aunt told me thatyou study in chandigarh it was a yes from the very moment. how well educated are you?

i am well educated.i have studied up to 4th grade. i used to study till midnight.- yes he studied a lot. with god's grace our fatherhad to leave so... - what? you better shut up. actually... their father passed awaywhen they were just kids. at young kids they were burdenedwith the family responsibilities. they had to give up studies.- yes. he was good at studies.

if you have to ask anything else,please go ahead. no, that's enough to take a decision. take what? decision. you mean, you are willing to marry? yes, i am willing. well, let's have sweets! but not with you. aunt, i am willing to marry

but not with such a illiteratebumpkin like him. if i take up job tomorrow, i can't even leave him home and go. please excuse me. and find some rustic girl for him. "the married ones eat stuffed breadwhere as bachelors starve" no. now you only tell me. is it my fault thati am not educated? no, it is fault of the poor girlthat she is educated.

she tell me, "you are rustic native,you don’t know anything." now you just need to takea few vow during the wedding. what else is there in it? oh naive one,this creature called woman has anyone ever be able tounderstand them? you never know whenshe yes to whom or no to anyone at anytime. that’s why i didn’t get intothe hassle of marriage. otherwise, there were manywho were after me.

my only advice to you is, don’t get into the messcalled marriage. with the little money you have,buy a buffalo instead. to keep it home? then what?to send it to school? oh you got my roti burnt! here they come. hello. hello. welcome.- please come. be seated.

come here, sister.- this way, please. so small? these sofas are so dirty.- please have a seat. they don’t even havean air conditioner! we have air conditionerseven on our roof. you too have a seat, sister. is everything all right? forget about that,call the girl. i have to go out for work. by the way, son.what work do we do?

we? are you a partner with me,or have given me a loan? mine. my own. i barely started this workand he callas it ours. son, he just wants to know as to what business you are. actually auntie,the work hasn’t started. we are having meetingsas to what business to start. isn't it, mom?- yeah,

actually he has many meetingsin the mornings and evenings that he hardly getsany time to work. you stop wasting time.ask the girl to come out. i have a lot of other work too. have some tea first. forget the tea, ask your maidto bring your daughter. oh no, she is not the maidshe it the girl. what! she is the girl?- yes. it is no from me.i refuse.

you have brought a modernguy like me to show this? oh! how can you just say no?sit down. - no, sister-in-law. don’t go by her clothes. actually she is a very modern. modern how, auntie? does sheturn a stuffed bread into a pizza? my time is being wasted here. auntie, i would like to ask hera few questions. yes, of course. go ahead ask.we aren’t orthodox.

by the way, do you know use a laptop? i had asked my parentsto let me learn it. they said that thecity is very crowded so i might bang into let it be. i asked about a laptopnot a trolley! what else do you have? for now i have dizziness.- oh! oh my god!

she is feeling dizzy before marriage?- mother! you better keep quiet! she is very hard working. she can carry dung of10 buffaloes in one go. oh no, disgusting. she handles dung too?oh god! aunt, were you trying toget us related to such a family? sir, even our buffaloes are so modern that they don’t even poowithout a modern toilet seat.

and if anyone in the localitywants dung cakes, they come to our place andlift the gutter manhole cover. fill their baskets and take it. his father had brought thosebuffaloes from england. before he conked off. sister, don’t you thinkits bit too much? of course you will find it that way. you who defecate in open.phew! don’t say that, it willkill our confidence.

i don’t understand what you areconfident about? son, do you mean it is no from you? no?it's a warning from me. don’t you dare bring a native girl'sproposal for me after this. i am leaving. you can get yourselfinsulted some more if you like. i cannot tolerate it anymore.- we too are leaving. hello... hello! hey, eat this. shall i add anything on top?

clarified butter?- no, grease. mother, these days girlshave a lot of tantrums. they expect a lot in a boy. we tried at so many placesbut nothing worked out. if you will listen to uswith a calm mind.. ..then meeto has a girl in mind. she is very beautiful and simple. how can someone who is socrooked herself find a simple girl? firstly i am helpingyour son settle down.

and on top, listen to your taunts! you better let it need to talk to her. our kammo has notdearth of good proposals. kammo? your maternal uncle's daughter? oh no, the girl who was abandonedby her in-laws a year back? you witch, may you suffer in hell. oh damn, now my son will marrydivorcees and widows? mother, i know the whole story.

it was not her fault at all. she had got married intothe wrong family they used to harass herevery day for dowry. ultimately the girl got fed upand left them herself. if you heed our advice,she is a very nice girl. you shouldn't let go of such a girl.i have met her. you had met her as well, right? what else does she haveother than a pretty face? at least i have a pretty face.

your son doesn’t even have that. why do you two drag meinto your fight? getting married or not isa different issue, mother. but what's the harm inmeeting the girl once. if you don’t like her,we will let them know i will talk to amru. do as you please. meeto, call up your uncle.- okay. tell him we will come over on sunday.

