top new release movies

top new release movies

'the distance betweenthe sun's rays..' '..and our earth is the reasonwhy our world still exists.' 'but in the last two years, the sun'sheat is increasing considerably.' 'and the threat of globalwarming has increased.' 'and in order to save the world,he conducted many experiments.' 'he mixed many metals togetherand created a sun shield..' '..which could absorb,the immense heat from the sun.' 'in order to establish the sunshield in the middle of the earth..' '..those saints had to facemany threats and difficulties.'

'but finally they reachedthe centre of the earth in africa..' '..and handed over thatshield to the tribe's chief.' 'he said, after the endof every solar eclipse..' '..the first ray of thesun should fall on that shield.' 'and if that doesn't happen, thenthat could mean the end of the world.' 'which means only thatsun-shield can save the world.' 'since then, the hojo tribesmen..' '..started calling thatshield as their deity jua..' '..and they've beenprotecting it till now.'

'for the russian army'sgeneral katrochi..' '..the sun-shield isa unique double-edged sword.' 'that has the power to protectthe world and destroy it.' 'it has the power to absorb thesun's heat, so it can save the world.' 'and on the other hand, the unlimitedsolar energy trapped inside..' '..can be used to create earthquake,tsunami..' '..and other natural calamitiesto destroy the world.' 'it's more dangerousthan an atom bomb.' 'and so he wondered,if he gets the sun-shield..'

'..then the worldwill bow before him.' 'the hojo tribe iscelebrating today..' '..because a youngsterfrom their tribe has returned..' '..after finishing his studies.' 'his name is hoodo.' bring that jua. if it falls in wrong hands, thenthat would mean the end of the world. keeping it safe until the next solareclipse is now your responsibility. 'sanskrit shlok'

a diamond is invaluable to a fool. that priceless shieldwill soon be in my hands. this is my time. katrochi time. all thanks to you, my friend. excuse me. mambo, you found jua, didn't you? we tried our best.but we couldn't get our hands on it. our men are looking for it. as soon as we get it,we'll inform you.

what? sorry, sir. we couldn't get it.- what? mambo.. i didn't give you 1 billionto listen to your sorry. it's a deal for you,but this is my dream. give me one month's time.- i'll give you one month. jua should be in my hands. or you'll be looking at your death. this is your last chance.

i'll kill you. all my dreams are shattered. dammit. send some angel to find jua! "english rap song" jacky, let's go. jacky! jacky! jacky! jacky! jacky! jacky! i hope jacky's body is insured,because my friend's going to win.

i see..such overconfidence. he's fought raju the fighter as well. he got 1256 stitchesall over his body. let's make a bet if you're not scared.- really..we'll see. there's still time, be a goodfriend and take jacky back alive. if anyone's going to die,it will be akhil. who needs enemies when we have you? hey..see, jacky's punch power. he's down with a single punch.

yeah! hey..calling him jacky,doesn't make him jackie chan. take my advice. better take him to the hospital beforeyou've to take him to the grave. get lost. you're a lion, my son. you're a star. police's commission50,000..and 50,000 for me. and 100,000 for me.

the next fight is in golconda. be there my boy. okay, brother.- i'll leave. hey.. winning a single fightdoesn't make you a hero. see you again. every fool thinks he's the star. but a single blow is allyou need to remind him his place. whether it's sultan or multan,i am going to win.

"i can't take my eyes of your face." "i spend sleeplessnights without you." "look here..slim waist,young face, sweetheart.." "..listen to me,don't make my heart yearn." akhil. my friend, my brother. why are you crying?- a girl hit me with her shoe. but why?- i said i loved her. and she hit you. is she crazy? yes, she's crazy about education.

when i proposed to her,she asked about my degree. and when i asked her tohave a cup of coffee with me.. ..she said i don't drinkcoffee with poor boys like you. and she also asked what'sthe difference between.. ..gigantic twinsand mono gigantic twins. if a brother becomes a dacoitand the other becomes a police.. ..then they are gigantic twins. exactly, that's what i said too. did she give you her number?- she whacked me again.

if one becomes a police and the othera dacoit then they are gigantic twins. and if both become dacoits,then they are mono gigantic twins. when she whackedme for the second time.. ..she had already planned for a third. you mean another question. what is the difference betweenred blood cells and white blood cells? just the color.- i said the same thing. what then? she hit me with her friend's shoe.- you mean that's wrong as well.

she said that red bloodcells supply oxygen.. ..and the white blood cellscome in use when we're sick. she said that you andall your friends are stupid. why the.. didn't she go toa beauty parlor instead? at the college we'veto listen to the professors. at home it's the parents and the maid. i wonder why they feel offendedif we admire their beauty.. no one asks so many questionsin an interview as well.

don't we have desires? where do we go with our desires? how long will we keep watchingbhojpuri channel to please ourselves? this is enough. let's go. call out her name so loudthat it makes her shudder. hey educated bumpkin. witch with a degree.come face me if you're a man. my friend here will solveall those questions in your head! show yourself!

hey jojo! jojo! where were you going? come. why were you barking like a dog? didn't you get enough beatingfor a day? you've lost your mind. not me, my friendwill teach you a lesson.. this is what you did the other day. give respect to ladies..andthey will give you respect too.

always ready to stareand ogle at girls. i am ashamed to call you a friend. you've stooped so low. did you change sides? what side?- it's what he does? party's all nightand lies in some gutter. then i have to bringhim back home every day. i said you should study andopen a saloon. but he doesn't listen. i said you shouldlook after your parents.

but he detests them. that's why he's still here,and i got to cambridge. really? you did your medicalstudies from cambridge? not that just.his papa studied from howrah bridge. his grandpa from london bridge. everyone in his familystudied under some bridge. cambridge is okay. is there a universitycalled howrah bridge?

it was before the independence.but the british took it with them. very nice. by the way,what did you specialize in? cardiac..orthopedic..gastronomyor pediariatic? actually..i am a animal doctor.- really? yes..if a human falls sick,he can go to the hospital.. his bills and get well. but what about animals. we can't understand their language.

