new releases on movies

new releases on movies

pass it. fast. tackle it. come- hey this side.. go forward.- come on. what are you doing pass it.- pass.. this side.. this side. pass it.- pass it buddy.. shoot..shoot..

this way..quickly. ball.. get some more. why so late?- mom wouldn't let me go out. fine..get the stuff. no, father.i'm studying with my friends. i'll come home in the morning. okay, father. so..not going home tonight?

if i go home like thisthey will throw me out. i'll go in the morning. 'these boys indulge ineverything except for studying.' 'drugs, alcohol,eve-teasing, hooliganism..' '..tarnishing their honor.' 'there are no ill deedsthese boys haven't done.' 'they set out of their homesusing college as an excuse.' 'but frankly..they are out oftheir parents and society's control.' how are you?

great.- is your bike not working? yes. let me introduce you,he's my friend anand. - hi. hello.- hi.. just a minute. yes, riya. where are you?i've been waiting for so long. i'll go alone.- no-no-no, wait there. i am on my way, don't worry.i'll be there shortly.

okay, come soon. sorry, but i must go. wait, at least have a cup oftea with us. - no, i'm getting late. let's smoke.- i am getting late. okay brother. bye.bye. okay..enjoy. go.- see you.. why is he in such a hurry?- his girlfriend's waiting for him. see you in the evening.

when will we get a beautiful gal?- we won't. we'll have to get one for ourselves. he's coming. the prey is coming towards the trap. we're going to have fun today. - hide. this is such a weird place.can we go someplace else? don't be scared. the tsunamiwreaked havoc on this place. even the police don't come here.- okay. come on..come on.

we have our prey. see..we have full privacy.- yes. didn't i tell you? who are you? leave me. what are you doing? help! stop screaming. save me.

go on..hurry up. happy new year! stop being a hero..andhold the steering. there's a car coming our way. look out.. happy new year!- hold the steering! happy new year, brother. bloody rascal,are you out of your mind. he's blessing you on new year.

show me your license.- let it be, sir. it's new year. happy new year to you.- show me your license. show me the papers.- happy new year! you just got me soberagain with all that screaming. happy new year sudha. i am on the beach. see you in two minutes.hang up. two minutes..meaning youwill get us in an accident again. let me get off. there's no time,get off if you want to.

grandpa, wait for me,i am coming up to join you. hey.. happy new year!- happy new year! let him get off. careful. free booze will do this to you, son. sit-sit.. sit.. spray some water on his face,he'll feel better.

give him some lime as well. you should drink milk. why do you drink so muchwhen you're not used to? happy new year my friend. happy new year sudha!- thanks. remember i told you..that's him. mister, why did you snatchballoons from my child. - hello, sir. who is she?- take it back, sorry. it was a mistake.

don't you have any sense? does he..wasting his time for you. she wanted to see my face on new year,so.. - nonsense. i never said that.- you did. don't lie.- don't fight. you said you wanted to meet me. and asked me to meet you at midnight. what nonsense.- now he'll tell everyone. jiva, will you attend our wedding?

if you don't attend my wedding,i will kill you. i want to keep living. give it to me.just give it to me. yes.. got it? better? this won't cover for a single bottle. and plus we need to buy cigarettes,snacks and soda. let it be.

we'll settle forcountry booze this time. jiva.- where is he? jiva, come here today's party has been arranged for.i'm going to make him pay for it. come back. sit. shirt's looking nice.- thanks, when did you guys get here? 30 years ago.- forget it. friends, today's eveningis dedicated to jiva.

what did you say? was that a joke?- that was definitely a joke. you have money, don't you? you want money for partying,don't you?- yes. wait.. what? looking for a financer? why didn't you bring reema along? sudha. sudha.- what?

come here. i'll just come.- okay. what happened? sit-sit..- sit. we want money.- what for? for drinking? you're asking mefor money on my wedding? should i ask your mother instead? or your mother-in-law?

will you give us money?- i won't. you won't. i won't.- let's go guys. jiva. see..she's scared. what?- please don't come back. we'll distribute the food to the poor. listen. you're asking money from a we look like beggars?

do you want money or not?- it spoils our reputation. only for those who have a reputation. i thought i'll drinkand dance at the wedding. forget it..- i had plans to get drunk. you fool..will youget a reward for it. we'll manage with whatever we have. who is that girl? which one?- that one, holding the child. i think she's from the groom's child.

she's so cute.- hi. hi..- give it to me. you came alone,what about your parents? sudha's talking to her? sudha, come here. i said i won't give you money.- i've already arranged for that. who is that girl in blue dress? is she related?- she is my classmate. your classmate? don't fool me.

stupid..we were in school together. we were best friends in school. i never saw her before? no. what is her name?- priya. why are you asking? because i want tohave an affair with her. i see..- i'll go ask her. jiva..

excuse me. is your name priya?- yes, why? have you ever been in love?- no. do you like anyone here? no!- okay-okay. excuse me.- yeah. why did you ask?- just for general knowledge. continue. who was that boy?- don't know..i don't know him.

he was blabbering nonsense.- uncle-uncle. that ice-cream uncleisn't giving me ice-cream. i see..- i want one. come, i'll get it for you. hey, give this kid an ice-cream. sir, we can't start theice-cream counter before the food. he's a small kid..itwon't make a difference. sir, if we give him,we'll have to give everyone. get down, son. you're disappointinga small boy for one ice-cream.

ice-cream counter's open, come all! you didn't listen when i told you. wait-wait..everyone will get one. don't scream. take.. go..go-go.. i said i am giving. hey, don't fight. share and eat.. everyone will get one.

