what's new in the movies

what's new in the movies

i know what you're thinking how the heck does a 52 years old over the hill milkshake machine salesman build a fast food empire with 16 hundred restaurants and an annual revenue of 7 hundred millions dollars. one word. persistence! prince castle sales.

adrian. ray! how is it going down there?! good. it's well, a lot interested! we got an order. six mixers. to anyone in particular? mcdonald's! care for a little tour ? we wanted something different,

and that's why my brother here comes up with one of his brilliant ideas orders ready in 30 seconds, not 30 minutes. unique, original. there's nothing like this! it's revolutionary? that's exactly what it is. revolutionary. what is that? the golden arches. it's a way to make the place standout! there should be mcdonald's everywhere.

franchise the damn thing! mr kroc. franchise. franchise. franchise! mcdonald's can be the new american church. and it ain't just open on sundays, boys. how come we almost lost all of the capital ? did you mortgaged our home? and we could lose everything. i want to renegotiate... my lousy deal !

i can't. can't or won't ? ray. what? no. dammit! what you want to be doing, is owning the land upon which that burger is cooked. you're not in the burger business... you're in the real estate business. franchise realty corporation.

it's its own separate company, which puts it outside your purview there is a wolf in the hen house. we let him in! when enough is gonna be enough for you? probably never. you are to stop this instant. i am through, taking orders from you ! you have a contract! contracts are like hearts..

they're made to be broke. business is war. it's dog eat dog, rat eat rat. i wanna take the future. i wanna win! the brothers are your business partners. make them go away. and i don't care what it takes! a glorious name, mcdonald's. and i had to have it. you don't have it. you're sure about that?

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