call him up. otherwise, my brother willremain single for good. eat something, dear. sister, a daughter's parentsworry about their honor until they don’t get theirdaughters married. brother, daughters aremeant to be married off. even the kings couldn’tkeep them at home. and also, if we don't get ourdaughter's married off how can we bring a newdaughter-in-law home?

you are absolutely right. but where do parents like us go? for whom kammo is adaughter as well as a son. i pray to god that i too should be relieved fromthis responsibility earliest. meeto?- yes, aunt? come in here, please.- ok, coming. come, eat something. yes, aunt?

meeto, have you told themeverything about kammo? why do you worry unnecessarily? i have told them what theyshould know. - okay. we need a beautiful,homely girl like kammo don’t worry unnecessarily.kammo, get tea for everyone, quickly. come and sit with us, aunt.- hurry up, dear. kammo, keep the tray down. amru, come with me.listen to what i say. kammo, you too come.

come in, amru. kammo, come in. do you see how beautiful she is! have you ever seensuch a beautiful girl? now sit here.kammo, come here. now both of you talkto each other. i will come back after some time.all right? what to talk on such occasion... i do not know.

if you have to ask anything,go ahead. well, do you know thatthis will be my second marriage? yes. sister-in-law told me. relations are like delicate glass. if they have to break, they break. and if they work outthen they last forever. my relationship also shatteredin a similar manner. it shattered to piecesand got stuck in my heart.

i cried a lot. i pleaded that man a lot. but he didn’t listen to me. don’t say such things please. a relationship which hasalready broken why to regret about it? i am apprehensive that thisrelationship might also break. how can it break? everyone is not the same.

i am not that kind of a person. but i am the same, right? and the shortcoming in meis also the same. shortcoming!what shortcoming? you had no shortcomings. it was the fault of your fate. but now everything will be fine. amru, how much morewill you talk to her? you can talk rest itafter you are married.

let’s go, now. okay? bye then. bye, uncle.- bye, son. bye, brother.goodbye. let us discuss over it homeand we will get back to you. isn't it, son.- okay, mother. let’s go. come. bye, uncle.- bye, dear. bless you.

bye, aunt.- bye, dear. take care. let's go, son.- let's go. let's go, amru.- okay, bye. be blessed. congratulations, jagra. congratulations, dear.- bless you. this creature called woman, jagra... now holding her rein isin your hands. give us a solution for it too,as to what should be done.

meelo! hey, meelo! are you home? oh, come in. amru, get a cot here.- okay place it over here. you got amru betrothedrather quietly on the sly. you didn’t even let me know!- com on. so you found out about it ultimately!sit down. why wouldn’t i find out?

can you hide pregnancyfrom a midwife? you were trying to hide it as ifi will try to break it off. it is not so. actually, we haven’t yetperformed any rituals. hence we didn’t inform anyone. i am the only one whowasn’t informed. but everyone else in the villageis talking about it. what such a thing hashappened to talk about? you did a great deed.

was there a shortage ofsingle girls in the world that you accepted a proposalof a divorced girl? you are right, maggo. but i didn’t question it. you know that i don’t keep well. who knows when i might pass away. i thought i should get this naive one married. once he settles downand i see my grandchildren

i will die peacefully. you will be able to only seeyour grandchildren if she can show you one. why won't she? i think you don’t knoweverything about the girl. then listen. they left her becausethe she is barren. no matter how much you treat her,she won't conceive. i have said what i had is up to you

aren't you ashamed? such a big thing you hid from us! what else could i've done? i thought he will get a wife andher life will be resettled too. and why worry about their children?our child is as good as theirs. i know how clever you are. you just wish whatever little landwe have goes to your child. you want to give my darling sonthat barren woman? don’t take kammo's namein this house again.

we won't bring her into our family.let's see how you do that! then you too take inwriting from me... if your naive son gets a girl betterthan kammo then you can kill me. let’s go, damn you! move from here. amru, i've been lookingfor you for an hour. and you are sitting here, bro.what's the matter? what kind of a joke is this? speak up.- my life has become a joke, man.

now i no longer feel likeliving in this world. come on, what are youhiding within you? tell me the clearly,what's the matter, brother. it is sister-in-lawwho hid it from us. i would have accepted the fact thatkammo was married once. but a woman, who can't be a mother, how can one get married to her? how can i accept that? who wouldn’t want to have littlechildren play over his shoulders?

come on, brother. where god has destined you,you will meet her some day. you have faith in god. come, i will take you aroundchandigarh. why do you worry? let's go.- no, i haven't informed home. we will call them up.come with me. - brother... mother will worry. i will talk to just hop in the car. come on, too have a drink.

what are you waiting for?- no, i get drunk easily. you idiot, we drink to get drunk. this isn't a protein shake.drink it. gulp it down. bottoms up! these girls of chandigarhare bit too much. their style of dressing upis different. style of talking is different. take this for example.

