new releases theater movies

new releases theater movies

life please.. please..patient...this way..side please please hurry up come on come my daughter.. sister, where is my daughter?what happen to her? please tell me. please,. be calm. nothing will happen to her. dont worry. i assure you. sister, can we see our daughter, please?she has been in the icu for 20 minutes.

nobody is allowed to see her.ohh god.. dear children,our school student liya isfighting to back to get her life. she is one among us.we will all pray for her. oh god jesus,please listen to our morning, in her school compound, our student liya, who met with a accident,please give her back to us. did you have tea?yeah, lets go and have tea. come on, yeah lets go daughter liya.. aunty.. dont worry..she will be alright.

what happened sister?she was hit by the school bus. she saw someone and was running toward themthen, driver was careless. at this timei am not able to give the details. alias uncle oh god, please save my liya chechi who is meenakshi?sister, how is my daughter? as of now, we cant say anything.first she asked about meenakshi that she wants to meet her.i am meenakshi can i see her?i am also coming, i want to see my daughter

i must see her. sorry, we cant allow all inside. only ican allow now whom she want meet first i dont care, i want see my daughterjust leave her.. sister please.. come..please listen to me.. sit down.. i will tell youdont make noise.... alright.. pappu, are you going to school for study orare you cleaning the entire school or what? i told you several times. really i am fedd up on you. this is the last warning. if you doing it again, i wont be buyingburgers and chochlates for you any more. you got it?got it..

i wanted to be very clean. thats whyi am everyday taking you to school. from tomorrow itself you come by walk school bus is there know? why do you want to make theschool bus also dirty? madam, is this your son's id card?yeah.. i got it from there..ohh thank you welcome..bye bye.. take care.. bye bye... clara aunty, before you going,

please soak this bacteriain some dettol water otherwise this house become very dirty. you have been insulting me for a long time. dont make me angry, okay? sorry my son..please forgive me..go and have shower... umm okay sudhi, where are you?i am on the way. should i buy something? nothing like that. you told me aboutthe party, right? are you not going?i will come home, freshen up and go umm yeah thats really good for many people are coming, right? darling.. cofee..yeah .. keep it there..

dont make it cool..hey dont go like that.. i want to teach your son.he has to do home work.. its his home work, right? why are yougetting tensed? do you think he is only my son?dont you have any problem with his studies? listen meenu.. you do something, know?everything is fun for you. do you know his last class test mark 21. wow, he got that much?dont be happy, got 21 out of 100. he is a small kid. let him playand let him learn while he growing up after a while, he will realize thathe needs education to succeed in life.

there is no point in you make him cant understand anything. first you have to think about yourself.thats right. i feel doing like something want to go to the party, right? go and have shower., .. go..hey dont push me. hey oh pappu, i told you right. i amreally fedd up on you. then you only write.what?.. write..write fast.. okay,you dont understand sudhi, one minute.yeah.. why you are wearing this t shirt?why? whats the problem?

nothing wrong. but we dont want this. listen meenu..this is good enoughno..please change will be good. hey hey..come on .. i need to go meenuchange it .. come on.. they are waiting there..this is not looking nice.. why you are not listening to me nowadays? hey, let me wear this it self..please change it fast sudhi.. you are wearing such a stupid t shirt.. oh,.. god .. its so difficult to bea husband one day, i will show you who i am.

you have taken one? here, . wear this. this willsuit you better than that. this colour?yeah.. whats wrong with this colour? nice color, know?come on meenu.. come on.. wear it fast..its already late.. now i got what you meant.lots of girls will be there know. what if they all like me? yeah.. that is the mainreason i told you to change sudhi, you wont apreciate good things.

i dont have any possessivenessregarding my husband. i just wanted you to wear amatching shirt. remove it if you dont like.dont feel bad my dear. dont touch me. what ever you gave me i haveworn that shirt. see, which ever shirt i weari look good. what can i do for that? you must be feeling bad know. your mom has been saying this same thingfor the past seven years.. dear, your dad is handsome, right?superb

correct..dont try to tease me. i will be waiting for you here dont come on four legs. alright, i will change the brand. pappu, do your home workokay.. see his looks.. staring at me..ummhe wont listen and he wont study himself. yeah meenu..sudhi, are you busy? what ever it, tell me fast.i want to talk about your son. today is pta meeting in his what?

principal requested both of us to come.oh i see.. i cant move right away from here.anyhow sudhi, you must go. how can i go from here?you do something about it. yeah, he is only my son, right?dont say like this,just do something. i dont know how i am going to facethat principal alone. hey, now how did you get the time?are you took the wrong way or what? he is not just your son, right? if you would have told me beforei would not have come. hmm, if i had not come here,night you wont let me sleep.

i think meeting has started.alright then, lets go.. dont laugh okay..(teasing) a school means not only for students.its an institution to be guided both by the parents and teachers. along with the teachers, its theresponsibility of the parents to bring up the children as good citizensin the society. while pushing a five year old child intothe world of alphabets and competions, parents should always remember one thing.the child's physical and mental problems should be realised by the parents than theteachers.this is very important.