they speak from their eyesand need someone to understand. you have such high thoughts. correct-correct. he can fit a crow'skidney to a pigeon. he's that great. wow..transplant.- he even treated a crocodile. he had a cavity in his teeth. he pulled his tooth out,and put one of his. and he's really happy.- that's enough.

crocodile can't praise you,at least let me. you're great.- marvelous. you won't believe,i've been looking for you. shake hands.- don't embarrass me. i am the lucky one to meet you. no, neither you nor me are lucky. jojo is the lucky one. he's in pain. what's wrong? he looks fine.

he doesn't have too long. does he have aids?- quiet. continue. jojo has a hole in his heart. i took him to a lot of doctors. but no one's ready to operate on him. you must operate on him, please. he's so small..andhis heart's even smaller. and he's also got a hole in his heart.- don't worry, jojo's quite big. he once operated on an ant.

he will make him well again.. ..and soon he will be prancingaround with a carrot in his mouth. you don't worry. fantastic. so when do we operate? let's not waste time. okay. see you tomorrow. okay.- thank you. thank you so much. you're welcome. bye. bye.- bye.

what were you blabbering? you changed sides for the girl,and i changed sides for jojo. bloody.. look, you were impressed by the girlnow, how do we impress the rabbit? it's not that difficult.we just need a scapegoat. where will we find a goat? good morning, sir.- good morning. listen you equusafricanus asinus (donkey) come here.

sir, when did you learn french? it's not's the english name for a donkey. so mr. donkey, how dareyou bunk class and smoke here. go to your class.- okay, sir. hey, suscrofadomesticus! (pig) sir, that's not my name.- shut up. it's the scientific name for a pig. and your nickname. were you peeing behindthe tree or trying to flee?

sir, i..- go to the class. that side is the canteen,class is this way. i am very strict. found my scapegoat. excuse me, may i come in? yes, come in. "is she a girl..or a beautiful angel?" "look at her gorgeous body." "her attitude,her eyes are bewitching."

"some crazy lover might fall for her."- are you alone? of course. do you see anyone else here?- you naughty. what are you doing?someone might see us. go and take your lectures.- i want to take your lecture. leave that, you can giveme a lesson in love later. first go and teachchemistry to the students. i will teach them, but firstlet's think about our chemistry. biology.

students have a slip of tongue, andmy heart skips a beat when i see you. heart will not slip. now you slip out of here. go! you don't understandmy feelings at all. stupid. she called me stupid? me? may i come in?- come in. hello, sir.- who are you guys? do you have an appointment?- we bribed the peon.

even i bribed for this post. what do you want?- your support. what for? - i am in lovewith a girl in your college. and i need your help you woo her. you come in my collegewithout permission. and you're asking for my helpto fall in love with my student. how dare you? only those who dare fall in love. help this poor boy,and i can make her mine.

if you don't get out now,i will get you all arrested. get out.- i him. yes, show me. presenting rising star dr. prasad.. ..and sexy siren kokilamadam's performance. in chunri giri pungi uthi. "slip.." no! what's this?even t20 doesn't show so many replays.

but there's a technical fault. this show that i am pulling her veil.- that's what we want to show. oh no..i haven'tdone anything like that. do you have a defect?- what? the students will decidewhat he did and what not? if we put it on facebook,he will be famous. shut up, we'll put it on youtube.he'll get lots of likes. stop it.

he's the principal,not some ordinary man. a big personality like him and allyou can think if facebook and youtube. we'll show it on big screen.what do you say, sir? what must i do so youcan delete this video? heart surgery of a rabbit.we need your help. are you out of your mind?it is very complicated. more than pulling someone's veil. when is the operation?- tomorrow morning. what's wrong?so many candles in the morning?

are you thinking aboutprotesting at the powerhouse? not at all..we're prayingto god for jojo's safe recovery. everything will befine with his blessings. if jojo doesn't survive,then they will slice me open. jojo.- divya. wear your mask. is he dead? no. he's dreaming. hello, you remember everything?

i never studied sohard for my exam either. fine..good boy. can praise as well. just do as much as you're told. won't you wear your mask?- oh yes, thanks for reminding. close the door?- no-no-no..i'll have signal problem. signal problem? i mean..even prayers have a frequency. so many people are praying outsideand he should get those blessings.

now see his heart..andmake an incision there. why are your hands shaking?- what to do i love animals. i would've slicedopen a human immediately. don't worry, do it.- i can't do it. what happened? he's your rabbit. so i want you to getthe credit of saving him. take this knife.don't worry, cut it. just like you cut a gourd.

he's bleeding heavily. why are you repeating my words? clean it with cotton,don't you know that. what happened? is he breathing? no. he's dead. jojo. wake up, jojo. i can't think of living without you. how much overacting she is doing.

wake up, jojo. pleas open your eyes. jojo. operation successful! jojo spice is ready. we'll fry half and sautã© the rest. what say?- he's alive. even after you operated on him? that operation connected our hearts.

thank you so much, akhil. you gave jojo and me a new life. he performed such acomplicated operation for you.. ..and you're simply thanking him.- correct. you made me really happy.. i want you tobe a part of my happiness. there's no need,but i won't refuse if you insist. i am getting married on the 25th. you must all come to my wedding.

bye. she whacked me with a shoeand hacked your heart in half. what do we do now?- we'll go eat at her wedding. this is not some loan froma friend which you can forget. it's my love. i am goingto spend this lifetime with her. find out everything about her groom. ice is just like us. whether its whiskey or buttermilk,it mixes with both. only god knows who will mix with me.

drink it down. that guy in the brown coat,he's divya's future husband. sorry, you're her future husband. what is this?- injection. it will put him to sleep for 24 hours. there's a guy waiting outside. they will take him to the jungle. and he will wanderin the jungle like tarzan. what if he doesn't wake up?- he'll be sharekhan's dinner.

i'll be back guys. hello. fatima. how many times do i tell you? i felt worse than mother-in-law did. i swear on father-in-law,i am not ready for this marriage. i am hopeless, i am helpless. i am useless. and so i am being shameless andsaying don't wait for this careless. marry the sheikhthat your father likes.