when a girl from mogatakes a bus for chandigarh. then her name is jasvinder kaur. and when she gets down her name is...- jazz kaur. brother. tell me something. agreed am helpless, but you have beautiful girls herewho know you. why don’t you get married toone of them? the girl i like,my application pending with her.

but so far... she has notresponded positively. the day she says yes, you brother, will jump on toa mare and go get her. come on, drink boys.- pour it. "dad, i will get abride from pakistan" "then she won't threaten to go backto maternal home when angry. amru, this is your room. if you need anythingi am in the next room. but bro...- all right?

am i to stay in such a big room alone? it will haunt too sleep here? haunt you? if it will scare you...then take this. it has sridevi's pictures. if you still feel... scared then you canseek their company. good night, you. go to sleep. show me what kind ofimages are these?

now tell me, what do you have tosay about these girls? what kind of picturesyou carry with you? i have to personally clothe themand then watch! from where did you getsuch a dirty magazine? don’t tell my brother. keerat took me tochandigarh yesterday. man, this is nothing. there i saw a girl.don’t ask me how beautiful. okay, i won't ask.- no, you may ask.

brother, i was feeling so shy, and she puts her armsaround my neck. she tells me, "amru, do you knowhow much i love you?" "you are my god" stop.. take another step andi will jump into the water. then? let me drown. do you know how much i love you?

how much? as much as god.-you believe in god? i didn’t believe earlier.but now i do. back off! strange! if you're not well. come,i'll take you to a doctor. - oh, no. no, brother.the way you are behaving i think you need to be treated. i don’t want to lose my facein front of the village. no, brother.. - i don’t like suchkind of friendship. - hey, listen...

i won't meet you ever cannot be trusted. "my eyes cherish you" "you have mingled in my breath" "i cannot sleep and nothingmakes the queasiness go away" "from the time i have seen you" "my crazy heart is restless" "my crazy heart stays restless" "i am colored in the hue of lovei only think of you" "your sweets words arelike a love song"

"when i try to sleep" "how do i tell you, how scared i feel" "whenever i try to sleep" "even in my dream if you part,i can't live" no, sister-in-law. great lord. no, sister-in-law, it can't be. lord almighty.- don’t do that, sister-in-law. i have barely found happinesswith difficulty.

don’t take that too away from me. please don’t do it, sister-in-law. no, sister-in-law... no. sister-in-law... so you ended up doingjust that, sister-in-law. oh, may be doomed! such dirty pictures! sister-in-law..- damn you, you idiot!

get up! you scoundrel! you dog! you shameless, man!you rascal! you pervert! aren't you ashamed look atdirty pictures?! - sis-in-law... sister-in-law, this is...- what is this? your mother used to say,my son is innocent and naive. look at him now! a naive! he holds the treasureof innocence, idiot! why are you bringing the housedown so early in the morning? what has he done?- look at this!

look at your brother's deeds. hey! the window is closed. don’t you dare look at it. i will burn it right away. i will throw it into the stove.- sister-in-law! crazy family! hey, amru...- yes? where do you get such a book? city.

why? i just asked. don’t you dare bring suchdirty books home! i will inform mother. meeto, don't burn them! sometimes,due to mental stress orchemical imbalance, you hear voices. you see such thingswhich aren’t real. that's hallucination. i could see it clearly.

mahatma gandhi was standing there. i say, it was his spirit. man, i don’t understand why is yoursister-in-law is badly after you? why does she get hyperwhen she sees you? what does she want? what do i tell you now, buddy? sister-in-law has her uncle'sdaughter kammo... she wants me to marry her. then marry her, man.

or don’t you like kammo? uhh... like... now what more do i tell you?you are my friend. i am in love with someone.- oh! she is from chandigarh. do you know what she tells me? all the happiness of the world... you have put in my lap, amru. i am so happy.

and from now on, you just mine. and you are just mine. i am yours, you are mine. i think, bro... you are unwell. shall i get you some medicine? you think i am lying? i am really in love with her.come on, why are you getting angry? if she really likes you,really loves you then go and quicklyget married to her.

liar. amru... amru. yes, mother?- what thoughts you're lost in, son? nothing, mother. you know, day and night i think,i should get you married. i should see my grandchildren. who knows tomorrowi will be here or not. i've decided, son.

the next girl i find,no matter how she is, i will get you married, why doesn’t it matter? didn't you say you'llget me a fairy angel? now your son will marryonly an angel. stop close to this gate. here?- yes. take this. ma’am, it's 20 rupees.- the fare is only 10 rupees

why are you charging an extra 10,is it for driving? it's 10 rupees per passenger...- i'd have asked amru to drive it. 10 bucks are okay.- don’t do this. - keep it. i am only charging the fixed farenot over charging you. give it, let me carry it. let it be. i was holding itthroughout the journey. now you think of holding it! we traveled in a rickshawall the way... you go in and meet the doctor,i will wait outside.