busy schedule. both the husband and thewife are employed. they have cars and other facilities. but, i haven't seen thematleast once coming together to know about their child. both of them are always busy.and finally, to influence me or these teachers.. either one of them willcome running in life, husband and wife have equalresponsibilities. but many times, adapting the same resposibility in theirchild's life, many times i see them running away from their responsibility.this is the current state of life. let me say, today how many parents havetogether come here for this meeting. please lift your hands.

put the hand down.. all are watching.. learn from them. husband is a busy businessman. wife,chief executive of a softwear company. yet, they have come together to knowabout their child. i apreciate this their son is studying only for the pastone year in the school. there are children who are studyingfrom primary to plus two. senior students parents meet is onanother class room. but, i tell you, this husband and wife ismore concerened about their child than the parents whose children arestudying in plus two.

actually, this husband and wife is anexample and we should learn from them. we both came accidently..anyway it worked.. yeahh yeahh its super hit.. hey, alias,how come you are here? my daughter is studying plus two here.i came to pay fees. i aplied for leave.. no problem, parents should always givefirst priority to their kid. only then they become successful. meenu, this is alias. he is been workingfor dad for many years. for a while he was in chennai, its been one year, right?

yes sir, one year finished. this is my..i know.. i saw her during the wedding. she may not remember.. ok then..okay..okay.. byee.. he is an innocent guy..according to you all are good people. dont love too much.. i wonder how his salary is good enough forhis daughter to study here. she wont be like our son. she must'vestudied good. ohh really.. come on..

my dear meenu, what happened to you? did you fight with pappu?or do you feel like going to your mom's place tomorrow.come on meenu.. please talk something..what happened all of a sudden? instead of talking meaningless words sudhi, you forget everything very easily.what did i forgot? tell me you just try to think. wait there.. please avoid all this suspense..come on meenu..

what ever it is , just tell me. tomorrow is a special day.can you forget that. what so special? its just ananother wednesday. february 5th. its an ordinary day for you?its just.. meenu.. me.. meenu..meenu.. meenu please.. hi..what is this?you didn't go to office today? no, i took leave.. your mom told me you wontto the office today.

dont think unwanted things..what is this dear? we have to recieve what god gives us.its been six to seven years dear. you do one thing. my darlingyou go and give me a tea, otherwise , dont want..i will tell clara to give me a tea what to do?wait, i will make the tea.. meenu, what are you doing? hey..please talk to me.. i am not in a mood to talk now sudhi.. get ready quickly, we willpick our son from school and go for an outing..

i am not coming.. leave me alone.meenu please listen to me. .i told you know, i am not coming sudhi.. no need to say anythingi am coming there right now.. please talk to me something my dear daddy came today.hmm anything special.. did balakrishna kaimal bring something for you. jack fruit jam..then you must be happy.. meenu.. , daughter of balakrishna kaimal. listen pappu, do we have anyonecooking dream things for us?

i have a dad..he doesnt even buy me a tea.. what?.. sir i am calling from cooperate hospital.what happened? our alias had a chest pain. he is beenadmited here. you stay right there..i will come right away what happened?alias had a chest pain.. he is admitted in the hospital.we should go there.. hey.. no need to get up..lie down and take rest. dont worry.. hey, please come out..

are you meena..?yes.. i have heard about you. what did doctors say?they didn't say anything.. 24 hour observation..what ever we can do we should do.. i have seen you before.yeah i know exam is going on, right?yes.. alias uncle, we are friends.we used to meet in the school.. alias,we are leaving now. what ever youneed, let me know. hameed will be here. youshould be happy, alright.

you should need some rest, thats all. sir, i want tell yousomething very personally come, we will wait out sidecome dear... come.. lets stand out side.. what happened? what do you want?tell me. sir, i am really scared of this nightwhat for? i think, i may leave soon.some kind of intuition when i see the faces standing around me,my fear is increasing. particularly, my daughterswhy are you thinking all these things?

just for a chest pain, you shouldnot think all this.. no, my wife anna, my daughter..i got only my family.. no relatives.. no friends.. when i look at my daughters face,i am breaking sir. sir, please do me a favour. can you take my daughter away from will happen if madam thinks.. what are you saying?sir please.. dont tell me no. i told you, i dont have anyone to tell. can we come inside?

we are leaving now.sir.. alias uncle, see you later.aunty, we are leaving.. dear, no need to worry okay..ok sudhi, she is an innocent girl, right?exams are going on.. i think she is looking very pitty. if you are feeling that bad thenask her to come.. are you serious?umm i will call hersee if she wants to come? really?yeah i am serious..

then i go and call her.hey.. meenu,.. aunty, i came back to tell you something. if you don't mind, can you pleasesend your daughter with me.. its nothing else.. exams are coming, right?let her away from this hospitals atmosphere nothing to worry,.. i will take care of her ohh why should you.. madam is calling with affection..she is not a stranger.. she is sudhi sir's wife..i wont go..

dont tell like that dear please come... come... you should go..what are you talking papa.. you dont liten to me dear.. she is calling you because she loves should go.. come on get down.. come dear/.. i forgot to take my bag.. yeah,,. here is your bag..thanks..

thats okay... come on you come.. liya .. you can use this bed like the room.? give it to me.. come on..this is rest water and hot water is available,.. you can use either of them.. let me go..its time for me tofight with pappus he is also like his lazy as his father.. you dont have any dress to change? second.. let me check..

