recently released movies

recently released movies

good morning, sir. - good morning, sir.- good morning. - good morning.- good morning, sir. so, have all the arrangementsfor the meeting done? - yes sir.- where's the program? this is the program sir. - d'souza- yes sir. - you will look after the transport.- yes sir. the arrangements ofthe plane tickets and cars.

- it has been done sir.- that's good. if there is any problemthen tell apoorva. right sir. swami, you will lookafter the hotel bookings.. - ..and the rooms.-yes sir. yes sir. - matrey.- sir. our chief account officer mr.nair is also going to come. - he is unwell but wants to come.- okay.

if there is any problem then.. i will tell apoorva.. - make arrangements of a doctor.- okay. remember that. this is the first step for apoorva'straining to run the companies. okay. please call apoorva madam. good morning, madam. the meeting is over. okay. all the best for the meeting.

- thank you, sir.- okay. apporva, you have togo to dalhousie yesterday. for which work were you calling me? you have to go todalhousie tomorrow. why are you screaming? child, we have the yearly meetingof board of directors of gopal group. you have to chair that meeting sothat is why you have to go there. no, no father.i have my rehearsals. i have to giveperformance on the stage.

- i have to dance and i know nothing.- okay. - i don't know anything.i have to rehearse. - okay. child, taking parts in dramasand attending journalism classes. why are you wastingyour precious time? look child, it is a wasteof life to run after talent.. and degree whichcannot be used to earn money. next year you have togo to america for two years. and do course ofbusiness administration. and then take care ofthese companies after me.

so that even i should eat moremedicines than breakfast like you. oh, come on. be serious, apoorva. your grandfather rose from footpathto establish such a big emoire. i have been taking careof it for last 25 years.. ..and now you haveto take care of it, child. come on father;let me enjoy 2- 3 years of college. after that i have to get involvedwith these useless numbers. okay, i will not ask youto go to any meeting for one year. but child you willhave to go to this meeting.

- father.- please. can't you give one dayout of 365 days for the company? okay. go and stay in your bungalow there. i will ask bhaagsingh to get it cleaned. - okay.- okay. good luck. hail to lord hanumaan. god has created agreat vegetable onion.

if onion is added toany dish then it is a blast. and today this onionis going to create a blast. - onion, onion.- what are you doing? i have heard for a person that.. keeping onion on the head theentire day the body remains warm. what do you think? by doing actingof having fever you can escape. as soon as madam comes and seesthat you have given her house on rent. then we both will be in the jail. and if madam is kind heartedthen we both will be on the road.

how will we be on the road? i will go and askthose boys to leave. great they are all young boys. they will be beat you up badly. from where will youreturn their money? you have spent theentire money on alcohol. not only on alcoholbut i gambled also. and didn't i getthis dress for you. to hell with it.

take this veil, and this dress. what are you doing during day time? get away you stupid fellow. i just have these earringsof my parents' side left with me. so take these also. brother nihaal.why am i saying brother? nihaal. look, you will have tovacate the room today itself. and if you do not vacate itthen i will throw the things out.

and look, don't mess up withlocal people. understood or not. and i will return yourmoney as and when i have it. did you hear? - thank you.- very, good, nihal. congratulations. - uncle.- yes, what is it? so uncle, how come you here today? son, i came to ask thatwhen will you return to have food. it is only 2o'clock now. we willcome at night after eating food.

- but i am in trouble.- what? - she is going to come?- who? - my death!- death? come on, madam. - bhaag singh.- yes. take this envelope andgo to holiday inn at 8o'clock. you will meet mr. d'souza there. tell him that this contains the listof people coming for tomorrow's meeting. i am very tired.i am going to sleep.

you should sleep.. - don't disturb me.- okay. - don't wake me up at all.- okay. don't even bring tea. i will not come for tea but i willhave to go and give this envelope. it was really fun. hey, dance... hey pehalwaan, get up. you always occupy theentire space and sleep.

hurry up and get upotherwise i will hit you. oh god, it is so cold in dalhousie. get in, get in. hey pehalwaan,how did you become so soft? turn that side and sleep.what are you doing? - who are you?- who are you? - there is someone else.- who are you? uncle. light,light.where is the light? - who are you?- nihaal.

thief, thief. bhaag singh. oh god. bhaag singh, bhaag singh. coming, madam. - what is the matter, madam?- what is happening? who are they all?how did they come inside? - what is happening?- madam.. the thing is that. from the time your father boughtthis bungalow he never came here.

it had been 8 yearsand it need maintenance. so i thought of giving it on rent.. if you were in need of money thenyou should have asked from the office. who asked you tosave father's money? - i..- i don't want to hear anything. throw all of them out immediately. otherwise i will throw you out,bhaag singh. now at 11o'clock at nightwhere will the boys go in jungle. yesterday a lion ate a man, madam.