okay.- make it quick. i don’t know whetherdamned doctor is here or not. 'sometimes, due to mental stressor chemical imbalance...' 'you see things which aren’t real.' amru?! 'do you know how much i love you?' get lost! mother! bunty!- hey, what's wrong?

what happened? will you tell me what's wrongor you're here just to gasp? she met me!- who met you? the girl from chandigarh.- you had met her earlier too! now she actually met mt.earlier it was just in dream. earlier i was lying to you. oh naive one,this creature called women, even thinking of them is bad. wise men say that witches

fist meet men in their dreamsas a beautiful women. then they come in real lifeand suck blood. let me tell you one more thing. some guys, when the die,become a snake or a ghost. but a woman remains a witch now i know what's ailing you. come let's go to god manto get you cured. - brother? let me get rid of the witch for you- brother... come with me,and don’t brother me.

hail the great sage! so she has come! not a female, he's a male, sage. you fool! the sage is addressing i am talking about the spiritthat has brought him here. hail the great sage!- she is a very dangerous spirit. she was also caught earlierat malharkotla. she comes in a beautifulform and says...

"i am here only for you." the one who falls into her trap,consider he is gone gone for good. but don’t you worry. take this amulet. tie it on your left bicep. hey, tie it on the left bicep orit might have the opposite effect. yeah, tie it. yes, amru? hello, keerat! i have somethingvery important to talk to you.

so late? man, i am in big trouble. you remember you had told meabout girls of chandigarh... that they do this or that? but tell me something. these girls from chandigarh, do the come out of a guy's dreamsand actually appear in his life too? i think you are not well, amru. i am absolutely fine, buddy.

but i am trapped in a big trouble. okay, tell me what's wrong? the photos of girlswhich were in your computer one of those girls has come out ofmy dreams and entered my real life. then you do this.all the other pictures you saw bring all of those girlsin your dreams. who knows, even theymight enter your real life. come on, go sleep have gone crazy. - but... brother!

go. why did you run flee after seeing me? you know, i especially came for you? amru? 'she is a very dangerous spirit.' 'she comes in a beautifulform and says... yes? what are you doing? are you okay?

where are you going, amru? oh!- what's wrong with him? "sometimes, due to mental stressor chemical imbalance you hear voices. 'then you do this.all the other pictures you saw 'she comes in a beautifulform and says...' "i am here just for you." 'i am here only for you.' lord almighty.

good, even this pledge is over. this no moon day we havefulfilled the pledged asked for him i'd say you too should pledgefor 11 no moon days. so you will get married. your mother's dream will be fulfilledand she'll her daughter-in-law too. let's go and pay homage, son. why did you flee when you saw me? you do know,we are already married. if you leave me today and go away,i will never talk to you.

wait here, i will goand pay my respects. come on, hold him. always ready to climb uplike a monkey. who was she?- oh, she... you too saw her? i am not from village of blinds.i can see. don’t try to be smart.tell me the truth, who is she? sister-in-law...she... in my dreams... she was giving me almsin my dreams.

now tell me,do i look like a beggar? of course, you look like onefrom appearance. you go with your mummy. sister-in-law,i'll meet jagga and be back. come back soon.- yes. he fled away again! o god, you made my life. now it will be worth living. how are you, uncle?- i am fine

i am stoked...- how are you, amru? hey, jaggo! jaggo, wait! i have to go,your sis-in-law is waiting. soon, someone shall wait for me toothat too from chandigarh. girl from chandigarh?yes, brother. she is beautiful. she's especially come for you know how much she loves me? i too am falling in love with her. i don’t like anything without her. you are jealous, right?hey, you are jealous!

he is jealous! soon you're going to get an aunt,dear. also tell bunty that she isn'ta ghost or a spirit! yeah! he was the one whotook me to god men to cure me. "waiting for you..." how is my brother doing? bro, i am soaring up highin the sky without wings. now the life has become worth living. you sound so very happy, amru.what's the matter, man?

don’t ask. tell me, when are youcoming back to village? i'll come village whenever you say,it's not a big deal. then you come immediately. i have to tell yousomething very important. keerat, there is something. no matter what, but our amruis a very interesting guy. you're right.- yes. you are talking...

as if i have never seen a girl. or any girl has ever seen me before. let me tell you something. well, agreed i am a native. but... true love and real clarifiedbutter are both natives. everything else is artificiallike mass produced stuff. if you look at my girl, you'll forget everyone,even chandigarh girls.

drink to it. today our amru is behaving likeranjha, the great lover! - right. you are right, brother. i think my brother has pluckeda star from far up there. she is a fairy angel. even more beautiful. she is extremely beautiful.she is crazy about your brother. if she is crazy about youthen what are you waiting for? get married tomorrow at dawn itself.