if you are lucky...i may have somethingfor you here how is it?... look at this..this is my youngest sister's.. it might fit you well. take it.go and fresh up fast.. we will have the dinner, okay.. oh my god, i dont know why this clara auntyalways makes ladies finger kurma. always the same dishes.. i dont know how i am goingto serve this food to guests success..thank god.. i am happy now.. okay hameed, i will call you back, bye..

liya, nothing to worry. hameed calledfrom hospital. your dad is alright now.hewill get discharge tomorrow happy now..? sister, can i get the phone?i want to call mom. yeah, ofcourse. tell me the no9895689666 yeah.. its ringing. take it.. mom i am hungry.. who's no is this?meenakshi aunty's. how is pappa? he is sleeping. nothing to said he will be discharged tomorrow they sent you because of thepresent situation.

not only that, when they say, we cant deny. your father immediately said yes. its okay mama. i willcome home after school. meenakshi aunty gave me dresses to wear. alright. but, tomorrow afterschool you should reach. okay mama..then mama. this is a big has got many rooms.. liya,tell me, did you like the food? she just started to eat.she will definitely like it. when i married her, the only dowrythat i got was our cook clara.

she has been most helpfulfor a long time now. yeah, parents who love their kids, only dogood things which is useful to their kids but, what happened to my parents?sudhi,dont start again. you carry on dear. we are like dont mind ok. have it baby..enough.. little more..have it..what are you looking.. eat.. i am eat properly.. ok.. what you think sudhi? thinking of going to the bathroom right nowi dont know why? may be its acidity..

thats a regular thing..i asked what you think about that girl? nothing much.. she is very innocent.yeah, very innocent girl. the moment i saw her,i liked her very much. sudhi... sudhi..why cant we make her stay here and study. oh sure..we can do that.. its not needed. why meenakshi?we cannot take that risk. what risk is there involvedif you do like that? pappu also likes her. he always like girls.. you know that..yes, he is your son, right?

whats wrong with this breed?no problem dear.. two days before class teachertold me something about your son. he said i love you to a girl in his class.and then.. then what? that girl said i hate youand hit him with a book on his head poor kid , he was crying all the night.i applied balm and made her sleep. these things are not reaching your head. where are you going? come here..wait .. let me see whether she has slept. ii will come now. what dear, what happened?

what happened liya?i am not able to sleep.. why so?i am scared .. there is nothing to scare can sleep well. at home i always sleep with mom..this is the first time.. dont worry.. you dont have tosleep here alone. i will come now.. i will sleep with you..ok lights are not turned off..sorry aunty,,.. okay.. bye dad ...bye..bye.. bye aunty...

wait wait.. ok.. its ok now..thanks.. ok bye.. lets go.. sudhi you might havethought i have gone crazy. isn't it?hey i wont think like that. because i know that.. its not a joke sudhi..i dont know why i like her so much.. i haven't loved anyone like this before. otherwise just think. i went to thehospital ask them to leave her with me.. eventhough, they didn't know me well.they happily allow me to take her home.

sudhi,, i dont know.. i started to forgetsomething when i saw her. i think i got some connection with her. yeah,, yeah.. even i felt that..umm your dad balakrishnan had some businessin fort kochi, right? prawns export..that must be a reason.. why are you telling me that? thats why you felt you have some relationship with that girl. you open your mouth to talk dirty things.what to do? dont laugh okay..

oh my dear.. gayatri.. your mother told me you are in theinternet through out the night did you learn anything?you will become very weak, right? take.. deepika.. love is good.. if you bunk the tuition andgo to theater, you will feel sometimes good but when the result, thatwill not be so good. ok.. take..thank you miss

ashwin..come come.. when you create sex messages in yourmobile, jus a little bit of concentration you can achievebecause you are an intelligent boy i have also read some of your messages.thank you... okay... liya,..see can see in this paperfull marks.. liya's parents are poor. they are workinghard for her education. she is coming in benze car like you people. all you have more facilities than her,but mark is very less.. this time also liya isfirst in the class. good

thank you miss.. hello sudhi.. tell me.. i have a meeting in mumbai of our clients have come from dhubai when are you leaving?there is a flight at 4 o clock anyhow you are going to mumbai i heard that devaki aunty's daughter is notcoming to native for her delivery. cna you please go there and enquireabout her health.. i am going for company meeting.tell clara, not to go home today, okay.. its our devaki aunty..

you and your devaki aunty..keep the phone now hello.. who is this?its me meenakshi sorry..madam i didn't recognise..anna aunty why you calling me madam. you can call me just can i call like that,.. what madam.. if you dont call me like that,i never call you its okay,.. how is alias uncles health? now he is fine ..but he is not willingto take rest.. who is it?meenakshi.. wheere is liya?she is next to me.i will give to her. speak

what news liya?i am ok aunty.. what are you doing aunty?what to do dear? i am sitting idle. sudhi uncle has goneto mumbai.. he will be back only bytomorrow evening.. so you are alone aunty?clara aunty is here.. but i wish if you wouldhave been here with me. now i really miss you what ever happens, certainly i will reachyour home tomorrow. we will go for a ride.. i have to ask mom..yeah, you can ask your mom.