hey wait..- excuse me, what is your name? excuse me, what is your name?- it's jiva. the bride's side or the groom's side? sudha's lover.- what? it's mine.. fate didn't let us get together. why did you ask me that question?- what question? whether i have a lover or not?- and you lied. and i don't talk to liars.- i didn't lie.

stop staring at aunty.. i want ice-cream. you're so beautiful.didn't anyone fall for you yet? that's what you lied about. of course.. when i was in 10th,dinesh proposed to me. and in 11th..- stop-stop.. so..your love was afailure..and so was mine. same to same.

i wonder when we'll find anyone. who was that?- love failure. what? my love failure.- what are you saying? am i blabbering nonsense?- yes. he confused me. where did he go? he was right here. i want to meet him.

ravi, partying onthe terrace aren't you? go on. poor girl must be lookingfor me all over the room. why didn't you takeit one step further? we shouldn't be running after girls. they should run after us. i get..- excuse me. she comes. listen..just tell her like i said.- okay.

who do you want to meet?- jiva? she's asking for you..- i see.. jiva's busy, he can't meet you now. why? it's his girlfriend's wedding,so he's in a shock. so it's true thatjiva is sudha's lover. i want to meet him now.- wait.. don't disturb him. i want to meet him now.- is she coming this way? let her come.

why did you come here? alcohol won't do you any good? will things get better if you drink? no it won't..but at leasti will feel light-hearted. how? because..if you think about the past,it ruins your present. love is not flower..whichyou can grow in some pot. love is like the moon. when the clouds gather..themoon disappears behind it.

but when the clouds disperse,the moon can be visible again. who's giving the background music? forget about the music,and watch the visual. life is similar. when there's darkness in your life.. ..the sun's rays piercesthrough that darkness.. ..and brings a rayof light in your life. guess we must havecandle-light dinner. hold it carefully.- okay, mother.

look here. take a selfie. take it.. dharma.- yes. electricity failure is a bad omen. she isn't married to my son yet,and these things are happening. i think she's bad luck. did you match the horoscopes properly? yes, i did. i told you that she is bad luck.

but no one ever listens to me. aunty, you shouldn't say such things. if there's an electricity failure,then what is her fault? there's no good or bad luck. there's nothing like that.- be quiet. jiva..he's been cryingsince the lights turned off. doesn't calm down at all. hey junior, why are you crying?- go to your mother. what's wrong?

no-no-no, don't cry. look jiva uncle's here. "i miss her." "my mother's love." "her cozy arms." "the millet bread." "and those fun times." "the can one forget?" "and makes my heart wrench."

wait a minute.ravi, come here. you go there.. see, jiva's my best friend.- come buddy.. he called me. photographer..takea beautiful picture. you really made ourfriendship memorable. i only called you hereso that i look fairer. bye, sudha. - bye, jiva. see you tomorrow at dinnerat my house. - see you mahesh..

why, won't you feedme if i come on saturday? what buddy.. bye, aunty. jiva, don't forget to call. we'll see who forgets whom? hi, son. ganesh, hurry up. i am leaving. i am packing some food for tomorrow. yes, mom. tell.

listen.. bye, priya. i am going, bye.- bye. never give your phonenumber to any girl. if we don't,then how will they call you? if she really wants to talk,she will find your number. i don't believe you, nonsense. priya will call me soon. hey, you fool..are you blind.

keep driving, don't stop. let it be. - i'll make it. - i said i'll make it. i know you'll just ruin it. listen, your son isn't listening.- here. stupid fool, let the pan get cold.- fine, make it yourself. father, can i help you. i've finished shaving, my son. sister, what are you watching? shall i get more food for you? i'll take it.

"they set out from one heart." "and reaches another heart."'s alwayschanging the channel. change the channel.change the channel. watch some nature as well. give me the remote. give me the remote.- i won't. i've seen it four times,i want to see it again. i'll miss that scene, give it.

leave me.- give me. i will kill you.- mom, she is beating me. give me the remote.i will beat you more. don't take the remote again, get it.- hello. go, yes tell. where? the betel leaf shop..fine,i am coming. papa, i took 200 from your pocket. listen, that's all i least give me 50 back.

take it from mom.- mom. listen, do you have some money? we don't have a money plant athome which i can pluck and give you. everyone has an eyeon the money i save.'re wasting gas.- i've switched it off. anyone gets a bike these days,but no money to repay. hey..- watchout. everyone's gathered around here today. didn't you go to collect bikes?

what are you blabbering? do i look like a thief to you? i'll punch you in the face. don't you go andcollect's people's bikes. when they ask,you say you're from the bank. bloody thief..- is that so.. try doing my job for once..andyou'll know what i go through. it's not as easy as it looks. one day i'll own a big company.

and people like youwill work under me. - some tea? munna, tea. what? you're coming now.- sorry. what is it?- i want to talk to you in private. go talk to that tree.- it's urgent. stop joking.- i know what you want. here.. i want 5000?- 5000? for what? buying an iphone? no, he'll buy a myphone.

honestly, i need it..- forget it. i'll keep this money. ravi, do you have it? i don't have money for fuel,how can i give you 5000? you have a rc book? yes, i do. give me the rc book,and i'll get some money in return. does one get money for rc books? thanks. see you in the evening. i am in a hurry.see you in the evening.

you should've toldhim you don't have money. you gave him your rc book. are you crazy?- forget it. he needs money. you should've told himto take it from the bank. sudha's calling. hey new bride, how are you? i am fine.- how is your husband? having breakfast?- fine.

now come to the point. listen, did my friend priya call you? no, she didn't. but she took your number from me. did she message you?- why don't you give me her number? i'll ask her why she didn't call. what if i don't?- send hello. he hung up.- what happened?

jiva wants priya's number. priya's number. so.. you're in love as well.- no.. jiva's calling.- how did he get your number? i don't know. listen, don't make himfeel that you're in love. find out why he called.- okay. ask him how he got your number.