but brother, i have to show herto you first, don't i? come on, then let's drink to that. don’t forget your brothers as soonas you get sober in the morning. promise, brother. neither we've seen your angel sincemorning nor we've eaten anything. right. and we are running aroundon an empty stomach. - what else! so, mithya, go and getsomething to eat. hurry up.- get something to drink as well. now i have shown all the all theplaces we met.

man, we are here to see your girl,not your dating place! why don’t you call andask her to come here? he can only call if someone isreally there. - right. there she comes!the one in pink scarf. she promised to meet here. is that the girl!?- yes, brother. that's her. she is the one i was talking about.she has come here for me. come for you? have you lost your mind?

where is she and where you're,no match. bro, she is the one, really.she's crazy about your brother. you know what she tells me? "do you know how much i love you?"- yes, no problem. amru, give me your phone. give it. who is calling me?- keep your phone on. right away we'll know how muchshe is crazy after you. - yes. go, my brother.

i had asked you to wait for meat the gurudwara the other day. why did you leave?- uh... why did i leave... actually i remembered someimportant work. what could be have beenmore important then me? let me also know. do you know, amru,i've come here just for you. and here, you don't eventalk to me properly. brother, you claimed that she isgoing to be our sister-in-law.

but we feel, she will becomeyour sister-in-law instead. dad, i have something importantto discuss with you thank god, at least you have somethingimportant to discuss with us! otherwise, where do you havetime for us? okay, tell me. dad, i think... there is someone elsein simran's heart. what do you mean?

it means she is in lovewith someone else. oh, no man! bajwa had told me that simransaw your photo and approved. someone must have toldyou something stupid. no, dad. i saw her with someone else. call bajwa. it's late.i'll talk to him in the morning you finish your dinner.

sir... we have raisedour daughter like a son. if she had something in mindshe'd have shared with us. i think keerat is undersome wrong impression. however, we will talk to simran. yes, simran. hi, are you? i am good. how are you? who did you see megoing around with?

with amru. uh... amru. you know amru? he is my childhood friend. okay... i'll call you later... yeah? excuse me, can you tell mewhere is amarjit's house? who? uh... i mean amru.

well, go straight and turn right. he'll be in the field with bunty. okay, thank you. hey! you said that amru was fibbing? a girl more beautiful thankatrina kaif is looking for him. even i am surprised. she told me,"do you know how much i love?" "i cannot live without you."

she said that she will take meto the city after marriage. tell me, bunty,what do we lack here? this creature called woman, amru...- man, don’t start with your lectures! they befuddle a guy. man doesn't even realizewhat he is doing. now you came hereto chop the grass. but what you are doing isdigging up the soil! i am doing the else do you want me to? i have cleared two pastures.i bathed the buffalo.

what was the urgency for it? did she have a hearingin the court? yeah, she has filed a caseagainst you for dowry, no? come on, for a dowry casei am yet to be married. what's this? what is a tomato doingin a sugarcane field? man, girl is for real! yes?- come with me. where?- get in the car.

okay. is she from chandigarhor from heaven! amru, do you know how muchi love you? - yes, i know. this much! your childhood friend. remember now? that day outside the health center i saw you with your mom andimmediately recognized you.

i kept hinting you to justto remind you this but you didn't recall anything. now i even rememberthe first time we met. when you had gone to the cobblerwith your aunt to repair your sandals. and just to see you, i came there toget my old shoes repaired. and you didn’t have any money left,so my aunt paid paid for you. - yes. and the second time when i hadcome to your aunt's village to see you on occasionof 'ramleela' to see you... there laxman fainted,and here, i fainted seeing you.

and you tore of cover of yourfriend's notebook and fanned me. and third time we med during'chabeel' at the village... where you ignored everyoneand kept serving me drinks. and i had come to your homewith an excuse to watch tv. - yes. after then you kept coming to ourhouse with an excuse to watch tv. yes, i know. as much as god. and we used to enact thesame scene over here. oh my god!what golden days they were! i still miss them.

i too am such a stupid, simran. don't know what weird thingsi kept thinking about you. if you have anything more to askthen ask now. after the wedding i won'tshare anymore secrets. secrets?are there any secrets left? i've come from canada, where having a 2-3 boyfriendsis a normal thing. 2-3 boyfriends! what's to it, i too have 40-50girls after me here in chandigarh.

oh my god, 40-50? if not exactly 40-50then at least count 15 to 20. 15-20 is also a little too much tell me the truth. shall i tell you the truth, simran? from the time i have seen you, there is just one girl in my life, who i really like. and that is you.

you? amru, you still havekept this with you? not kept, i have preservedthis in my heart. you used to play this instrumentand sing a song, right? - yes. the one which thefakir also used to sing? the one which you too liked a lot?- yes. you remember it? "when i heard the one-stringinstrument play" "when i heard"

"i could no longer control myself" "then i remembered youand i started crying. "then i remembered youand i started crying" do you remember, simran... last time you had promised me tomeet me during summer vacation? amru, my summer vacation is over. i am going back to village. then whom will i play with? i will come back again duringnext summer vacation.

i kept waiting. many summer vacations passed by. but you didn’t come. from your aunt i found out that you have migrated to canadafor good. i kept running after everyairplane passing above sky. don’t go, simran. don’t go. but the airplane always flew awayand vanished behind clouds. and then i was left aloneonce again.