if she didn't allow, i will ask herits ok, i will tell her okay, then you go to sleep..i will come in the morning .. good night.. good night aunty.. ohh come come.. i doubted whether you understood theaddress correctly. you didn't have any problem, right?hey nothing nothing.. okay,,. sit sitits okay aunty, we dont have time to sit.. if we get in traffic block, you cantreach on time.. hey alias uncle, where are you going?i am going to the office, its late..

just two days back you got dischargefrom the hospital.. and you are going for work..what is this uncle? now i am alright madam.uncle you are not going today. dont tell me like that madam.i have lots of work.. ohh can you just stop calling me madam.i hate it.. eventhough, sudhi is your boss, his wife become a friend of your daughter liya then why can't you consider me as yourfamily member. i...dont tell me anything. i will call hameed and are not going today..

no madam dont tell me anyhting,just listen to me, ok oh you are ready, is it? as soon as she came you are ready.just a minute.. dont you think that we should give acup of tea for her. please sit down..come on aunty..i dont want tea.. we dont have time to wasteisn't it liya? yes aunty you are right.. aunty, tomorrow is a holliday.can i take liya home with us

why should you.. that will be troublefor you.. why these formalities aunty? please giveme the permission to take liya home even then..if madam is willing, let her go.. its meenakshi.. not madam..okay.. then shall we move aunty?ok uncle.. ok.. come come lets go..ok uncle .. bye.. hurry up... arrived? hey pappu.. dont i wont stop

hey pappu..give your grandfather a kiss. see the generation gap.. who is this? dad, when did you come?i just came.. dad, why didn't you call me? its a holliday, i thought let you enjoy it. when i came here clara gave me a coffee..i drank that, read the news paper and slept when i heard your car noise, i woke up..come inside dad who is that girl?

she is sudhi's employee alias's unclesdaughter. she is a very innocent girl.. why she is here..? just like that, she isstudying in pappu's school she is a matured girl.. be careful.. okay.. may i leave..why are you leaving so urgently? i came to the civil station here..on the way i just came here.. i promised your mother thati will take her to the temple today.. okay then i will leave tell sudhi i have enquired ..its been long that i have met him

i will tell .. hello darling, i didn't bring you hometo do all this work.. keeping this in thecupboard is not a big work when sudhi is in good mood he usuallyhelp me doing like this. sudhi is a very nice charector..see he is tolerating me right? what is this aunty? girl baby's dressthis is very nice.. give it to me.. why are you taking all this? aunty.. just like..

aunty.. please dont cry.. i suddenly...okay its ok...sorry dear.. why are you crying aunty? liya, my first baby was not was a baby girl.. when i was pregnant,sudhi was confidentthat it would be a girl child toys and baby dresses, we purchased a lot.. only 4 days my daughter was alive i couldn't even see her aunty..

aunty.. its ok... sometimes i am like this my daughter left me the same day yourfather got admitted in the hospital its been 7 years she left me and gone.. and there is a daughter for you aunty now,aunt please dont cry..please.. liya.. go and have your bath quickly,i got roasted prawns for you.. liya, you are here. meenu musthave not let you go,right? no.. no..

sudhi.. did you go to devaki aunty's house? i went there.lekha is fine..her due date is next month some kind if water delivery or something what?hey delivery will happen in water she is preparing for that now umbilical cord was the special thingeven thats solved now.. go manhey pappus.. this is the flight in which pappa came,when i landed i brought it for you sudhi..

its a herbal powder,. you wont get coldwhat am i? a small kid sometimes you behave like a child if you come quickly, you will get dinner.. liya, start eating..sudhi.. hey what is this?noodles and soup.. dont laugh..liya like it this way.. you can eat or you can drink.. two in one ..good.. but, there is no development forour clara aunty, right?

she is doing something or the other. and then, leaves by six o clock for home you have to toleratate.. why is he not eating? he wanted can i make soup so late in the night. what happened liya?nothing.. you are not here.. do you have a boyfriend in school? sudhi, will you keep quiet.she doesnt have anything like that.

please dont try to spoil her..okay.. hey, can you tell somethig?whats that? this house is empty withoutour daughter we should not let her go again. its true that he is your boss.they might look after her well even then, i feel awkword meenakshi has got specialaffection for girl child first she delivered a girl childthat baby survived only for few days after that baby's death, meenakshi wasdisappointed and was sitting at house

she started to go for work onlybecause of sudhi's compulsion.. i see.. i think it was when i was working in themadras factory oh god .. what a pitty..i didn't know about this incident.. thats why i am sending her when sherequests even i miss our daughter..she is going to come tomorrow pappus, stop..sorry.. liya, you woke up earlyyou and pappu wear sleeping thats why i didn't wake you upyou were not scared last night, right?

no..i will go to the temple and come today, my mom's birthday,if i wait for sudhi, temple will be closed. i will be back soon.. be ready liya..clara aunty will give you coffee sorry.. i thought you are meenu.. sorry sorry.. sorry.. liya,.. liya..liya... i did it by mistake..please dont tellit to meenakshi.. are you listening to what i am saying?