hello.- hello..priya speaking. yes, priya speaking.- who are you? who are you?- didn't you recognize my voice? i see..we met few days ago. did you forget?- i don't remember. okay then, bye.- hello..hello.. he hung up. he hung up? fine, you call him.

but what do i say? anything..ask him whether he's jiva? tell him that you didn'trecognize his voice? why did you hang up?- she will call back. hello, priya speaking.- rascal. are you jiva?- finally you recognized my voice. you called so suddenly,so i couldn't recognize your voice. is this your number?- why? didn't sudha give you my number?

no-no-no..sudha didgive me your number. but i think i misplaced it. maybe it's in my diary.-'s fine. don't take tension. by the way..why didyou take my number? to talk to you. so talk to me. what's wrong? why are you quiet? where are you?- with my friends.

and you?- i am with my friend too. what else?- and..did you have breakfast? i did..and you?- i did.. and..what did you eat? rice-cake. and you?- stuffed frepes. what else? what else?- tell me. and.. can we meet today evening?- what for?

fine, bye..- no-no, we'll meet. oberoi mall.- we'll meet at oberoi mall. okay, bye.- okay, bye. are you crazy? why did you say yes? he asked so suddenly, so i said yes.- oh, god. listen..boys are like the dog's tail. example.. if they come across a naä«ve girl,they get very emotional. "if don't say yes,i will give my life."

is it that easy? it takes such a lot of effort. what if he jumps andonly breaks his arms and legs? then back to steps of the temple. so i guarantee you..hewon't give his life. if you don't give him any importance,he will be begging at your feet. more important thing. he said he was betrayed in love. there must be a reason behind it.

you must find out what? understood? hey..i am scared. you come along too. if you like him, i'll say yes. okay. will you go back on your words? promise?- promise. hello.- hi. where are you?- at the mall. where?- 1st floor.

1st.. priya. priya. here. hi..coming. just greet him like he does. don't give him any importance.don't grin either. understand. i am looking nice. hi.

hi.- hi. my friend, jyoti. we work together. nice dress, priya.- i bought it online. 850.- i see..very nice. superb. sir. almond fig sundae.mocha magic sundae.. fruit sundae,butter-scotch blast chocolate sundae. what would you like to have?

anything you like? then how about a drink? tell me what you want to eat? vanilla.- me too. one strawberry..- wait-wait..strawberry for me too. two strawberries.. any changes? two strawberries, one vanilla.- okay sir. don't be too quick. priya, can't you decide for yourself?

you couldn't decidewhat you want to eat.. ..then how will youdecide about your life? will you ask your friends? we must think aboutyour life ourselves. don't listen to him. what is your friend saying? she wants to ask something?- go ahead. you like staring at girls, don't you?- what a childish question? it's our birthright.

whether it's a garden or a theatre. do you buy balcony tickets in theatre? are you crazy?why will i do such a thing? balcony tickets arefor those who clap and say.. ..very nice scene. i don't like whispering. we sit at the stall and sing,whistle..and enjoy the film. will you go watch a film with me? are you from a rich family?- no..middle class family.

doesn't look like it. can't a poor man wear nice clothes? dressing smartlymakes a man confident. are you always happy like this? i am sad when my mother screams at me. your mother is very naä«ve.- do you know my mother better? sorry, sir.- go.. start.. priya was saying thatsomeone betrayed you?

'i was wondering whyshe didn't ask that yet?' yes..she did.- what was the problem? was she the sister of a gangster? was her father a minister?- no? did you ask for a big fat dowry? then what was the problem? wait a minute. sudha. our friend. hello what happen?- what are you doing?

eating.- is your husband there? he's making bread. bread? give him the phone. it's jiva. hello, sir.- what sir? already making flatbread? you're right. you're in deep troublenow..sudha's made you a cook. stop it.

give me the phone. why are you troubling my husband?- no.. priya and i are having a ice-cream. so, it's come this far.- it's not like you think. it's not love. priya is asking about our to her. what do i tell her? talk to her.- about what? she is your friend.

hi, sudha.- how are you, priya? fine. did he say that we had an affair? you're too much.. he always uses this emotionalstory to impress any girl. he's cunning..but has a good heart. i think he loves you, and you do too. why do you think that? because i know you two.

okay. what was she saying? you were betrayed in love?- yes.. i will kill you.- kill me! "i said..what i had to." "now say..what you want to." "beloved..i swear,i don't want to live without you." "swear on me." "swear on you."

how are you, priya?- jiva. i think dad knows about us.- how? he's looking for a suitor for me. will your father like me?- maybe.. i don't know how he will feel.. ..when you talk tohim about our marriage. he will be happy that he'sgetting such a nice son-in-law. hey, stop joking. plan change, you don't come.

fine. i won't. you can handle your papa alone. yes..- is priya at home, uncle? and you are?- jiva. priya's friend. i see..come. can i get something?- yes..what will you have? coffee or tea?- juice is fine. get some juice for him, mina.- okay. tell priya that herfriend jiva's here.

actually uncle, i am here to meet you.- i see.. sit down, i'll be right back.- okay. sister..some jiva's here to see you. no! but what is the problem? tell me. don't be scared. speak up. i..uncle.. you.. hi jiva.- hi.

how are you?- fine. papa, he's sudha's friend. we met at her wedding.- i see. what? what, priya? i'll be right back. so tell me,is this matter civil or criminal? no uncle, actually.. then?- just a minute. yes, ravi.

i told you not to comehere..why did you come here? why are you so scared? please, don't tell papa anything.okay. uncle, i've seen apiece of land which i like. i am thinking about giving advance,but my friend isn't listening. no-no..give the advanceimmediately and book the land. or someone else will buy it.- okay. did you hear? uncle said that someoneelse might take possession.