- have pity on them.- okay. but i should not see anyonetomorrow morning. understood. not at all.all will be out. everyone will go. i am saved. amazing, she threw our bags. uncle. hey,she threw my belongings out. what does this girlthink of herself? sleeping on my bed in myroom she is throwing my things out. i will not spare her.

- hey, nihaal. nihaal.- i will not spare her. nihaal, listen to me. listen to what i want to say.calm down. the thing is that thisgirl is a little crazy. - what do you mean?- she is mad. her story is very painful. if youhear it then even you will feel sad. this entire propertybelonged to her father. he lost everything in gambling. the girl got such a bigshock that she became mad.

even today she thinks thatthis bungalow belongs to her. every year she comes and stays for 2-3 days so even i don't say anything. she curses me and i listen.- oh no. i think what willhappen of this girl. no uncle, you are reallyvery kind hearted man. who keeps a mad girl like this? - there is something called humanity.- no problem. - you are 20 people. you must betired so go and sleep. - yes. whatever had tohappen has happened.

- now there is peace.- okay. - go and sleep now.- okay, good night. okay, i will come in your room. oh god, she looks so beautiful.amazing. what is this?you all haven't left till now. we will go.we will go after having tea. - yes, we will go.- bhaag singh. i am getting late. where has father trapped me?

what is it?what are you looking at? - am i looking mad?- no, no. you are not at all mad. hey, listen where areyou taking our things? uncle, where hashe taken our things? - calm down, calm down.- one minute. - where has she gone?- nothing has happened. he has got fit ofbeing a washer woman. she will go to the shore andwash your things and bring it back.

you will get yourthings cleaned for free. idiot, you survive on hermoney and say lies about her. shameless,why have you come her between men? - go inside.- keep quiet, otherwise i will hit you. - boy.- yes. the thing is that she isthe owner of this entire property. oh my god. he lied to you sothat you do not beat him. why shouldn't we? uncle, you..

but where has she taken our things? hey, what are you doing? why? mad people behave this way. they pick up the thingsand throw it like this. isn't it? one more is left. sister,i don't have underwear left. we request you... anyway, we have come to apologize.

okay, we will catch ourears and even ready to do pushups. come on do it. what are you doing? we made a mistake. for give us. if you come further theni will hit you. understood. get away. why do you want toprove bhaag singh right? look, please calm down. we will vacate yourbungalow and leave. but please give this.

- immediately.- yes immediately. - at this moment.- yes, but let me first take my bag. - hey, leave it.- my bag. give me the bag. leave the bag. being a girl aren'tyou ashamed of doing this. do you sing devotional songs? - this is too much.- give me the bag. i will make sure i take the bag.

there is nothing that belongsto your father. give me the bag. you never know it might containthings that belong to my father. - i made a mistake.- give it to me. give it to me. what are you doing?- let me see how you don't give this. what are you doing? - give me the bag.- what kind of a girl are you? - what are you doing?- give me the bag. - give me the bag.- give me the bag.

- don't touch the bag.- what are you doing? leave me. oh god.hey, you are too much. - give me the bag.- no, i will not leave it. hey. "the shy eyes and sharpeyesight secretly said this." "dear, you are crazyabout me and love me." "but you are shy." "this love is eternityand look what has happened." "that my eyes just keep dreaming."

"very dreamy." "very dreamy." "i have heard that you are crazy." "listen to the music of my heart." "after speaking againyou are repeating." "you have many good ideas." "i know what storyi have to tell you." "these things stole my heart." "your actions are romanticand your attitude kills me."

"your eyes are enchanting." "never go away from me." "you too nevercome so close to me." "never ever break my heart." "you too explainyour heart sometimes." "you believe it or noti will always be yours." "come on, don't be annoyed now." "i was just joking with you." "don't be serious."