i wont tellthanks.. what is this? you haven't got ready yet? if you keep sleeping like thisyou will become very lazy i have been watching you few dayseating less.. sleeping more.. this is also a kind of disease.. why didn't you drink coffee? i understood one did't got to bathroom also.. if you stop such habits, my work will become less what should i buy for mom?

she has many keral sarees this time i will buy a silver boarderkerala sari for her tell me something, sudhiyou do as your wish.. thats not fair. till her last birthday youused to select gift for her. now what happened? meenu please, i cant thinkof anything right now yeah, you dont understandwhen ever i talk about my family ok do onething, silver boarder is a verygood selection.. then you stop there. here is a newshop on this road

sudhi, you drop liya at the time i select sari for mom liya, convey my regards to mom..i wanted to take you with me.. and introduce you to my mom but, what to do. today you have tuition,right? we will go some other day bye please please.. go with i wanna come with you let me go out.. come with me.. i forgot youdont listen to me why are you looking at me likethis, liya?

please talk something to me i appologised for what i did, right? alright, if you dont wanna talk thendont talk.. but for all these reasons you should notstop coming home.. meenu is very happy to see you.. its like i got my old meenu back you should forget everything.. i love you.. sudhi, where are you?

i am.... minute.. what happened? ohh god i am in mattanchery right now.why are you going to mattanchery? i am in mg road, right?i will ..i will come immediately.. come soon..okayif you have time, can we have some juice? just come fast ok. you want juice huhh? yeah.. he is here.. just hold on hello..hello.. who is this?its me liya.

liya, why did you call?hey nothing like that.. i just wanted to call you..thats it. i got the no from my dad. where are you calling from? i am calling you from the coin booth.its near to our school.. ok then..dont hang up the phone.. dont trouble me like this, please.. these days phone gets cut frequently.i asked them to repair it who said its phone's complaint?then..

whats this? this is id.. need your signature.. what do you want meenu?sudhi, you had lunch oh god , i am not hungry now what do you want?sir, i want your signature what do you want, hameed?your pen just leave it there.. where is your boy friend? i haven't seen him for long time

yeah.. may be he will comme now.. why do you want to continue thisrelation. he is not at all fit for you.. my dear friend has no restrictionage, beauty, money, nothing matters love its a kind of happiness if you dont know the speciality of googleand facebook, you wont understand all this i was curious to know.. you know something, when i was studyingin 7th standered, shaji came to work in a hotel near our house. since my mom wasbusy with work, many days we didn't cook food at home. i keep going to the hoteland finally i fell love with shaji

today i am sixteen years old, shaji is thirty years old, even then many times like a married couple we both..ohh i dont want to here.. now, shaji bought an autoriksha with hisown money, he is a very good driver i just spoke about him,my romeo is here hey, i am going,..okay.. hi aunty, what are you doing?what will i do? i have some office work to do..finishing it from home had your dinner?i had aunty tell your mom, i will come home forlunch for one day.

anyway, i am going to invite youall for this christmas you want me to wait for till christmasno nothing like that.. sudhi uncle has slept?i think he is slept if he is not yet slept, please givehim a special good night yeah definitely.. are you slept? liya had called why are you shocked for that?get me that water.. what did she say?she told me to give you a special goodnight she is very innocent girl , right?

sudhi..can i ask you something?what is it? dont you need to get a hair cut?i will cut my hair tomorrow yes, sure hello,its me.. yeah, i understood. why are you calling me?please leave me alone i felt like calling you. so i that wrong? yeah its wrong.. ignore all your feelingand then call. then only i can talk to you properlywhy dont you come to drop pappu? i was waiting for you.are you scared of me?

meenu said she will drop himi will never be a burden for you. please give a permission to keepwatching you from far away.. what are you talking liya?you should not even think like that i only have meenakshi aunty to tellmy problems. but i cant say all these things to her. oh my god! please dont tell her all this no.. i love you..i love you so much.. hello. , what?sudhi, are you free now? yeah yeah.. i am can tell me

pappu's annual day, and rekha's weddingthen some causuals. need to go for shoping urgentlyi am free now. can you please come with me? sorry, i have a lot of work can buy what ever you want and one more thing, take pappu along withyou. even otherwise, you are very busywhen it comes to me if you want you come what happened madam, youare in mood off how do you know that? nothing... i was just...

don't you have any work now?are you free now? ohh i am freei see you close this file as soon as possible. go go and finish it..please carry on.. thank you hey, why are you here?you want to do shoping.. i just it so? do you think this is a park to visit?what a humoursense pappu shoud compete in some comedy show.

why to participate in a comedy show?my life itself is a comedy show. you know that right? okay, tell me how do you knowthat i am here this is the only shop where discountsale everyday. dont tease me ok tell me do you like this shirt?i didnt know this scheme exists.. aunty, how is this shirt?oh my god yeah its very nice..yeah really good. it will suit you well..

i took liya along with pappufrom the school for the last few days i was thinkingto purchase some dresses for her where is it? i have selected adress for her.. meenakshi.., meenu.. i need to go will come home, right? oh,, my dear sudhi, i am coming tohome only.. if you are so busy, thenwhy did you come its high time to put someice cubes on your head.. okay.. go then..and drop liya on your way..