you go.. go live your life, fatima. fatima. i miss you. hey man..trouble in love.- yes, what do you care? because i can bring happiness back. great! cheers. it's not as easy as youthink to stop this wedding. that girl's fatheris a very dangerous man. i'll tell you a smallincident to explain you that.

please come in.i hope you had no trouble on the way. i live on one end of this block,and you live on the other end. how can it be any trouble? it's just a formality,i didn't mean it. come in. let's begin the engagement. wait. where's the catechu? this is the limit.

someone swallowed it up. can we use tobacco instead? i've a lot of those. instead of shaking hands..cani shake hands with your cheek? he slapped my fatherfor forgetting the catechu. he's also the memberof some mafia group. you tell me, what do i do? if i don't marry her, my life is over. if love is true, then puteverything at stake. don't be scared.

you're fortunate to find sucha beautiful girl with this face. don't worry, i will handle everything. before this night ends,fatima will be your wife. how dare he run awayone day before the wedding? and who is fatima? i know priyanka,i also know aishwarya. i don't know who fatima is. i will kill you. how dareyou humiliate me, bloody bugger? you're thinking aboutburger in this situation.

you can hit me later,i am getting a call. it's that devil calling. switch to speaker. papa, are you alright?- did you call to ask that? you just wrote a letterand enjoying your honeymoon. and you left me hereto face sultan's wrath. did that stupid fool find out? you're on speaker,everyone's listening. look..they are far richer than us.

his daughter wanted a middleclass husband, so she chose you. just come back and marry her. the girl wants a simple husband.. ..and that old manwants a full time servant. i don't want to bethat rascal's son-in-law. not a word used to be such a coward. who made you so courageous? did she kidnap you? no last night i met god at the bar.

after how many pegs?- don't worry, i paid the bill. keep talking. he said that a lover'sheart should be filled with fire. there's no place for fear in love. and you believed he's god. he said that the father'safter the money.. ..and the daughter's after education. and he got me and fatima married. give it to me.who is he?

what is his name? he disconnected. give me back my smartphone,it costs 1000. daddy.- my child. divya, what is this melodrama? it's a good thing thathe left you before the wedding. what if he had leftyou after the wedding? look around, and you willfind another handsome boy. like me..someone who won'tread your whatsapp or facebook.

like me. correct. you're right. my name's akhil sir.- so what? dear, i will find someonemore handsome and richer than him. bloody old man.. uncle.- what? you're making the same mistake again. you should offer sweet tosomeone who doesn't have diabetes. you're giving diamondto a monkey again. so what?

find someone who is interested inyour daughter, not your balance sheet. and then she will be happy. yes, i won't care aboutthe guy's background. i don't care even ifhis bank balance is zero. but he must love my daughter. my daughter will marry him. come daughter. thank god..that's over. go and express your love.

you's not some charity. i will ask for it with my right. "let's fall in love..orwe'll both die." "love me beloved..or we'll both die." "don't wait..or we'll both die." "i've been chasing you." "i am adamant." "i am restless..iam ready and willing." "be ready..or we'll both die."

sir.- what happened, mambo? did you find him or not?- no, sir. i can't give this answer to katrochi.we don't have time. i want jua beforethe next solar eclipse. you don't worry, men are on the job. they will find him. you mean, another problem. yes, emotionally mukesh said.. ..that he will marry his daughterto someone who truly loves her.

but the truth is heloves poor and orphans. he's a orphan, why willhe let him marry his daughter? what if he has a family?- then he will give it a thought. if that's true,then i will create a happy family. it's not like opening an accounton facebook, you need an family. if we can make a fake account,then why not a fake family. i'll get a family on loan.- and where will you find that? you mean that me and my family.. ..should dress up traditionallyand carry sweets on our head..

..accept that you're my son,and ask for his daughter's hand. correct sir. my friend won't findan educated father like you. couldn't you find someone else? if i had a useless son like you,i would've chucked him out. you're not worthyof being my neighbor. get out before i cut you open. we'll leave, sir..but whatif this goes out of our phone? help!- say yes, daddy. daddy?- you cheat, rascal..i knew it.

when i wanted a son,you got me sterilized. who is the mistress? catch the knife. super catch. dear, your son savedyou from becoming a widow. son for my mistress,and nothing for me. oh god, take my husband away. you're getting me wrong.this is about love. i see..first the arranged marriageand this it was love marriage.

anyone else? mother-in-law,he is involved with someone else. shameless. you have two children.aren't you ashamed? go and die. grandma, please don't yell at him. i was an orphan since birth. due to inflation even myrelatives refused to adopt me. but i never missed my family.

but..there are terms andconditions in love as well. so i need a family. i disturbed your familyto make my family. sorry. wait, brother. i will help you. who are you to help him? you're so small,and making such tall claims. will they say yes if i go too?- mother.

son, marriage isthe union of two hearts. uniting two hearts is a good deed.- you're right, mother-in-law. so you've changed sides too. why? don't you remember that one time?- be quiet. i suggest that you stay at home. if they ask about the boy'sfather we'll say he's in central jail. let's go.- okay. wait!

you're no ordinary person. people take possessionon other's land. but you've possessed my family. i'll show you. are they security guards or gangsters? i wonder how the father's going to be. mother, i am scared. he's in love.- yes. so he's going to marry her.- yes.

so why are you scared? i am with you. show some courage. you're giving me courage. let's go.- come. how dare you ask mydaughter's hand in marriage? do you know who you are? mother. then why did you postan ad in the paper..