jiva, please. if you stay quiet..i'llgive you lot of kisses. then give it.- please..please..please. please..- give me more. okay, bye. oh, god. he's crazy. priya proposed to me first, can ask her. thanks, aunty. uncle, priya said that you'relooking for a suitor for her.

so i thought i'llcome see you personally. if you think i am suited for her.. ..then it will save your time,and end our worries. happy, nah! making a mountain out of a mole. son, you're right. children these days taketheir decision on their own. some kids run away and get married. the current generationtakes their decision so easily.

that's why they also separate so soon. take court cases for instance. 85% divorce cases are dueto problems in love marriage. if you want to be happy,then never get into a love marriage. but i am talking aboutarrange marriage, sir. correct. but.. yes, arranged marriages out oflove also face have lot of problems. every marriage has problems, uncle. don't you and aunty have differences?

right, aunty.- we had a lot of trouble. i went back to my parent's home. he would assault me. stop raking up the past. by the way, what do you do son? i've just given my interview..iwill get a job in 6 months. and papa?- he's a taxi driver. do you have your own home? no..rented.

no job, nor a house..noteven a family background. why do you think i willlet my daughter marry you? i will get a job, sir.- how can i believe you? believe it. when i met priya, i was assuredthat we'll be more than friends. and i am. there's a differencebetween saying and doing. fine.. when you get a job,you can come back here.

if you and priya arestill in a relationship then.. ..meaning, you didn't break up,then we can sit and talk. you think we won't loveeach other after 6 months. priya is made for me. our love will only grow. i have faith. see you uncle. bye, priya.bye, aunty. papa, can i see jiva out? hey..wait a minute.

why did you have to do that?- problem solved. you should always discusseverything with your family openly. less communicationcan lead to misconceptions. i cannot live without you? how about the night show?- you're nice. but you must find a job. now that you've said it,i'll start from tomorrow. yes, son.jiva isn't ready yet. you come here. did you batheso early in the morning?

who bathes? i just spray some perfume. 250 rupees for three boxes. where's my phone? there it is. how are you uncle?- son, you got a job.'s a bank officer's job.- yes..i am so happy.. ..that, i will offer 11rupees tomorrow at the temple. are you happy?but who told you? your mother did.

tying a tie is an art,not like fritters. how is aunty? give her the phone.- wait, let me talk. the customer you're busy on another line. please call back later. hang up. going for your job.- yes. what is your star sign? matching horoscopes again? let my sister get married first.

i am at the temple to pray for you. i am cancer. tell me his sun signand constellation. cancer. pusha constellation.- pusha constellation. i love you!- i love you! huh! thanks so much, sudha.but who told you? priya did.

next it will come in the newspaper. i want a party in a 5 star hotel.- hello..hello.. no signal. jiva. all the best.- thank you. sister-in-law told meit's your first day on job. so you won't come toplay cricket today evening. first you go to school. bye, jiva. bye.- come on.

bless you.- go carefully. always be honest in whatever you do. yes father.- all the best. thanks, father. people don't know how to drive,so be careful. father.. i forgot. i already kept it aside for you. 200 rupees.. okay.- mom.

what? papa gave you money,didn't he? now go. you must give something as well.- you will never learn. don't spare her..shehas lot of hidden health. i am leaving..go carefully. these days people focus moreon their mobile while driving. here.- 20 rupees. you must teach jiva.- mom, what is this? isn't that enough? you can't get a decentmeal for 20 rupees these days.

but, okay.- sister. sister.- what? sister..listen.. sister.. remember, i won't get youanything with my first salary. and that's my commitment.- hey commitment..let's go. wannabe salman. wear your shoes. let's have a rice-cake. shiela, are you calling your husband.

you look happy now that you got a job. what is that? sir..sir.. what happened?- don't's someone's body. sir..sir, one second please.. they cut a girl inpieces and dumped her. there's no such thingas law in our country. such people should be hanged publicly. only then they will learn.

forget what you saw and focus on work. if you divert your attention,you won't be able to do your job. rajesh.- he isn't here, he's at the office. he called me in the morning.- but he'll come back in the evening. sir, ravi from bandha bank. no point in talking to me.i am taking the bike. you can talk to the manager. sir..sir, wait just a minute.i'll check. i am fed youthink i am your servant.

give me the rest of themoney or i will take your bike. wait just one hour, i'll pay up.- i'll wait for two.. ..but i won't leave without the money. i am right here..order lunch. any luck? how many did you collect?- i collected 5. great. yeah..everyone saidcome back tomorrow. you call that collection.

where did you go first? excuse me, sir.i am coming from icici bank. to collect the payment on the bike. who is it? why are you screaming? can i meet raees khan?- that's me. what do you want? actually..i am from icici bank. you didn't pay 3 months installment.i am here to collect. sir, my child fell sick yesterday. i spent all the moneyon his treatment.

what are you saying? your child was sick.- honestly, sir. come here, son..what happened? did the doctor give you an injection? it's okay. what will you have, son? that.- what else. take it.what else, son? chocolate.- give him a chocolate. take it..biscuit.

brother, you donatedinstead of collecting. stop taunting me. he was trying hard for a son,instead he got 4 daughters. do one thing..get your nameregistered on his family card. where did you go next? uncle, papa's at the office.come back tomorrow. son..the bank closes at 1 o'clock. call your mother.i'll take it from her. sixer!

and that's a sixer. - and that's a wonderful display of batting. who hit it? watch quietly or get lost. wonderful batting. and using his bottom hand..- are we going to win. dhoni's played it on the off side. there's no fielder on that side,the ball will cross the boundary. and has crossed the boundary. give me five.