i will be bit late.. can't you tell me something?or else i am not going i will go later.. aunty, if i am late mummy will scold me please sudhi, just drop her okay you can come liya, collect your dress from the counterokay dont forget.. bye,..bye.. sudhi uncle,what? why are you not talking?what do you want me to say?

i am really scared to see you now why you are scared of me? because i openly confessed whatis there in my mind.. thats not i am saying liya how will i make you understand?i can understand everything you should forget all thisyou should not think about all this you should focus about your studies can i tell you something?i love you so much.. i cant never ever forget youno liya.. please.. i am a family man

sudhi, what happened to you sudhi?you look gloomy get me some tea night.. tea.. this is a new habit.. ok then..i will make some tea.. tea...why you havent changed the dress yet? what happened sudhi, tell me?nothing..i am having head ache.. how did this button broke?it happened in the morning.. morning it was there, right?then i dont know when it broke but how come it broke?

sudhi, come here..what? it was a nice shirt.. we need toalter this..take it.. i know that you dont have any secretsto hide from me, right? but, something now you are hidingfrom me.. may be i am you think that i am only your wife? i am your friend also, right? why are you so tensed?you can share with me, right? meenu, please.. just leave me i want to know the reason.. please leave me alone for some times

where are you going?you only told me to leave you alone,right? think youself, till the morning you can think, i wont disturb you meenu..a businessman will have a lot of tension in between if you get some time,please consider this poor girl, goodnight whole night you were thinkingand didn't you get the answer yet.. are you not going office today?after some time today is school leave, i also took leavei would like to go my home tell me you have time for it?i have a meeting at noon discussion of a branch openingat abroad

when ever i ask to go my home,the people come from south africa and ethiopia for the meeting, right?i know purposefully you are doing. hey, meenu..its not like thati am saying the truth you take our son and go.. this is the matter of poor man's food, right? i will go home alone. if you are going tostay here, you are not going to get the tea clara aunty is on leave today i will leave right now. and you should come back by evening i am really admire of your love..i love you sudhi,..

what happened ? are you scared?hey, nothing.. pappu,..pappu you finished bath.? what?what is this? you dont want me to come here your mannerisms have changed.where is meenakshi aunty? she has gone to her place.clara aunty is not here? clara.. aunty..she is on leave today..what is this? bread and duck gave it..what happened? are you on leave today? i need to go now.. sudhi uncle, why are you avoiding melike this

have you ever thought of meany time? my love is true.. i am in a different world now..not only my mind..even my body.. you only taught me to recognise..dont tell me that you dont like me for me meenakshi aunty is everythingbut, sudhi uncle is something so different and special for meplease trust me nothing gonna change my love for youyou want know how much i love you.. liya dont do this.. you are repeatingthe same mistake sudhi uncle...liya no liya no... liya dont do it..

liya.. dont cry.. please..please liya.. i love you sudhi uncle..i love you..i love you i love you,.. liya... sir, they are waiting..why havent you come yet? hameed, somehow handle them..i am having head ache.. i cant come there now sir, today meeting should happen..somehow manage them, alright. okay sir.. liya, you dont feel guilty at allwhy feel guilty?

i dont know anythingbut thanks.. thanks.. for what?for everything i am a manbut, is all men are like this? having no control, i dont know. you should leave right now..meenu will come anytime okay..i will go.. but.. before that..what? hi liya..when did you come?i dont want to miss the tuition thats why i didnt call you..she just came now.. sudhi, what about your meeting?its postponed, i am having head ache

are you ok, come. i will apply the balm.. why your eyes are filling?cos of head ache shall i go aunty?what you talking? you going come inside..tomorrow is sunday, right?i will call anna aunty.. come inside.. come meenu, let her go..i will decide.. she is my kid..come on baby come dear... come on..he will talk like that.. what do you want?sir, i need your signature in this somehow i managed them..tomorrow they wanna meet you.. thanks..its been a long time you didn't come here

i was busyhow is all at home.. yeah all are fineyou can go, confirm the meeing for tomorrow okay.. okay sir..ok... ok sudhi,.. come .. you will get cold.. dont think that i didn't see anything . nowadays sudhi, you are not takingfood properly.. you were eating 10 chappathis and four eggsin the night. but, nowadays you are eating very less...if you continue like this, you will be in big trouble my darlingyou dont worry, i know how to handle this

eat this, you should eat what ever i give..i fedd one and made him sleep, next is you liya, you enjoying this, right?dont tell all this things to your mom hey liya, i am talking to youyou got sudhi's fever no, nothing like that auntyif its not, then good what happened?give me some water.. take it.. sudhi uncle..sudhi uncle,...sudhi uncle... what?come on meenakshi..come soon

where do you want me to go?lets go.. sir,please sit.. what happened sir? are you not comingto the office? lots of work is pending i will take care that,you tell me why you came for i want your signature, and please checkthis report. if you need some changes.. sir, what happened to you?you need to only worry about office matters you dont need to know about mypersonal life sorry sir..ok sir hameed, wait.. i am in some mood off, sorryyou know me well, right?

i know sir, but you have changed a lotlately. you are in some tension.. but, i didn't realize that. i am sorrybye sir.. yeah, you can go there. i will pick our sonsudhi, where are you? i am just leaving from office.. what happened?..what happened? what are you hiding from me?what is this? why did you do this? for this pain, i can feel somehappiness... you keep giving me a painful happinessi are loving me so much eventhough its painful, right?yes, its paining..but then..