..that you want a poor son-in-law. i'll show you my poverty. where is my gun? please, sir.- get lost. what do you want?- i don't know, he brought me here. what's in the platter?- token. we're akhil's family member. tell me something, are you here topropose to my daughter on his behalf? actually, my mother..

mother. mother. mother. who are you calling?- my mother. she the horns on a donkey. don't talk nonsense. just tell me why you came here? actually, we came here to inviteyou for our daughter's wedding. she is still so small.why are you in such a haste. she just remembered herhusband from her last life.. ..and she wants to marry him again.

how educated is she?- 9th pass. and the boy?- 10th fail. give me the invitation card.- i haven't printed one. you didn't print the cards?- no, i did.. but i forgot to get it. hey..i got the cards printed,but couldn't get my daughter married. and you're here to inviteme to the wedding without the cards. where is mother?- you came back alive. o mother,you were being so brave out here.

and you lost all your courage inside. what to do? he was holding a gun. if this had happened 20 years ago theni would've pinned him to the ground. don't worry, mom. his daughter isn't here? she has flown out to spainbecause her marriage was cancelled. how can she go to spain?- why not? now you can leave to,so we can live in peace. stop saying such things to him.

then i must go to spain as well. then i must go to spain as well? she's gone to spain,not jhumri telaiya. and i can't sponsor tickets to spain. it's not a big this house. mind your tongue.this house is already mortgaged. we need 200,000 morefor your heart operation. and i am buying yourmedicines on credit card. you leave, son.- don't say that.

poor boy's in trouble. you think he's really your son! he's a clever boy. rob a bank, get in street fightor bet on cricket match to make money. thank you father, that's a good idea. idea? i just said like that. i hope he doesn't actually rob a bank. akhil. what's wrong with you?

he boy won. you lost for the first time. we would've got200,000 if you had won. i was offered 500,000 for losing. what will you do with that money? what is this?- money for grandma's operation. why will you pay formy mother's operation? i will get it done myselfwhen i get the money. would you have refusedif i was really your son?

we are always busy in earning money.. ..but our real wealth is our mother. only an orphan canknow the value of parents. please, don't say no. and your europe tour.- that's where i am going. my flight leaves in two hours. see you, mother. akhil. normally boys like youwho fail in love, end their life.

but you're givinga new life to my mother. from today,my family is always with you. i am no longer an orphan now. 'sanksrit chant' excuse me.- yes. your id card, ma'am.- oh.. medical student.- yeah. you? my name is budo,i am working in this apartment.

okay. thank you. good day, ma'am.- good day. akhil. oh my, god. what are you doing here? the guys at cambridge insisted,so i had to come. but cambridge is in london. exactly. they are opening a new branch here. and they want me to the branch head.

and what's wrong with you? even munni wasn't sohurt when she got defamed. and you flew all theway to spain to study. i wasted 2 lakhs. i didn't come here to study,i came here to kill someone. who?- the one who broke my marriage. kishore's friend. i found out that kishorecame here after getting married. so i took admission here.

if i get my hands on kishore, theni will find his scoundrel friend too. why don't you listen tokishore kumar's sad songs too? you will forget all about kishore. but i will punish him. i was humiliated onfacebook because of him. people stopped liking my photos. what's the point oftaking such nice selfies. so frustrating.- that's cruel. people stopped followingme on twitter as well.

papa had to face humiliation as well. my father's sad aboutmy broken marriage. i came here to kill his friend. i will get married onlyafter i kill his friend. i will kill him. but we must find that kishore first. as you wish. i will help you too.- really? yeah.- thank you so much, akhil.

until i don't find him i won'ttouch food, facebook, water, whatsapp. where is that bloody kishore? i've taken a month off from the job. we're going to havefun on our honeymoon. day and night only romance. no one will disturb us. who is it, fatima? take a look. hi.- brother? you, here? is kishore at home?- you?

how did you find us? by make fatima's motherswear on her father you risked your life for the sakeof our happiness and got us married. so why do you look so sad? come in.- let it be, he won't come in. why did you come here?- remember that girl, divya. yes.- she is coming here. divya? does she know the address?

if she asks who helped you,what will you say? i will tell her the truth,that you did. don't take my name.- then whose name should i take. i.. me.. myself.. who are you?- baburao khote. good for nothing.- absolutely right. you indians can'tmake an honest living.. ..and you don't value someone like me.

he was running around inthe market with dog biscuits. if you take his name,then divya's anger will calm down. and you will be spared.- but what will he do? i will accept your accusation. in order to wash away my sins,an astrologer said.. ..that i must help lovers. you two are lovers, aren't you?and you need my help. yes, we do, we do.- i will. she is here.

hey..tell me who got youmarried and helped you escape. that's me. why? so it's you. why did you do it? what a stupid question. why do children bunk school? for fun. why do they deflate tires? for fun. even i did it for fun.- what did you say? you broke my marriage for fun. even humiliated my father.

i can even break bonesfor uniting two lovers. don't stare at me. will you hit me? i know karate. kung fu as well. do you know savitri?- savitri? one who brought herhusband back to life? this is another savitri. khali's female version.- me..i am dead. what do you think? baburao will be scaredhearing savitri's name.

you can call anyone you like.i am not scared. i won't her. quickly. savitri! 'regional song' her name doesn'tmatch her personality. doesn't matter, we'll change her name. is he the one? i she's savitri. look sister, i won't fight you.

because i am an indian. so don't bring yourheight in our fight. so please go back. i'm an indian too. how? mother was from kanpurand father nigerian. oh my..couldn't yourmother find someone else. were all the boys of kanpur dead? we're not here to discussfamily matter. - so.

we'll talk about thefamily you humiliated. that's the corporation's job.not yours. you don't worry, i will handle her. i will show her goa's beaches.- great. oh god, i am dead. this is no way to hit anyone.doesn't suit a woman. you look like such a descent woman. father, save me. she's cleaning her clock.- hey, stop it.

stop you oaf.- oh, god! hey, take a break. kishore, go and save him.- i am not going anywhere near her. not there?- then? just wave at her.- you will beat me? what is this? what will you take for going away? there's a way to hit people. you're playing me like a drum.

i am going. is there anything left? how much more are you going to hit me? go back to kanpur. go away..i didn't hit you,so you don't hit me either. go away. go! run.- hey, wait. savitri, don't spare him.- she is not leaving me..

stop it. what is this? look, i am sparingyou because you're a woman. what is baburao's fault? will you kill himfor uniting two lovers? you will never understand love.- what did you say? you mean she can never fall in love.- exactly. that's why she doesn'thave a boyfriend. you're saying too much. i don't have a boyfriendbecause i never even tried.