"but shy." there is still twohours left for your flight. you will easily reach the airport. this small visit to dalhousie hasbrought such a big turn in my life. i had never thought that the personwhom i did not know two days ago and now promised to spendmy entire life with him. i am scared thinking that.. ..if bhaag singh was not a drunkardor gambler then i would be in loss. wait for two more days.we will go together, apoorva.

no, no. - i had told you aboutballet competition. - yes. i have rehearsals for that.. ..and if i don't reach on timethen its director won't spare me. but he is in your collegeso woo him or make any excuse. no, he is not my class mate.he passed college ten years ago. just out of his interesthe does direction and writes plays. because of him our collegehas won three trophies, understood. really. then i willhave to meet that man.

where are your classes going on? 'how shall i tell youthat what you are for me?' 'how shall i tell you?' 'hey!' 'how shall i tell youthat you are a sweet song?' 'you are music of life.' 'you are life; you are prayer,light and freshness.' 'you are happiness,love and i am your beloved.' 'you are in my eyes,memories, breathing and my arms.'

'you are in my sleep and dreams.' 'you are a part of my every talkand also in my days and nights.' 'you are in themorning and evenings.' 'you are in my thoughts and work.' 'you are my achievement and loss.' 'you are my laughter and crying.' 'and even sleepingand awakening is you.' 'wherever i go and whereveri see you are there.' 'how shall i tell youthat i am nothing without you?'

'how shall i tell youthat what are you for me?' 'you appearanceis the light of life.' 'your body is as soft assandalwood and beauty flows in it.' 'this brightness andplayfulness you got from wind.' 'and beautiful hairyou got from clouds.' 'flowers bloom on lipsand eyes are like streams.' 'there is moonlight hidden inyour face and music in your voice.' 'your body is like glassand complexion is like flowers.' 'you walk like rivers flow.'

'what beauty, what condition.' 'the colorfulness of your bodyis just like thousand butterflies.' 'the roundness of your armsand the shadows of your veil.' 'these rivers are of dreams.' 'how can i tell youthe condition of my heart?' 'how shall i tellyou what are you for me?' 'how shall i tell youthat you are religion for me?' 'you are faith for me,you are my worship.' 'you are my love,you are my dream.'

'you are the picturei want to see every time.' 'you are my are my star.' 'you are my view.' 'you are in my thoughtsand have surrounded me.' 'you are in every direction.north, south, east and west.' 'you are in my entire life.' 'you are in every momentand in everything.' 'you are path forme as well as my goal.' 'you are sea forme a well as shore.'

'i just see youand think about you.' 'i just know you and believe you.' 'you are my identity.' 'how shall i tell you?you are goddess for me.' 'you are god to me.' fantastic. when did you all come? since long we werewatching you secretly. and you did not come to know.

you are unbelievable. unbelievable.unbelievable. it was magic. it was not acting. till today i have neverseen anyone lost in his character. just with your face and words youmade that girl alive in front of us. who was not present here. malhaar, i will actin that drama as that girl. promise. - alright.- shall i also play a role in it?

you work as a pole. come on go,go and memorize your lines. prakash, go at the light. anna, i have brought that builder. with great difficulty i havebeen able to get mr. mansukhani. come on. he is standing outside. today, apoorva willconduct everything. water. it is time forwater so i will have to go. - i will go and change my clothes.- malhaar, malhaar.

you are truly unbelievable. i just adore you. really. hey! yes. boys, boys todayi am malhaar. okay. come on. where is rahul? what a foolish personhe was whom you made me meet? even my commissionof 2% has gone, sir. anna, who were these people?

these foolish people.. ..want to make shoppingcenter of this theatre. they have bought seas.. ..rivers, mountains, farms and theywant to make shopping centers of it. their hunger is never satisfied. son, i see mymemories in your face. never do cheating with theatre. hey, where did yougo so early in the morning? i had gone out.

i very well know why yougo so early in the morning. so that you don't haveto listen to what i say. and you come backafter i go to the office. you have food and thenagain you go in the evening. what can i do if tapwater comes after you leave? till i am aliveyou are getting water. if i die then youwill not get even that. you don't worry about that. what should i do then?what should i do?

nowadays it is better to be uneducatedrather than being 3rd class ba pass. at least he can lift up the burden. who will give jobto the 3rd class ba pass? sarla died whilegiving birth to you. i have not touched anywoman for last 30 years. and i kept on doingtyping for four hours. my entire life haspassed with this sound. people who have sons of your agelead a retired and peaceful life. will you drink tea?