food is ready..if you eat ican wash the dishes i am not should see the doctor tomorrow no other way sudhi..ok go and sleep nothing can change my love for youyou want to know how much i love you sudhi,..even i can understand somethingwhat? you are in a deep thought. some tension isdisturbing you. you managed it so many days without telling me. sudhi, you have changeda lot. eventhough, i dont have any issues i am praying. everything will change.sorry go to sleep. once, i too was are the one who rescued me from that

shall i serve breakfast?no need.. what is this? you are wearing a full sleevshirt which you dont like.. just for a change for a few days iwill wear full sleeves when do you start doing thingwhich you dont like? we can easily recognise our personality that recognition may reduce yourmental stress listen my dear.. i simply wore thisdont tell all this in the morning pappu ready..come moms are supposed to take care of childrendont trouble me..

you should go and drop him at school yeah.. this is nice..its good quality..there should be some duration to enjoy this is only 3 or 4 seconds..i dont want see it hey, liya is comingwhat are you doing here? hey something is wrong there is nothing dearplease show me also.. what?mobile who told you we got mobile?why are you telling me lies? please what happened to you?

once you complainedabout us to the teacher and we got the suspension.isthat not enough sorry, this time i wont complain..promise.. then,.. here .. take it..what happenedto you? are you trapped some where.. take this mobile.. it has got 500 videos.. i dont know how to see..see like this.. hello..meenu, i just left the office, i will pick up pappu from the school.sudhi, what happened to you? ok bye..

how come sudhi become like this listen, pappu will come now. beforethat keep this in bag.. what is this?its a mobile phone i wanna talk to you..otherwise i cant live thanks.. i was about to aski have been thinking a lot about this then i boughtpappu is coming.. see you tomorrow i am going ..bye.. i will call you in the evening in that phone. ..ok.. hey pappuu come come..

i am really happy..i can talk to you whenever i like there is a cold breeze hereis it there? i am not out side. i am in the room.then look through that window there will be cold breezeyes a small breeze.. do you feel cold? shall i come there?the breeze is flowing very slow, right? liya, meenu aunty is calling you..meenakshi aunty is calling in mom's phone i will call you later. ok please.. all this shirts are matching you well sudhiyou kept it away for sometime

from today onwards, you wearfull sleeves only what happened?hey, nothing eventhough you didn't shave, by day, you becoming very very young. mentaly and physically..good boy.. come on.. sit leaving with outeating breakfast.. come ..sit here clara aunty didn't make this..i woke up in the morning and made your favourite breakfastso you must eat.. sometimes even meenakshi canmake good things. i realized it can i ask you something?how much do you like me sudhi?

why are you asking me like this?its been two three days in the sleep you were telling that you love me so much.thats why i asked is that only in dreams? or else do youreally love me in real life why are you talking like this?hey, nothing. because i am happy you are loving me so much, isn't it? did pappu have breakfast?yeah he had. he is ready. yeah he is coming pappu ready.. i dont know dad, he is murmoringsomething in his sleep he is not eating properly.. i doubtwhether he is going to the office or not

you should have settle thingsin the right way. he didn't hide anything from you, isn't it.then, why he is like this i dont know.. but sometimes he lovesme a lot that time i think why i am getting tensed.but that is not the thing in your life even your parents doesn't havea chance to advice you because you guys understand each otherso much, you know clearly what happened between you both. but, you just pretendthat you dont know. tell me the truth what happened?nothing is there dad his charector has changed a lotthats what i asked? whats the reason?

meenu, you know the reasoni doubt sudhi have an affair with the girl. which girl?you saw a girl that day. that girl liya.. is that only your doubt or..its not a doubt dad but true.. dont cry his sleep he is talking about her only he is hurrying to drop pappu at schoolbecause he can meet that girl there now he had written her name on his hand.i cant understand anything dad.. as you said sudhi has changed a lot.what happened to him? i had already warned you.i am not accusing you she was like a daughter to me.thats for you.

but sudhi might not have think like that girl's mind you are not her mother things may not happen as we expect. eventhe own son will not do the right things we should not give others over freedomin our house. dad.. what will i do now?be cool..use your brain there is no point in blaming sudhi or thatgirl. you just think.. who invited her here and give freedomup to the bed room dear, dont cry.. i will call him later.if we are not doing things wisely, its your own should be very careful today we are going to learn nuclear fusion.okay

you may please note. two light elementsof law energy, that combines to form a single nucleus...liya...stand up.. you are supposed to be first in the were model for everyone in the class these days i have been noticing you,what happened to you? you were in some other world..look .. final exam is coming.. liya, are you deaf or what? what is that? give me that.. you have complained me about childrenwho are bringing mobile to the class.. get out..get out of my class..

wait a i am not taking you to the principal you know the cosequences if i take youto him, right? take this also.. you should not enter my class without my permission. you may go now.. why did you want to see me?nothing important. i just want to see you you didn't have class today?i took leave afternoon. i am not feeling good . lets go..where do you wanna go? where ever.. what happened to you? i dont wannasee you like this. why did you call? shall we go somewhere far.what happened?