if i say yes,boys will queue up after me. you can try as hard as you want. let'ssee if you can make one boyfriend. i will fall at your feetand apologise. it's a promise. i accept on her behalf. she will find a boyfriend in one week. be ready to apologise. right?- yes, this is my challenge. that's my challenge also. prove it. can she do it?- don't ask me, ask her.

yes! divya. coffee. it's been six days. find someone handsome and trusting,or you will lose the bet? you're right. how's that chocolate boy? 'relax.' oh, divya you're too much. there'ssomething called as color combination. i admit stains are good,but not for a lifetime.

correct. what about that chinese? loss. every part will be duplicate! where will i find an original piece? sometimes what you needis right in front of you.. ..but still you need to look around. you've already seen the dp,but you haven't liked it yet. yes..there is one boy.- who is he?

he's russian. his name is dupaski. he sits next to me in my class. he's perfect for me. russians only understand revolution,and not relations. only indians can understand that. indian boy.. where will i find an indian boy? 'she's just as stupid as her father.he's right in front of you.' oh yes, i found one.- who?

you? who else?- me? yes, akhil. you're the closest to me. you mean..- why don't you be my boyfriend? are you joking with me?- 100 percent, akhil. from now on you're my boyfriend. nothing is more importantthan winning the bet. yes, you're right. our chemistry shouldshake up his biology. i will shatter his arrogance,pride and anger.

we will. together we'll makethis mission possible, okay. see you tomorrow. akhil. will you ableto pretend to love me? "why does anyone fall in love?" "brings him in his life?" "loves him..and trustshim with his life." "this heart.." "oh my, this heart.."

this is my hiding place. hey, she is the mentalvikram's daughter. yes, that's her. who's that boy whoshe's hugging so tightly? i've seen him somewhere. he's the same guy whoencouraged me to marry fatima. i see.. rotten tomato,who are you torturing this time? what is it? why did you call now?

your insolent daughterwho was yelling at us.. roaming around with that akhiland openly displaying her romance. it's easy to slap anyonewhen you've power and money. now..what can you do about akhil? you're in india, and he's in spain. bloody..- you bloody, and your daughter too. godwin.- sir. book ticket for spain immediately. oh my, god. what happened?

please..please help me. you've been shot. who did this? bodo, you need to takethis injection immediately. thank you, ma'am. go that side, that side. hey you.. he intentionally killed himself. he told the secret of jua..tothe one who pulled the bullet out. and saved his life.

people of his tribe never lie. find that doctor who treated him. find him. you're joking, right.- i am not joking, i am serious. you don't know the truth about me. i cannot lie to you anymore. i fell in love with you since the day,i saw you. that's why i gotkishore out of my way. i know i was wrong,but i had no choice.

i did what i thoughtwas right to make you mine. there's nothing rightor wrong in love. wanted to tell me the truth.. ..after finding outwhether i love you or not. if i had told you before..- shut up! i wasn't sad about mymarriage getting cancelled.. much i was to seemy father getting humiliated. i will never forgivemy father's culprit. i admit i am your culprit.

but my love is true, divya. doesn't suit you to lecture on truth. don't ever show me your face again. divya. divya, please. somebody is following us. drive faster.- yes, sir. come on. kill him and come fast.

okay, yeah. yeah! mambo, let's go. police might come at any moment. come fast, mambo. oh, god! this locket,with the symbol of the sun-shield. it's no ordinary locket. according to hojo's belief,this locket will stay with.. ..whoever takes theresponsibility to protect jua.

the hojo tribe also believes.. ..that jua will get thislocket to that person somehow.. ..who he wants to protectthe entire world as well. this locket whichwas with bodo first.. ..ends up with akhil undermysterious circumstances. only daughter of a millionaire father. what did you think? you will marry herand become rich instantly? where is my daughter?- i don't know?

some africans abducted her. africans?- yes. some guy called mambo. mambo?- yes. is that the guy? that's him. how do you have his picture?do you know him? shut up. sir.- mambo. did you abduct some indian girl?

yes, there's a girl. budo told him wherejua is before he died. i asked her, but she didn't say. hey, she is my daughter.- what? don't harm her.i will get that secret from her. oh, i get it. so you want the jua for yourself. that's why you used your daughter. no-no, that's not true.

it's true. that's why your daughtergot to budo before me. now i won't deal with you. i will talk to katrochiregarding the deal. if you try to save your daughter,she will die. but i will bury you alive too. now just don't disturb me. mambo..- go to hell, you fool. hello. hello.

where did they divya?why did they kidnap her? tell me, or else.. fine, i'll tell you. this is all because of that jua. jua is a sun-shield that cansave the earth from getting destroyed. katrochi gave me thecontract of finding it. and i hired a cynical.. ..crazy, retired army officer..mambo. first mambo attackeda tribe called hojo.

because they had jua. but a boy called budomanaged to escape with the jua. later budo hid jua somewhere. i don't know why? and before dying hetold my daughter about it. and i know..this is whyhe kidnapped my daughter. let's go to the police now. if i complain,he will kill my daughter. you forgot all abouthumanity for your greed.

she is paying for your crimes. if anything happens to her,i won't spare anyone. not even you. taxi, sir. taxi.- kangolia. kangolia, no. kangolia.- no. you..- no kangolia. oh god, they are evenscared of the place. i guess they will wet theirpants if they hear about mambo.

i say we should leave too. shut up, coward. beyond fear there's divya. i won't go back without her. she isn't waiting foryou at some coffee shop. she is kangolia. how can i leave herin such a dangerous place? do you want to die?- excuse me. are you two indians?

do we look like chinese? we're speaking hindi,so we're indians. don't get angry, son.i need to use the restroom. will you hold this please?- this is not a locker. enough.. give it to me. lord jesus will protect you. are you inclined to help everyone? if you were edison's friend.. would've stoppedhim from inventing the bulb.

i say let's go.- excuse me. are you father douglas?- yes. whose father? yes, that's him. how did you recognize?- it is very simple. if you have a sthetescopearound your neck, you're a doctor. white coat and bible in hand,then father. right?- you're right. and you are?- i am johnson and johnson. two in one.- father mechanical sent me for you.

i believe in krishna and christian.- come. stop. why choose africa to pray? sins have increasedconsiderably here.. ..and even the peoplehave become black. you must reform these people.- yes, let's go. hold on..not so fast. father, shall we begin?- bless you. 'god, i need yourhelp to save my love.'