and i am trying to get an extensionfor one year after retirement. for last three months i amrunning after my boss like a dog. - what is it?- match box. useless.what not have i done for you? yes, you have done a lot.when did i say that you haven't? you locked me for 8 hours and wentfor work so that i could study more. i started hating books. even then because ofyour fear i kept on trying. and kept on standing first.

once i did not stand firstand you hit me with the broom. what was my age at that time? 10 or 11. but what have you thought now? what are you goingto do with your life? from last 8 yearswhen i finished studies.. have been askingme this bitter question. and i have been giving you this sweetanswer that i will only do drama. yes, you will domake- up and do drama.

are you watching? i had thought that hewould do what i could not. he will become a doctor,army officer or collector. it is not necessary that everyone.. ..should get degree ordiploma or become an engineer. nobody asks zakir hussainor tendulkar what their degree is. - really?- yes. which foolish person toldyou that you will become like them? not someone.

but life told someonein his ears that.. will play cricketso he became cricketer. someone said that go you will playthe tabla so he became zakir hussain. similarly life told me in my earsthat malhaar you will become an actor. you will not be ableto do anything except drama. not only has yours, but the thinkingof entire society has become rotten. as if academic successis the only success in life. i don't wish to hear your nonsensefurther so that is why i am going out. i have requested mr.chavlani of raj transport.

so with your 3rd classcertificates reach their office.. 10:30 in the morning. it will be good for rejection. - sawant.- sir. tell raj singhania that if he doesnot shut down his shops on time.. ..then i will get the licenseof all his shops cancelled. sir, but he is localmla of this area. so what if he is the local mla. i am the collector of this area.

and tell him thatlaw is equal for all. you go and i am also coming. - where is my coat?- i am bringing. - good, morning, dad.- hi. where are my spectacles? - greetings, father.- how was the trip? - superb, like always.- great. congratulations. madam, for how manypeople should i cook food? - listen.. - classical singer bahmaniis coming at night.

she is performing in the lawn. listen, prepare food forabout 25- 30 people at night. - first shot, bull's eye.- very good. - driver, after dropping sir to theoffice bring the car back. - yes. - i want to go shopping.- yes. - find it that side.- yes, but.. what are you finding mother? - i cannot find my spectacles.- hey, father has worn it. you always do this.

okay, listen please putthe thread in the needle. - this is matter of a second.- i am leaving, mother. - 2 seconds.- nihaal. - yes.- a call had come for you. - whose call was it?- some apporva chaudhary. she was askingwhen will you return. here goes the thread. okay, tell me whichmy middle finger is. - this one.- not correct.

hey, not fair. okay, tell me once more. try it. - this one.- again you touched the same finger. - what are you doing?- that's cheating. - what cheating?- you are cheating, okay. okay fine. hey, don't look. now tell me. i will not hold yourfinger but your hand. come on. i have talked with my father.

- and he has invited your parents.- when? - once my competition is over.- when is your competition? how shall i tellyou what are you for me? aashish, vincent. goddess, you are free from curse. god has come to take you. turn and look at your lover. he is broken becauseof fear of losing you. if you leave himand go then he will die.

he cannot see your condition. look.. shit. stage lights. your eyes should be wet. i want tears. don't you understand? how many times have i explained? how many times have i explainedthat you are not apoorva. you are a cunning woman.

one is roaming onearth to get liberation. she will get liberationwhen someone loves her. when he expresses his love. that poet has expressed. he has expressed. he said that how shall itell you that who are you for me. you got liberationand your beauty back. you have to go backto heaven from earth. but you do not want to go.

because you have startedloving this person. the person who does not loveyour body but your inner beauty. he loves your souland not your body. they cannot pass time athome and come here to do drama. i want to take the obsessionof love to that level.. ..where it appeaseswhere this drama ends. at the end of this play all theviewers should be bound to their seats. an end that no one has seen. people will throw shoesat you the way you are doing.

do practice. can't you cry? i will not be able to do it. - why can't you cry?- i don't know how to cry? - what can i do?- what is so difficult in it? what can i do? i cannot cry. why? what is so difficult in it?do you know how to laugh? what is crying? look. i do not want any dialogue. count from 1 to 10 but from heart.

you will automaticallystart crying. 1, 2, 3.. 4, 5, 6.. 7, 8.. 9, 10. look, there are tears in my eyes. and look you havealso started crying. why are you crying? because of fear.

you can do it. good girl. come on. 1. 2, 3. "what should i do?" "i am madly in lovebut i am not aware of it." "how can i solve the mattersthat are so complicated?" "forget that you are an angel." "and you have come to knowthat you are someone else."