you are not liking this climate or.. what?sudhi uncle, shall i ask you something? sure..cant you marry me? what? what did you just say?i asked, cant you marry me? so that i can see you when ever i want.what stupidity are you saying? you know, i can never do that, right?why cant you think that? i am not in a possition to should not think all these things then, why did you love me?i was living with out any thoughts. you only changed me like this.

have i ever told you thati am gonna to marry you so you were cheating me, right? tell mecheating, what are you saying? i don't know liya..we are repeating the same mistakes i am not the only one repeating themistakes..i am a poor one you cheated me..dont cry.try to understand what i am saying somehow, we reached this stage..lets continue the same way please, i cant do what ever you asking me to do no, i am leaving..leave me alone. liya... hey please dont go..liya..liya please...

why cant you understand my stage?can you leave me and go? i am in the same position. thats whyi asked you.. please dont trouble me any more.if everyone comes to know about this, then i cant even liveplease liya... we didn't have much patience or control.thats why we became like this. i am going. madam, i saw sudhi sir on the way.sir was not alone. who was with him?one school girl, she was crying on the road sudhi sir looks like he was requestingsomething to her because of that situation, i didn't talkto him. i.. i just came and.. how is it?

madam, dont tell sudhi sir that i came andtold you all this.. just get lost man.. excuse me..hameed..where is sudhi? he is not attending my call.he is not here madam. where did he go?hameed, sit down you should not mistake me if i tell yousomething. sir has been on leave for few days.when i asked him about it, he shouted at me these days i talk to him about office things at road and beach. sometimes he doesnt pick my calls.and then he calls back

dont think that i am complaining to you.he should not know about this no hameed , nowadays sudhi has got sometensions. its because of our family issues its ok. it will dont mind hameed. okay madam why you are lying here?why you are lying here? why are you not attending the calls?i didn't see why are you not going to the office?i dont feel like going for the last few days, you did'nt havethe mood. thats why you didn't go to office then, to where are you going in the morningwhere ever i feel like,

you go and do your job. i know how tohandle my business. yes, i am only looking after my things.i didn't know that to care my husband is wrong. you were not like this before.what happened to you suddenly? tell me the truth, sudhi. to where are yougoing from here telling that you are going to the office. you are going to the parkand beach. are you mad sudhi? yes, i am mad.. i am mad..i am mad.. yes mad..who am i to you sudhi?tell me..tell me.. tell me.. do you think i am just only a sex toy? meenu i am sorry.. i never beat you tillnow. i dont know what ha happened to me

i am a woman..and your wife..i know about my self i know what happened..i have the ability to understand meenu... its my mistake...but.. i didn't expectyou to be this cheap, sudhi did you ever thought of me or our son?what you thought and did? did you atleast realise that itsa big mistake? she was like a daughter to me. but yousudhi.. how can you do that. shame on you when i realized things, i was silently crying alone.. when i saw her name on your hand,i know that you put her in your heart too

but, not even once, i went away from you.even that time just like a fool i was standing with you. the things you are doingcant be tolerated by any wives. you should understand that...but, i will never hate you sudhi.. what did you get from her that i didn'tgive you?.... love ...or... meenu, please dont can i? its been two days his phone is switcched off. where is he?what happened to him? i dont know anything.nothing will happen..he may be guilty as we know all the mattes. thats all. he maywant keep away for a few days. thats all he could only do that. he will come back.i am sure about it.

if we enquire in otherways, it wil be a shame for us. we dont wish topublish what we know i called him a few days rang, but he didn't attend we have to wait untill he comes.did you call that girl? i am not in a position to call her.if i call, that wont be nice.. you dont call dad. poor thing. let her liveits not like that. you should meet that girl. dont tell her sudhi is missing. sometimes, she can give you some important clues. you should becalm and quiet when you talk to her her parents should not know about this.i dont know. i cant do it

only you can do that. try tounderstand meenu.. ohh its you.. you are not seen herenowadays. what happened? i was bit busy.liya told us that we should invite you, sir and son for christmas.where is liya? she is inside. i think she is sleeping.nowadays, she is complaining about freequent head ache. i took her to thehospital. shall i call her? its ok. i will go and see her.ok. its been a few days that we met. one minute. shall i make some teayeah aunty, as your wish aunty.. are you feeling better?did sudhi call you?

no.. you had a fight?no we didn't fight without knowing anything i dragged you to my family life.. you were like a daughter to know that liya.. actualy, you are not a are grown up a lot. i couldn't understand that. my fault..please forgive me.. but, i can understand you very well.because i am a woman. ok bye.. hey.. aunty.. aunty please stop..aunty..aunty stop there...

sudhi stop dont want this sudhi.sudhi please listen to me, come back.. come back sudhi..come fast sudhi,.. hello, is hameed there?he is leave for two days.. dad, this is sudhi.i understand.. where is meenu? she is not there at homeor office i want to talk alot of things to you.but, this is not the time for that meenu called me from the, what happened to her? she said there was an accident at school.i was at thrichur. i am going to ernakulam now, in a few minutes i will reach there.if you are interested,

go there and please enquire. what happened to our son?what happened to him? what happened to our son? how can you leave us like this.. what happened meenu?no.. nothing.. the end

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