'forgive me if this is wrong,and help me.' father. this is a new place,so you're worried. i will solve your problems. you will be in troublewhen you find out. who is this fool?- he is my assistant, mathew chhada. his tongue is sharperthan a tailor's scissor. i hope he doesn't cut something else. mr. johnson and johnson. why are there twojohnsons in your name?

what's the reason?- my mother wanted twins. but i was born alone. so she added an extrajohnson to my name. what if she wanted triplets? you can ask my motherwhen you die and go to heaven. father..shut him up. which church will you go to first?- the kangolia jungle church. why did you stop suddenly? that's not a church, it's a graveyard.

people go straight toheaven without even praying. they drink cold bloodinstead of cold drinks. that's why i'm going there. to teach those cannibala lesson in mercy. doesn't matter what you teach them? if everyone thinks like that,then who will change the world? but only if we stay alive.- stop arguing and drive. or else i will curse you. i don't know the route.

all routes lead to god,you just drive. why are you taking me to god so soon?- johnson. okay, i will dropyou there and get out. is that okay?- just fine. let's go first.- okay. where did they go? father, you're sitting next to me,so why call me? tell me directly. there's a virus in my phone.

whenever you get a call from my phone,just disconnect it. okay. i get it. oh jesus. father. i've a doubt. can i ask?- ask. is celebrating christmason 25th december recent.. ..or was it done beforejesus' birth as well. that question can onlybe answered in some church. what church? we'll open a new chargein kangolia and then tell you.

hey, stop laughing. look there. come on, run-run. come on. fast..- run. run. come on.- come on. come on, run.. come on. come on. are these kids selling toy guns,johnson? they are real guns? they are the local dacoits.- dacoits.

junior. i warned you.- come on. get out of the car.- father, save these kids. let's pray.- pray? yes..with these kids.- okay. kids, don't point the gun at him.he's father. father? whose father? you, me..all of us. father, start praying. children, kneel down.sit on your knees. many bullets areyou going to fire in the sky. father, they seemlike the devil's kids. what now, father? i don't think prayerswill have any effect on them. let's give them everything.- me too.. you can give your life,if you want to. give me..give me. give me.- otherwise i will kill you. give me all..

give me that. let's go.. ok! what happened? are you shocked? such stupid illiterate looters. they took my fake watchinstead of this expensive car. very smart. johnson, sit in the car.- ok father. excuse me, kids.- yes. where can i find mambo?- mambo? what's for me?

see that car? i'll give you that car. car?- yeah. if we give them the car,what about us? he's no one to me thati should worry for him. i am worried about divya. you come with me.- ok. right-right.- yes. why break this nuisance alone? so he can show us the way to kangolia.

but you said lordwill show us the way. children are also the angels of god. but gods don't loot us.- it was their duty. now you do your duty and drive. slow..careful about car. this isn't your car.who are you to order me? what is this, father? i can drive any way i's my car, my wish. your car, but the fuel belongs to god.

say something i understand. i'll explain you everything later. stop here. come-come. with a gun in their hand,even kids can boss on us. you're so intelligent. my mother says that as well. that is the place. who is he?- mambo's brother moro

i am going.- moro. one is a serpent andthe other is a scorpion. run, father.- johnson, we're here to reform them. stop trying to do the impossible. killing people is theirfull time profession. but we must pray. pray before death. i am still single,i don't want to die. father, that kid stole my car.- let him go. he wants to play.

play? it's not a toy to play.- he might sell it. don't say such terrible things. shut your mouth, you. johnson, it will be nightfall soon. you can go back if you want.- what are you saying, father? if i go back alone,the hungry animals will feast on me. going with is us riskier? what is the risk here?

we're not going tosteal mambo or moro's cow. we're going to pray.- wow, you're a genius. i know. i didn't know this is how we pray too. this is how i used tosteal mangoes when i was a kid. and also when i made six packs. be ready, johnson.- why? are we going on a war? answering your questionsis as good as fighting a war. you fool, you would've understoodif you had been like me.

who are you? he's father. he's brother.i am johnson and johnson. we came for prayer. my card is here. father, please begin. i meant the coconut, not his head.- it was important. prayers change according to the place. was father a washerman?- no, he was a fighter. throw your guns down,or i will shoot your boss.

guns down. where have you kept divya?- divya? who is she? his lover. how can father be in love?- father was a lover. you said he was a fighter.- he was both. bring her out..or iwill blow his brains out. no! don't harm him. bring the girl. divya.- you! i will never go with you.

you're a cheater. you said lover, she's saying cheater.- he cheated for her love. oh..did we come to reform them,or free her? just watch quietly. what did you think? if you save me,i will forget everything. stop it,try to understand the situation. i didn't come here for sightseeing,i came to save your life. i told you the truth.- i did..but very late. this is not the time to argue,come with me.

i would rather stay here,but i won't go with you. fine..then i will die here too. father. you're a priest,not godfather. let her die if she wants to.- i came here to save her. but you came here to pray.- johnson. madam. think about little me.. forsake your anger, and come along. okay. if you say so. get in the car.

and what are you looking at? if anyone moves,i will blow his brains out. kishore.- yes. get the rope.- yes. tie him up. johnson, kick him. very good. ok! now catch this gun. i never even held a toy gun.- shoot now or you will die. do you really know anything about jua?

hey, don't talk to me. tell me johnson,should she be polite with me? wrong question to the wrong man.i still didn't understand anything. you will never understand. she should understand. i risked my life for her,and she didn't even thank me. who invited you? those gangsters werebetter than liars and cheats. madam, hold your tongue.

you don't talk tothe father like that. there is no father here. idiot. what is she saying? is she crazy? he's father for us, but lover for her.- how's that? six months ago thisfather was crazy about her. but her father didn'tlike this father. so she dumped this fatherinstead of her father. now he couldn't get marriedand become a real father.. he became achurch's father instead.