bringing off-spin in attack.. mother, should i serve lunch?- not yet, after the match. you can't see.- but i can listen. i think dhoni is out. you should watch religious channel, not cricket. all we needed wasfour runs in one ball. the crowd is out of control. god..let india win,i'll offer 5 coconuts. india needs four runs.

that's an outside edge, and out! oh no.. what has happened? i didn't eat for this match. don't cry..we'll win the next one. uncle, this was the final match.- final? then what? then what? india lost the tournament. why didn't you ask for money?

stop much longerare you going to cry? it's just a match.- what's going to happen now? you're crazy about cricket. i will give up my life. - stop it, son. who asks for moneywhen the family is sad? so i didn't ask for money? this way you won't get a cent. you got to lie, threaten.- i did.. i said i will take your bike.- don't take our bike.

this bike is for my daughter's dowry. if you take the bike,then my daughter won't get married. i beg you. i will repay your money somehow. have mercy on me, son. what's more important,money or her marriage? emotional angle. so you didn't collect anything?- no.. i've got a cheque. look.

this is from that bhimashankarmangaldas pandey, right? - yes. this cheque will bounceas soon as you put it in the bank. harder than even a ball. he doesn't have a singlepenny in his account. he's a big fraud. didn't collect anything. you could've got something. no one paid up. the manager's going to kick us.

let's go inside. ravi, why was he angry? must have fought with his wife. forget it, don't lose hope. we'll find another job. be confident.. hey..loser. you make it sound like he fired me. he kicked you out of the job, not me. whether he fired me or you,it's the same.

hey..stop blabbering. i had to lie so muchto get you this job. people stand outside in long queuesfor this job. - so what should i do? fall at his feet?- even if you do.. ..he won't give you the job back. i must think of something.- what? boss, he's new on the job. give him some time,he'll become an expert. no ravi, collecting money isn't easy.

he came back without a singlecollection on his first day. you tell manycollections did you make? four, boss. see..if the collections not good,i'll get in trouble. look at his face.he looks so innocent and naä«ve. who will give any money to him? he's not like you think.he's a black belt in karate. if you're insisting so much,i'll give him another chance. oh god, my wife's calling.

it's her birthday today. i am dead. ravi..- yes.. - let it be. no, you'll make things worse. answer the phone and tellher that sir is busy in a meeting. he will call backas soon as he gets free. go. hey..don't answer the phone here,or she will get suspicious. go outside and talk. she must hear the trafficin the background.

go.- okay, sir. sir, the job's done. i told yourwife that you're not in the beer bar. i told you not to tell her.- but i didn't.. she is still on the line, talk to her. you got me in trouble.give that to me. yes, darling. you know i won't drinkwithout telling you. what have you done?- i just told her the truth. you're crazy.

honestly..i love you. but i hate you.- what are you saying? what do you want?always threatening me. i don't want to livewith a woman like you. that's enough,let's end this once for all. you want divorce, don't you?- yes. i'll divorce you. just ruineda great couple. - me? you don't trust your husband.

i am leaving you, go to hell.- let's sit.. to hell with her. did i say too much? what if she throws me out? what if she fires mefrom her father's company? i will no longer be the boss. oh god, my bad daysare going to begin. what do i do? i won't drink again.

sir, is this much water enough,or should i add more? i knew can never do a job. sister..when i get my first salary,i won't get anything for you. look at your face, you're sulking. forget will get another job. a job that suits you. brother..won't you come out to play. why did you quit?- i didn't..i was fired. you were fired?- there's no need to scream.

speak softly. i was fired. can't you be serious? i was so happy hearing about your..- i can't work. hello.- jiva. who is this?- priya's father speaking. yes, uncle. your father. how are you, son?- fine, uncle. and you?

jiva, don't tell him that i am here. what?- with you.. okay. where are you right now?- at the coffee-shop with priya. what happened?- you're such a fool. can you come to checkershotel right now? we just got here. let me spend some time with priya,can i come after that. okay. i'll wait foryou at the bar upstairs. come soon.- okay, uncle.

what did he say?- he said he'll be here shortly. should i kill him?- no..just threaten him. after finding outthat you're my client.. ..he will stop chasingmy daughter forever. sir, letter for you. "sir, my name is mani.i am from sangli." "i've been working forbilla rana for 15 years." "all his evil deeds,his murders, i was a part of it." "i want you to acceptmy application.."

"..and give me a chance to reform." "i am ready to be an approver." boss, thoka on the line. boss, thoka speaking.- speak up. mani's at his in-law's place. what do we do? kill him.- stop-stop. stop-stop. where are you going?

come out! get him! that way..get him. finish him..slit his throat. hello, uncle. i got delayed becausei had to drop priya. sorry. would you like a drink?- i don't mind a drink. about orange juice? that won't do. i'll order myself.

excuse me. menu card. ?? inaudible nothing more expensive than 2000?- no, sir. one black label, large.- okay, sir. do you know him, jiva?- no, sir. hello, sir. billa rana dugabatti. you must have heard his name.- yes, i did. that's him.

you should've said that before. shake hands..sir, shake hands. i always wanted to meet you. everyone knows you.mahesh told me everything about you. in fact,i wanted to meet you personally. remember last week, yourcousin mantesh was getting married. you arranged for the foodand jewelry for the bride. but you didn't show up yourself. we kept waiting.

we even went to your house,to give the invitation card. but you weren't at home.we met your wife. she made this delicioussweetmeat. amazing. mantesh would boreus telling your stories. and what's his name?oh yes, sattu.. he even told us who you murdered. and he even said thatyou're the biggest smuggler. and that inspector, ravi killed him too. and yes, babu jalela..oneyou burned to death 2 years ago.