"what do i tell my heart,where do i go?" "i sigh without you,where do i go?" "they are overloadedthey might spill." "they might spill." "it called out to my heart" really,i didn’t even realize when she came into my dreamsand entererd my life too. - oh. the guessing game.- yeah, i know this creature called woman, kharaiti.- yeah?

there is no other damn thingto talk about it. there is just one thing.- what's that? that i have forgotten, man. you just keep thinking andmulling like an idiot and she will once againtake a flight back to canada.2 don’t say that, buddy. i will die. why are you telling us all this?go and talk to her. as if she doesn’t know.

our story has been goingon since childhood. don’t be a stupid! childhood stories endwith childhood. go and talk to her now. you said you havealso arranged for dinner. arranged it?- yes. i have sent a messageto your families... they will be drinking free liquor.better keep their dinner ready. thank you very much for your favor.

amru...! "when i heard one-stringinstrument play..." look at him. how he is dancinglike peacock! bro, if you say,we'll show him his place. how are you, uncle?- good, amru. hey, keerat! keerat! i was just thinking...

i have to give you thebiggest news of my life. if keerat meets me...and god answered my prayer. brother... oh wow! so you are already drinking! rascals, you guys aredrinking neat! today i told simranwhat's in my heart. when a moth encounters a lizard it doesn’t realize whenit is in his clutches.

yes, that is true.i too have seen it many times. but you couldn't have thoughtthis could happen to you as well. why are you guystalking about lizards? it's matter fate, brother. you are handsome,rich and have big cars. you live in a big citycalled chandigarh. but the english-speaking girlwho should be with you... she is with your brother instead. jealous!you are jealous.

he is jealous... jealous! yes, i am jealous, amru. i am jealous. what is it, brother? aren't you happy for me? amru, i got proposal ofmany beautiful girls. but i didn’t say yes toanyone of them. but when i said yes,it was only to simran. i just didn’t just say yes,i even fell in love with her.

simran? so your girl's name is also simran? i can bet that your simranisn't as beautiful as mine. i had shown her to youon the very first day. you too show,you must have her photo. take it out. let's see who is it. this simran? yes, amru. this simran.

now tell me, shall i call it betrayal of fateor betrayal by a friend? come on, how couldyou believe me? even my mother doesn’t believe me. and since when you havestarted believing me! i am dumb guy from village. neither i'm handsome,nor i'm rich nor do i've a big car. how can such a beautiful girlbe crazy after me? brother, i was joking this time too.

were you joking earlieror are you joking now? now..., how can we debate this? i swear by our friendship. you still don’t believe? if, after today, i even think of her i'll see my mother's dead face. mother must be waiting.i will leave. sister-in-law.

get me married to kammo. what?! are you telling the truth? yes. why would i lie? but... all of a sudden, today? what's so sudden i've said that'simpossible and can't be done? jaggar got married.keerat is about to get married. villagers are taunting me. son, you know everythingabout kammo... - mother.

what will i do with a child anyway? my brother's son is alsojust like a son to me. just do as i say. amru has really made us happy now we will take thewhole village for the wedding. we will have a grand wedding. give me the phone.- here you go. quickly call him up. go.mother... mother?

really, sister? kammo,who is on the line? father, it's meeto. really? give it to me. meeto, what news have yougiven my daughter.. ..that she can'tcontrol her happiness. uncle, you will react in the samewhen you will hear the news. what! amru has agreed to marry kammo.

really?- yes. god bless him. kammo's mother...- yes?- come here. hold on. amru agreed to marry our daughter. thank you, god. meeto, you have done us ahuge favor with this good news. i used to suffer because of the tauntsmy daughter used to get every day. dear, you have greatlyunburdened your uncle.

may god give you so much of happinessthat you may be overwhelmed. enough, uncle.don’t shed all your tears now itself. you soon have to sendyour daughter off as well. keep some aside for that.- yes, dear. do one thing,get two rings from the jeweler. we will come soon with amru. okay, dear. god bless you.goodbye. they will soon be herefor the engaged. really? - yes.

then we need to makequick arrangements "o i am waiting for you" "you come soon" "i am waiting to see you" "i am yearning to see you" "come soon, my love,the day is about to end" "the day is about to end" "day day is about to end" "the hard working ones"

"the laborious ones" "birds are flocking to their nests" "it's time you also come home" "the evening is here" "it's almost dusk" if you are getting disturbed i willswitch off the lights. - no, you study. it is a very romantic novel.just cannot put it down. the girl is about to get marriedand she likes someone else. and the boy also loves her a lot.