now when she got in troublebecause of her father.. ..this father saved her. i didn't understand a word. except that he's a father.- that's true. madam, you rejected himbut he still came to save you. this is not the way to speak. say sorry.- why should i apologise to him? father, this witchhas no feelings or manners. we should leave her in this jungle.

even animals won't eat her. i worked hard to get her,not leave her. even if she keeps spitting venom. now her venom willrun through my veins. sounds nice,but its miles away from logic. what are you staring at, you ox? you look like an orangutan.and you're trying to scare me. what you? i'll punch you.- i'll kill you. father he wants to kill me in english.

don't wait..bash him.we're close to the border anyway. that's what i wanted to do,just waiting for your permission. take that.i won't spare you. what did you say? shame on you. what have you done, johnson?now he'll seek revenge. i am the black cobra of gujrat. you're completely cynical. thank god we crossed the border. "the bright tresses.."

focus on your driving. it's not my fault,the mirror is so beautiful. how can mirrors be beautiful? the image in the mirroris beautiful, johnson. when she's right next to you,why see her image? some things are out of reach. not everyone can get to the moon. but they can touch its moonlight. hey..this bag has the propertypapers and a blank cheque.

let my daughter go. your love for your daughter ismuch more valuable than the property. but what has my daughter done? that boy kidnapped my brotherbecause of your daughter. he humiliated all of us. he already took your daughter away. but you know what's good. you will help us now. you will be my leverage now.

and your daughter andthat girl will come back to me. and if they don't come, withoutwasting time, i will shoot you. don't drink the water here,i wonder how it is. i will definitely drink it now. daddy.- mambo. if you don't come back,i will shoot your father. talk to him.- hello, son. daddy, why did you come here?- to get you out, dear. father-in-law, you should'veasked me before coming here.

hey..i need your permissionto save my daughter. you are not calling the shots now. i am giving the orders. who are you to interferebetween father and daughter? father and daughter are alike. i feel like taking her back to mambo. look, even if i die butdon't bring my daughter back here. can i make another request?- hurry up. don't marry my daughter.

my soul won't rest in peaceif i have you as my son-in-law. hello-hello..- i can hear you. go on..- hello. it's disconnected.- let's go. where will you go now? it's not a tourist spot whereyou can go whenever you like. couldn't your father sit at home,who told him to go prancing there? shut up! johnson? - are you reallygoing back to that dinosaur?

if i don't,then he will devour her father. and what if he devours me? don't worry, we'll be back in a jiffy. it's not a wedding wherewe're going for free food. i am not going back to that mambo.- johnson. i am johnson, not some babypowder which you can keep using. johnson, it's the jungle.- i know how to survive in the jungle. don't try to scare me. i am a lion.

no animal can scare me,i will teach him a lesson. i am the tarzan of this jungle. you're back, johnson.what about your fun in the jungle? leaving someone in distress is a sin. i came back to help you. he's calling. how big was it?- very big. why hasn't he returned yet?- he shouldn't. if he doesn't come back, you're dead.- i don't care.

my daughter must havecrossed the border by now. safe and sound. you.. daddy.- daughter. why did you bring her back?- she forced me. she wept over the entire seat.i had to bring her back. since when did you get so emotional?- shut up. you locked horns with me. for a girl.

you hit my brother.- no. please let him go. then tell me..where is that jua? it's in the suedocaves of kongo mountains. that's good. moro. if you're lying,then i will bury you all alive. make mine a big one.- shut up. moro, take care of everyone. he will make mince out of it.

what if i had fallen down?- you should have. why did you have to come back here? i see..i came here. if you had married my daughter, then.. ..this fool would'venever troubled my daughter. you were making a deal with him,what about that? don't force me.- shut up. what deal?- no deal. don't believe such crazy people.- i see..

something is missing.where is johnson? can i put some ointment on that? is it okay?- check it. bring stronger than this.- stronger than that? oh,, i am dead. oh, god. i am dead. mother.. father! johnson, what's wrong with you?- oh, god!

he made a hole in my back.- you broke his filter too. you fool, shut up. i hope they find the jua,so we can get out. they won't. i lied to them. why did you lie? if i hadn't, they would've killed him. that would've been good. that's how such foolsshould be punished.

you fool.. see, johnson. there's a son-in-law, father-in-law.. ..daughter,friend everyone in this story. i got involved withouta reason to die. you've a role too. uninvited guest. won't you be welcomed too?- in a casket. i risked my life to get her,and he wants to see me dead. that's your punishment, father.

i told you don't go back. in order to reform these devils,we'll be dead. what is this?- eat. can i get vegetarian food?- i can't eat this. okay.- sir, i am vegetarian. even snacks will do.- just eat what you're getting. father, will you eat this?- my full. how else will i fightthem if i don't eat? why? won't you fight?- mom will scold me.

hello, did you find the jua?- we didn't find anything here. the girl has cheated us.- s*** hey, come on. let's go. get up. search. father, your phoneis still calling me. i'll switch it off.- i guess he's still at the airport. who?- someone. who cares? by the way, where are we going father?

hey..why do you keepcalling him father? you're as old as his father.- why are you jealous? i didn't mean someone's father,i mean a priest. priest. when did that happen?- all because of you. you don't know.- because of me? this father was crazyabout your daughter. but since you rejected this father. your daughter left thisfather instead of her father.

that's why he became a father. when did it happen? and how cansomeone become father without a wife? this never happened. not that father, i justtold you he's the church's father. are you deaf?- are you mad? or you think i am a fool? either you're mad,or you think i am one. what happened?- the car broke down, what else? you should check theengine before running.

you should check the battery's charge. put some water in the radiator.- father-in-law. it needs petrol not water. you can't do a single thing properly. you should've checked thepetrol before stealing the car. stop screaming and call mambo. promise him anything andask him to send a helicopter. why will my dad call mambo?- you're jealous. what? where are you taking me?

come here..come here..- speak up. what are your intentions? do you want to cause arift between father and daughter? look, my daughter will never toleratethat i run illegal businesses. so keep your mouth shut. if you try to take advantage,i will kill you. you're scared,and trying to scare me too. now call my father and tellhim that you accept the proposal. i will never do such a thing.