first he worked for you,later he betrayed you.. ..and you burnt him to death. after hearing aboutyour big endeavors.. ..reminds me of vinodkhanna from dayavan. i am a big fan, sir. sir..he's one of us. chote.- yes, boss. he's mantesh's friend. yes..i knew it.

i never saw you before. i wanted to meet you,but wasn't so fortunate. by the way,i wanted to ask you one thing. - what? about saroja,one you were crazy about. tell me.- forget it.. tell me.. where did you see her first? i saw her at the marriage hall first. i was floored at first. i see..- and i told her about my feelings.

priya and i met ata marriage hall too. uncle, one cottagecheese and a large drink. yes..what after that. cottage cheese and one large. yes, exactly. jiva, i like you. come home tomorrow for dinner.- okay, brother. brother is busy, call later. after that i beat him up really badly.

what happened, sister? i saw him laughing after a long time. made me cry. she is right? since the day i got in this line,i forgot how to laugh. i hate myself. i see everyone as good or bad. they all respect me out of fear. no one respects me from the heart.

finally i feel peaceful.i really like you. what do you want? can i get some more cottage cheese? cheese?give him cottage cheese. i must thank priya's papa.- what for? if he hadn't called me,i would've never met you. do you know why he called you?- why? you're chasing his daughter,so he called me to threaten you. so he finally showed his true colors.

shall we do the same? hello.- yes, billa. sir..i think the boy's really nice. actually..i think youshould get these two married.'s not possible. if that's not possiblethen we'll make it possible. think about it.- let me think. i'll give you two days. what is he saying?

consider it done. i'll be right back.- yes, go. yes, papa.- where are you? you didn't come home for lunch. no, i had lunch with my friend.- did you? yes, papa.- okay. fine, don't stay out too long. okay.- come home soon. okay, papa..i am hanging up.

ram. i've a suitorin mind for your daughter. okay..let's go..- come. yes, ravi.- where are you? reaching home.- get to city hospital now. why? what happened? just get here..- hello, brother..hello.. where are you?- kirti. kirti, why are you crying? father met with an accident. his condition is critical.

i am scared.- hang up. i am coming now. stop..stop here. come, quickly. how is papa?- he's in operation. he's lost lot of blood. how did it happen?- don't know. he was returning home,when a van ran over him. a rickshaw driver brought him here. who is with papa?- your mother and sister.

is the operation done?- not yet. jiva is here.- brother.. the doctor was here..- don't worry. papa will be fine.- i am very scared. mother, he will be fine. but i am scared, son.- don't be scared, he will be fine. what if something happens to him?- i am telling you nothing will happen.. don't worry, mother. look, no need to worry.he's out of danger.

operation was successful. he will be conscious after a hour. we'll shift him to general ward. how did he survive? i think he will tell everyone.- shut up. don't shout. always blabbering nonsense. let's go kill the scoundrel. it's a public place,we might get into trouble.

what do you want?the police should arrest us. you're's him or us. i'll come back only after killing him. we can't go in. there's police in there.they will get suspicious. i don't want to get arrested. you rascal. go careful. i've written his medicines,go get them.

okay. come. yes, priya.- how is your papa, jiva? he's fine, he's sleeping. who else is with you?- i am all alone. only one man canstay with the patient. so i sent mother and kirti home. brother,my friend met with an accident. i must call his familyand inform them. i've no balance left in my phone.can i use your phone, please?

thanks. hey..- what? come on the first floor,take a left and then a right. ward no. 13.- yes. are you carrying your weapon? don't miss. i won't. so..any information?- not yet. ward number five.

and what's the bed number? i think it's the local goons. don't be stubborn, let's do it later. right now thing will get messy. my a contract killer. let's tell him. he'll get the job done, andwe won't get in any kind of trouble. will your uncle tell anyone?- no..he's my uncle. you don't worry. he won't betray us.

get it quickly. don't cry, son.i'll make mutton pulao for you today. come. aunty.- come, bala. is uncle at home?- yes, he is. i'll go meet him.- go on. ?? bala, you came earlier too,didn't you? - yes. how is sister?- mother is fine.

is he your friend? yes, he is.- sit-sit. sit down. i've been trying to call you for twodays but your number was switched off. i was out for a job..somy phone was switched off. any problem at home?'s a different problem. we're scared thatwe might end up in jail. that's the troublewith boys these days.

worried over small things. any love matter?- no, uncle. so..did you murder someone? hey..tell him.- yes, uncle. is it true? a friend of ours loved a girl. when her parents found her,they made her quit studying. now he started begging to us.. ..saying that he wantsto be with that girl.

you said the train leaves at 7. if we just stand here,we'll miss the train. please, sir..please..she is coming. just five more minutes. i don't care. but don't blame meif you miss the train. sir..she's coming. we eloped with the girl,and fixed their marriage. get in..quick.

who is she? no, i won't..- please.. i will tell you..please, on the way.. you're kidnapping her.- don't shout. this is wrong.- no, sir. they are lovers..we didn't kidnap her. i beg you, sir..let's go. please. 'we were tired of the taxi guy.' 'he threatened to tell the police.'