anyway, why am i telling you!where you love love marriages? yes, i didn’t. but now i think i do. really?do you have any crush? actually... i don’t know.- what? you always think from your heart. try thinking from mind sometimes. i didn’t like this decision of yours. this isn't an engagementit is cheating.

whatever is happening it isas per my wish. how is it cheating then? i know what's happeningas per your wish. why don’t you tell keerat clearly? i have sworn upon my mother. i have decided, i won't come betweenkeerat and simran. if i do something as such my soul will never forgive me.

take this, mom. meeto, you didn't evengive us time to breathe. i think i am not doing enoughto serve all of you. the fate was in a hurry,you and i couldn't stop it. so why would uncle be behindin preparation! everything is going fine.we will manage. you should have broughtsome of your relatives too. let no one be take this. aunt, it's the brother-in-lawwho gets unhappy.

but i am so happy that amruand kammo are getting married. i am ready to dance bhangdaeven without music. he is too much. take this.- here take it, dear. put it on. here, take it. no matter what you change, butpeople's thoughts cannot be changed. can you tell me where amru's home? jaggar! - yes?tell her where amru stays.

you won't find him at home. but you have come at very right time. now it's your turn bless.- ok, i will come on, kammo.make him wear the ring. congratulations, aunt. congratulations, mother.- congratulations to you too, son. congratulations, uncle. come on bro, put ring on her finger. what are you waiting for?

very good. here he goes. congratulations, mother. amru, it's your engagement today... and you didn’t even tell me! after all i am your childhood friend. forgot? everything happened in a hurry. never mind.

nice couple. congratulations. she is my childhood friend. i didn’t even ask you. amru, you never told me that youhave such a good-looking friend. come on, sit down now. come home with me,i will give you her address. keerat. amru, you?

yes, i have come to meet you. do you have any work, amru? well... i am getting married next week. i came to give youthis wedding invitation card. brother, if you come,i will be honored in the village. kamaljeet? one who has a friend like you and have a wife like kammo,how lucky man he'll be, won't he?

kammo...?- brother. i've to distribute the invite atother places too. please attend the wedding. you didn’t stay back that day. i too felt i should have stayed back and should also have givenyou both a gift of good omen. it's you who didn’t stay back, amro. neither that day... when you were expressingyour feelings to me...

and nor the day when i had cometo express my feelings to you. next week i am getting married. please attend it. but you were married to me. should have least taken a divorce. you really crack nice jokes. that was just a childhood play. once childhood is over childhood games are also over.

for the first time you are unable tohide the truth, amro. if you had some helplessness, you should have at leastshared it with me. by exchanging rings withsomeone else, playing with my feelings... what did you gain? but we were just friendsand nothing more. nothing else. what's a deference betweenfriendship and love

you know it too and me as well. you are wrong, simran. i do not have nor did i ever havesuch feelings in my heart. look into my eyes and say that you don’t have any such feelings. yes.... there is nothing! nothing. "from where do i get such a heart"

"which won't think about you" "which won't love you" "i had just one heart,that too i've dedicated to you" "forgetting the worldi made you mine" "my arms are left empty" simran. what's wrong? "golden tassels decoratethe house today" "there is a festive atmospherein the courtyard today"

"there will be music played todayin the courtyard" "in the turmeric pastethere is a knife" "may your brothers have long life" "in the turmeric pasteand there is hive. "may your uncles have long life" hey, wonderful, wonderful... this is called true friendship. look. my friend is here two daysbefore the wedding.

come let's go inside. amro... isn't she the same kammo, about whom your sister-in-lawhad kept you in dark? and you're getting married to her? what's all this? it's nothing, buddy. you're aware that i wasn’t gettingany marriage proposals. there kammo's parents to werelooking for suitable groom for her.

well... it was all in a relationshipso i said yes. why is simran upset afterhearing about your wedding? keerat, it is notwhat you think it is. earlier i thought thatyou are intruding between us. but now, i don’t know why i feelas if i am coming between you two. you swear you by me,simi is my childhood friend and nothing more. this thread tied on my wristis the proof of it. if this thread is not tied on my wrist

then it will be the proof tothis fact too that what i am thinkingis absolutely right, amro. fine. i will get going now. kammo. hi, i am keerat. amro's friend. hello, brother. i have to something importantto discuss with you. yes, tell me. amro had agreed for this marriageout of compulsion.

he loves someone else. he is helpless. but a small decision of yourscan set everything right. do you want me to breakthis relationship? just because he loves someone else? amro should have thought about thisbefore agreeing to marry me. why should i sacrificemy happiness for someone else? you will still find the happiness... whatever it is..

with great difficulty i have seensmile on my parents' face . now i don’t want tolose that at any cost. i can't change my decision. this decision of yours will makefour lives miserable for life. and if this weddingdoes not take place my parents will be miserableall their lives. try and think about them as well. if your own sister was therein my place instead what you would have felt?

i can understand your pain. no one can understand my pain. to understand ityou have to bear that pain. which is not easy. pardon me. i cannot refuse this relationship. of course if amro refuses to... then it will be acceptable to me. look at the jewelry and dress.

our daughter will look like a queen.- of course she is a queen. look at this royal necklace.- show it to me. it will look so nice on our daughter. look at this one too. look at the 'kaleras' of my daughter. kammo, dear , take a look...- we've got it made to order. my daughter's kaleras! wonderful! wonderful! come on, boys!