divya.- wait-wait..i'll do it. i have to do it. hello.- hello, papa. yes, son. - father-in-law wantsto say something, so i called. talk to him. hello.- did you call or did he make you? what do you care? that means you accept the proposal?- why would i? then you're not?- divya..

wait.. i am ready. that's better. as soon as you return from europe,we'll become relatives. i am not in europe right now,i am in africa. why?- why do you care? i get it. you're still angry with my son. it's not anger, its hatred.

don't worry,it happens in the beginning. but then you will start liking him.- never. that's not it, you willstart liking him sooner or later. what's so special about him?- he's pure like gold. but i don't care.- i didn't mean that. i meant he has a heart of gold. he's useless.- i thought so too. believe me, the more you know him,you will start liking him. are you done?

i am done. now, it's your turn. let's go. hey stupid, come here. me?- yes, you. father, you go. you're making a mistake.- what did i do? getting your daughter marriedto a father and tainting his religion. sin?- yes.

he's doing a good deed. don't bind him in worldlyties and destroy his peace. is there any dearthof boys in this world? spare my father. lecturing me on father again.- has to be done. sometimes things don'tlook like they are. just like you look smart,but you're not. hey..a word more, and i will kill you. get lost. go.

you won't change your decision? okay. god, forgive this man. daddy!- coming. they were in this they must be close. go and search. johnson,this is a new experience for me. and it's a pathetic experience for me. father, concentrateon the fish not the girl. it wasn't easy catching it,you will burn the fish.

eat all you can.- seems like she's on a diet herself. how can we eat her? catch one of your own size. you think i am fisherman. why do you bark like a dog? he was right,you're completely mental. idiot. can you arrange for booze? daddy.- yes.

he's staring at me.- so what? don't look at him,and he won't look at you. it's your last night to stare. lord. i am going to killsomeone for the first time. please cooperate with me. my daughter will be safe now. mummy.- daddy. panther.- we're not tarzan. daddy.- protect her, lord.

daddy.. no.. father. father, are you okay?- yes, i am okay. uncle, are you okay? hippopotamus shedding crocodile tears. you didn't just save my daughter,you saved me too. i couldn't have lived without her. your papa didn't praise you enough.

i don't have wordsto express it either. i like you, that's all i can say. even if my daughter rejects, will be my son-in-law. it's done. the bell's been tiedaround father's neck. i wonder what's goingto happen to this world. whatever may it be, but weshould give them some privacy now. what privacy? father is for the publicnot a private property.

"flower shop below..andmy sweetheart's house on top." "when she looks outthe window..i lose my heart." son, scared of your father. let it play. lord, the solar eclipse has begun! send one of your angels.. stop the destructionof the world who can find jua. i am almost there. did you find them? don't worry, sir.i know where they are.

you come over.- okay. i think these animalsdied because of the heat. chief, some peopleare coming this way. who are you? why did you die for me? tell me, where is budo?- budo who? if you don't know budo,then how do you have his chain? honestly, i don't know him.i don't know how this came to me. you don't know,if jua isn't kept in this temple.. ..before the solar eclipse is over,then the world will be in destroyed.

what is jua? some want to kill for it,and some want to die for it. i don't get it. see..the destruction has begun. the increasing heat ofthe sun is drying up the lakes. birds and animals are dying. and this is just the beginning. imagine what will happen next. as soon as the moon movesfrom between the earth and the sun..

..the sun's rays should fall on jua,or else we will all be destroyed. now tell me where did you hide jua?- i really don't know. i will avenge my brother's death. please don't hit him.- tell me. tell me. tell me. i don't know. if you don't tell me,you will be dead. it's in the eel pond. eel pond?- yes!

budo said that jua shouldnever fall in wrong hands. so i kept it a secret. i was scared that.. ..papa or akhil might revealthis secret to mambo for saving me. bringing jua from there is impossible,which means we're going to die. i will kill you.- mambo. where is jua?- i want it. even if you know, it's impossibleto bring it from there. i want to make it possible.

where can i find it?- eel pond. sir, no one's everreturned alive from there. that pond must be infestedwith man-eating piranha fishes. it's dangerous.- dangerous? i will kill you. kill me. i would rather diehere than in that pond. dammit. my dreams are shattered. kill everyone. spare no one. i will go there.

who are you?- akhil. sir, don't trust him. you don't have a choiceother than trusting me. no, akhil. i won't let you go there. i am not going there becausei am scared of mambo or katrochi. i am going there for them. budo could've told them the truth. but he gave up his life for them. a innocent boy gave up his life..

..because he thoughti am the protector of jua. these tribesmen are riskingtheir life to save the world. we must help them. this locket came tome was no coincidence. this is my fate.i must save this world. sir, he killed my brother. don't worry, mambo. when he does our job you can kill him. come on, my boy.- but i have a condition.

you won't harm anyone. let everyone go. do exactly as i said.- okay, young boy. what's happening? i can't see, sir. throw! throw! throw! throw! don't go closer to the ridge.that pond is very dangerous. he's coming, he's coming. bravo, come on give it to me.

what are you doing? you will get it only when yourmen throw their weapons in this pond. what are you saying?- you want jua or your weapons. take the decision quickly. throw all your weapons. catch, boss. i got it. hey..the world is going to end. and only i can save it.

now watch this destruction yourself. enjoy. akhil! damn it. 'regional language' years ago, the saints fromyour country established it here. and now by protectingit you saved the world. akhil, are you okay?- yes. johnson, why do you look upset?

because he answered the phone.- from the real father? and he got scolded.- sorry, johnson. what sorry? i never called my realfather so many times. i have a doubt. did that kid take mycar or did you give it to him? he wouldn't have helped me for free,so i had to give it. have you ever seensuch an exchange offer. shut up you fool.

it wasn't for free.. i worked hard for it.- johnson, don't be delusional. everything belongs to god. we didn't bring anything in this world,and we won't take anything back. stop preaching, bloody liar. fine..i'll get you arickshaw on credit card. but i am the scapegoat in all this. johnson, father calling.- there's no father. i don't want to talk to my own father.

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