'but we somehow convinced him.' 'and then we brought thegirl and our friend along.' go inside. listen, don't worry. the arrangements forthe marriage has been made. we've also informed the priest. i'll go get the wedding guys rest. don't be scared, feel at home. i'll go get the dress.

go get a nice one. i am scared, please take me back. no need to be scared,they are all my friends. i don't know..i feel strange. please let me go. she looks hot. hey..she's like our sister-in-law. this isn't right. after the marriage, please.

don't do it. if your friends see us,what will they think? no..- what are you doing? what did you do with the body? we cut it into smallpieces and dumped. but the police found about it. and this news was alsopublished in the papers. the taxi driver was the only witness,so we tried to kill him too. but he survived.

the body which the policefound was without a head. then why did youtry to kill the driver? we searched the placewhere we dumped the head. but we couldn't find it. if the police find the head, then..- speak slowly.. that driver will tell on i get it. where's the driver? that's his house.- okay. brother is inside.- where is uncle?

come, sit.- she is jiva's sister. hi.- come inside. don't take too long. call the groom'sfamily home next week. jiva.- yes. father, she is.. is she priya? yes, papa. come in.

your future sister-in-law. really? what would like to have, priya?tea-coffee-cold drink? nothing. take something.- no. hey, get some tea. hey.- yes, papa. you leave too. how are you feeling now, uncle?

the pain's still there. i haven't shaved for three days now. you came to meet me,and i am not even wearing my shirt. i don't like it. you can laugh at me if you want. jiva talks just like you. he's just like me. you..- listne. should i make capsicumor cauliflower for lunch?

i am not in the mood to eat.- don't say that. tell me. your favorite is okra. so make're happy and so am i. you want to eat, and you take my name. she's my wife..she didn'ttalk to you, did she? she's always busy with her work. by the way, how do you like my son? you like jiva, don't you?

and your papa? don't know, uncle. these days he doesn't talk to me,so i don't talk to him either. he doesn't like jiva? but i like jiva. he's a nice guy. i will marry jiva. how long have you known jiva? what, uncle?

i asked how long have you known jiva? four months. and how old are you? 22. so..after spending22 years with jiva.. ..if you say that he took bettercare of you than your parents.. ..then, i will believe you. because even my daughteris marriageable age. two can only getmarried with your parent's consent.

sorry, uncle. you two will get married. jiva.- yes, papa. answer the phone. hello.- ram, mani speaking. uncle, it's jiva.- how is your father now? he's better now. you see son,it's the 10th of the month already. you must remind yourmother for the rent.

fine, i'll tell her. take care of your father. it's the landlord. go take money from your mother. what brings you here, son?- i've got the rent. did you pay the electricity bill? electricity.. i don't know, uncle.i'll have to ask mother. rent, ration bill,electricity bill, milk.. ..medicines,food, newspaper, gas cylinder.

it's hard to imagine how peoplesurvive after paying all that. hello, mr. mishra. you're greeting any random person.- they are all family. these days i treateveryone like family. i wonder what he wants now. money, what else?- how are you, friend? how about some tea? i was yearning to hear you say that. order.

you look changed these days.- yes, i've changed. i want to work now.- what work? that collection job.- let it be. since the manager got divorced hegives me these strange look all day. i won't recommend your name.- keep your recommendation. i know how to get work. sir, please give me onechance..i will work harder. listen, don't waste my're not fit for this job. go find something else.- please, sir.

look, don't bother me. where do these peoplecome from to bother me? hello, sir.- fine..sit down. what happened, sir? where is my bike? security. yes, sir.- come here. my bike was parked here, where is it? i don't was right here.

what was the number? how many times do i tell the number?it was black in color. just write my complaint. sir, here's your bike.- why did you take it? sir, i know how to take bikes now.please give me one chance. go.. thank you, sir.- go on. the girl, whose body was foundwas raped first and then murdered. what is this?- take it..its coffee.

..which cannot be investigated. just this morning the police foundthe head of a girl in kovam dump. it's believed to bethe head of the same girl.. ..who was raped firstand then murdered. this will help the girl. acp rajender sharma has appealed.. ..that if anyone knows anything,he should come to the police station. the informers name andidentity will be kept hidden. see you after a break.

hello, papa.- where are you, son? on my job.- can you come home now? why, papa?- we've to go out urgently. come home soon.- okay. okay, i am coming. are you sure?- yes, sir. i am sure. they got in my taxi. there were two boys with the girl. tell me something, how old were they?

they must be around 18. one boy was her lover. and the other saidhe was their friend. the friend was dark..andhe had curly hair like a negro. see.. the taxi driver called the police. we should've killed him right then. it's all your..- shut up! what are you saying?i am right.

to hell with your uncle. this is what happenswhen you're hasty. the plan should be foolproof. there's a functionin the driver's home. he will definitely come out. we'll kill him then. kirti, take a good lookat your future husband. otherwise you will keepcomplaining like your mother.. ..that she didn't get a good look.

what are you.. sister-in-law, it's the new age. did i say something wrong?- i see.. we really like your family. you can give your daughteranything you like. we just want a nice daughter-in-law,that's all. we'll talk to ourpriest and fix a date. problem solved then. you just fix a date..and we'llsend your daughter-in-law over.

you're too much. come closer. drop me home. right here. okay, bye.- let's have coffee. no, it's okay.- come on, there's no one. i see..okay, then. "i am your hero." no fancy stuff..behave yourself, okay.

but cheating is allowed, right?- no. you asked me to come in, and i did. won't you even kiss me. fine, i am going. fine, come up. great, coming. that's more like it. what's this? my family is back. fine, i'll go back.

but remember, you owe me a kiss. bye. don't you want your kiss? park ahead. hello.- hello. a friend of minereferred your shop to me. he said..- jiva. look at this card. mom, keep it down.- i knew it.

you two can neverselect anything good. you two decide then. brother, how is this?- it's a valentine's day card. keep it back.- no point in asking you. look..- it's stupid. this one looks nice. kirti, come here. how is this? nice, isn't it? it's nice, papa.

we want this card. how many?- 300. fine, give us your number. we'll inform you as soonas they get printed. - okay. once the card's printed,i'll collect them. - okay. 1000 rupees advance,and the rest after printing. i've put cyanide on it. careful. this is the kala bazaar bridge. yes.- be ready.

he's out. show me the number.- here. why did you print only so many cards?- no need to waste card, father. i'll text people and invite them. i am speaking from the card shop, just bought cards from us. we've a free gift for you,please collect it. - coming. okay.- papa..papa.. that guy is giving some gift.i'll go get it. - fine. pick up the bottles..hurry up.