"brother-in-law has come looking for"there are flowers everywhere" "brother-in-law has come bearing gifts""there are flowers everywhere" "brother-in-law has come bearing gifts,there are flowers everywhere" "he had brought gifts for us as well.there are flowers everywhere" come on, guys come. come inside, guys.all of you sit here. come. over there. - come here. come uncle, you too sit. please be seated.

sit back there, son. you have already startedcounting money? son, it is your uncle's wedding. why are you scared? okay! boys, are you all right? jaggar... it's the same girl. congratulations, amru. let's all of you go forthe wedding ceremony

come, amru.- yes, i'm coming. - fine. come soon. what was the need for it? amru, you too had come to give usyour wedding card. it is also our dutyto give you something, friend. today seeing you both together be happy as much you want today. because after today you willnever see both of us together. because simran is leavingfor canada for good. but weren’t you two betrothed?

amru, as the wise say, united hearts live in heaven,distant hearts suffer in hell. only when two hearts unitesdo the souls thrive. what's the use of being married,if the hearts don’t unite? we both have decidednot to get married. that means your relationship... it couldn't be. now we are just friends. but thank god, not of childhood.

but before my own eyes i will see you becoming ofsomeone else and then go. amru you're still standing here,since when i called you! i am being asked to call thegroom immediately. now come. "come, my friend," "so that i may beholdthe blessed vision of you" "i stand in my doorway,watching for you" "my mind is filled withsuch a great yearning" khalsa belongs to lord.victory belongs to lord.

now bride's father willremove the groom's headgear. "whatever work you wish toaccomplish, tell it to the lord" "he will resolve your affairs; the trueguru gives his guarantee of truth" you shall taste the treasureof the ambrosial nectar" "the lord is themerciful destroyer of fear; now we will say a pray andseek permission from guru maharaj. the bride and the groom andand their parents will stand for that. others should sit as they are. blessed are those..who take the name of lord.

we now request the bride's fatherto hand over the veil to the bride. "the one you handed me over to." "i shall always hold his veil" "i have no complains, nanak." "i have left everything in your hands" now everyone is requested that we will be reciting the four vowspenned down by guru ram das. "recitation of holy book..." what's this, amru!what have you done?

you let go of the veil! no, amru. don’t touch the veil whichfell in lord's presence. neither the first vow will not beread again nor sung again. what are you saying, kammo? i have come here to marryyou with all the wedding guests wedding guests are the proofthat the wedding took place. so they also be the proof of the fact that the wedding didn’t take place.

but... but, kammo. sister, a person who couldn’t hold on tomy veil for a few moments how will he look after mefor the rest of my life? no, i cannot go throughwith this wedding. my veil automatically fell atlord's feet on its own. now he is my lord and my husband. kammo, my child! daughters are meant to be given away.

father... why do you think thatyour daughter is a burden? can’t you take this veil and tie a turban onyour daughter's head? as a son i will takecare of your home. and i will serve you as a daughter. form my side you are free. lest it be too late... go to your love.

as from today,i will belong to the lord. amru, it's command from the lord. now bow at lord's feetand bring your simran back. simran.. your love didn’t even let me completethe first vow with kammo. and my love... it has held my fingersand brought me here. now how will we knowwho loves whom more? the one who still considers childhoodmarriage to be true till today.

you are also right. but the one who has lefthis wedding and came to you.. won't you value him even a little? excuse me, where are you going?please come here. don’t worry about me. i've a big flowing cash, and good business. girls die for my look. lift the foot from the clutch andi'll show you the sight of chandigarh. "some take their dates fora ride on their open jeep" "some enjoy the sights at the lake"

"no one wants to go back to theirvillage.this is where they want to be" "it is responsibleof ruining jatt kids." "this chandigarh city!" "it is responsible forruining village kids." "they study in pu and form groups.they're always hovering around beauty" "they ride their bikes with pride" "they have a certain flair" "it is responsible forruining jatt kids." "this chandigarh city!this city is the hub of beauty"

"it is responsible for ruiningvillage kids.. this chandigarh city!" "they are already ready onthe route where girls frequent" "they openly sigh when see a beauty" "if they end up fighting." "then bullets are fired" "no studying, they only have fun" "they enjoy college lifeto the fullest" "they actually belong to." "firozpur city!"

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