give that to me. papa! let's go..let's go.. happy birthday. i've kept money in your pocket. now wake up. jiva, i am leaving. before papa died,he met with an accident. i think someone murdered him.

papa gave the descriptionof some guy to the acp. and there was a similar lookingguy present where papa was murdered. i clearly remember. i am sure..- brother. get some tea. forgive me,i don't like coming at such a time. but i can't find anyclues in that girl's murder. i investigated. before your papa's murder,did you see someone you doubt?

someone who came to meet him? do you have a doubt on anyone? did you give your number to someone? or did someone call you? think.. ravi.- any small clue can come in handy. i did think,sir..but i don't remember. sir..- thanks. sir, i've a request.

we're from a normal family. if the police keeps cominghere every day, then.. this is enough. papa tried to be the witness,but he ended up dead. please sir, don't disturb us anymore. but those guys murdered your father. what's done is done?papa won't come back. my family's scared thatsomething might happen to me. my sister is gettingmarried next month.

let's go.thank you. jiva, why didn't you tellthe police that you saw someone? involving the policewill be bad for us, ravi. they brutally murdereda boy and a girl. papa became the witness,so they killed him too. the murderer is very cruel. he's an animal. animal.. jiva, don't take anywrong decisions in a haste. i didn't stay quietbecause i am afraid.

a sinner keeps committing sins. as long as they are free,the society is under threat. someone else might die tomorrow. so what are you going to do? be careful..okay. did you take your lunch? the way you're describing, jiva.. ..i never heard aboutsuch a murder before. they applied cyanide on the knife.. that your father doesn't survive. full planning. i think..they hired someprofessional killer for this murder. how many cyanide killers in our city? more than 50. get all of them. okay.- go on.. you don't worry, i'll find out. i don't know, boss.i was out of town for jaya sir's job.

i've been basking on goa'spanjim beach for a month now. chote, call jaya. don't you believe me? think i am a fool.- no-no.. boss..- give me my stuff. i'll tell you the truth. remember kallu's wife who ran away,i had eloped with her. i can call her now. here you go, boss.

talk to her. boss..- yes. i've got everyone. did you elope with jaggu? jiva, he's got everyone. they can do anything for money. you saw someone that day, didn't you? take a look. i'll take a look.

boss, he's telling the truth. everyone..stand in a line.stand in a line. do i have to tell you separately? stand in a line. greetings, boss.- come. get lost. how is business?- great. last week i got abig contract in nasik. why call me?

someone killed an oldman in liberty bazaar. who killed him? don't know, i was underground. since the tilak nagar matter,i haven't taken any jobs here. i always take jobs out of town. yes, boss..jaggu is right. if you find anything, call me.- right..i get it. okay, go now.- bye, boss. see you.

where's raja? no, it's none of them. nothing, there's been a murder.that's why boss called all of you. just answer correctly. uncle, give us our bat.we have to go home. give it back, uncle. tell me! tell me, you rascal. i did it for my nephew.

the other four boys are his friends. call that bala! call him! hello..yes, mama.- where are you? college just got over,we're going home. stay there, i'm coming.- anything special? i'll tell you when i get there.- hello. uncle called,he said he's coming over now. is he crazy? your uncle is a criminal.

if someone sees us with him,we'll get in trouble. call him up and tell him no. if you're missing him, you go see him. don't answer the call. stand straight. he isn't answering.- your uncle will get us in trouble. you always say something negative. we'll get your uncleout of the way if necessary. shut up.

uncle helped us a lot. uncle's here. don't get too emotional,get him out of here. don't look here! hey.. i think something's wrong. look at his uncle's face. what's wrong, uncle?how did you get hurt? anything wrong?tell me uncle. drive!

hey..bala. babu. babu, save me. bala..hurry up. get out. leave him. let's go. let's go. come on. neighbors after all.

nice man.. allah have mercy on them. ?? inaudible. i couldn't even takepart in shafi's funeral. the police can arrest me if they want. i won't spare him. babu..- i won't spare him. what are you doing? - wait. don't be hasty. we'll kill him.

we'll give him morebrutally than his father. shafi was our can we let him go? i will finish his entire family. chote, who are those boys? we will plan it out. i will make him cry.- don't worry. we will kill him. yes, jiva. i've been trying tocall you since morning.

but you were out of reach. i was out in the sea, there'sno network there. what happened? i told you..that aboy met with an accident. he was from sagar nagar. please ask anyone if youknow anyone from sagar nagar. the corporator isa good friend of mine. i'll ask him. hurry up. don't worry, jiva. i'll get it done.

it's just few boys..mourningtheir friend's death. hello..hello, jiva. hello.- where are you now? at the graveyard wherethey are burying the boy. did he have four more friends? are they 18-19 years old.- yes. four boys are mourningtheir friend's death here. they are drinking.i asked because they look suspicious. where are you now?- do you know bamanwadi?

no, i don't. feroz.- yes. tell jiva how to get here. hello, jiva.- yes. take bus no. 221.. ..and get down at the last stop.- are these the boys? yes.- boys, where do you live? sagar nagar.- sagar nagar.. ..your friend who died,was he from sagar nagar too?

how did he die? in a accident, right? train accident? are you deaf? answer me. are you from population control? just answer what boss is asking. mani..durga, get the weapons. alam..come quickly. get those guys.- balu,! i'll bury them alive right here.

mani. bagga. feroz. boss.. boss..come quickly. bala, take care of him. mani, don't die.. mani, get up. mani..

stop! munna.. munna, what happened? those people.. boss..boss.. get up, boss.. get up, boss. come out. munna.

munna, stop! munna!

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