"even if you live for many years." "but the time spend with yourbeloved is much more than many ages." "by breaking all relationsand leaving all compounds.." " heart wants tospend every moment with you. come on mohini,let's go in our dream boat. let's go to our glittering village. the view of the rainbow andthe stream that flows behind it. there is no oneelse in this journey. this journey isonly yours and mine.

now what are you waiting for? when love is calling youand the dream world is in front. today, the great lyricistand film director.. gulzaar is present amongst us. i request him to come on stage andgive away the award for best actress. and the best actress awardgoes to miss apoorva chaudhary. i am sorry sir buti cannot accept this award. why? someone else hasthe real right on this.

its rightly belongs to that personwho can see god in a common girl. the one who characterizesall the great men.. ..and personifiesthem on this stage. sir.. malhaar, come on. come on, come on. have a long life. she says that you havethe right on this prize. - what is your name?- malhaar agnihotri.

take this. take it. it is yours. malhaar.. sir. malhaar, today i wantto give a party to you. today evening cometo benzer at 8:30 do come for sure. i am going to give you a surprise. okay. do come. i will wait for you. hey, malhaar.

idiot, today you had togo to chavlani for clerk's job. didn't you know it or not? and you had goneto get this trophy. what will you do of this trophy? what will you do of this? tell me, what will you do of this? why don't you speak? i will tell you. you will do will be begging on the road.

slippers.where are my slippers? i don't even eat betelleaf so that i can spit on him. stop, stop.where are you running? i know what you willdo of this trophy. by putting my bones inthis you will put them in ganga. stupid fellow. i had asked you to go for jobad you had gone to get this trophy. why are you looking up? what has happened, son?

i have not done anything wrong.i won a cup. you all are lucky thatyou haven't got such a child. he is looking up. looking up,what are you looking up? is your father sitting up? where are you running? idiot. your director hasn't come.where has he gone? he is very shy in nature.

he is just likea king on the stage. out of the stage justlike a stale flower. you seem to be quiteimpressed by him. of course. i am sure you willgood friends when you meet him. why, why? because you both arevery good human beings. you know something.i am getting jealous of this guy. really. but why hasn't he come yet?

did you find my areato commit suicide? rascal, he wants to commit suicide. sit up. hey, come on sit up. come on. okay now tell mewhy were you committing suicide? i wasn't committing suicide. then who was doing it? your father? their.. the sun at the horizonwas committing suicide. i had thought that whatwill happen of my future.

to save that i ran inside. people at the shorestarted shouting. save, save. who all are there in your house? - we are six of us.- who all? four walls, ceiling and i.. rascal, he seems to be mad. - hey, 342.- yes sir. - make him drink tea and let him go.- okay sir.

how did you thinkof committing suicide? for you i left my nameand my every relation. and you did not think of me. that what will i do orwhere will i go without you. malhaar, when life whisperedin your ears that.. will become anartist then you became happy. you had fought with the world. and today life is screamingin your ears that.. malhaar that these tears, insult..

..disrespect and badwords are not a curse. this is not weakness. with this curse your characterswill get an identity. and when these characters willshine in the darkness of the stage then the entire theatre will speakin one voice and one time that.. ..malhaar, you are great. you have done a great job,malhaar. great.. my voice will be one of them. and you fool. you were goingto throw this talent in the sea.

malhaar, because of your love.. ..i can be your any weakness. but i cannot tolerateyour weakness, malhaar. excuse me, excuse me. brother, where are classesof journalism heald? hey, come on what's wrong.cheer up,cheer up buddy. tell me where the classesare held. tell me. that girl apoorva chaudhary. yes, apoorva chaudhary.

- i have to meet her.- why? hey, she is my fiancã©e. i am going to get marriedto her and you are asking why? what happened, brother? why are you hitting me? are you feeling okay? hey, you are a strange man. i am being good with youand you are misbehaving with me.. what is it? will you hit me?

hey, who is he? you have a desire to hit then hit. hey, what are they doing? he iscollector's son and apoorva's fiancã©. mr. chaudhary,we just know this much that.. ..other than your daughterwe do not need anything. i would like to say that.. ..marriage should take placeonce they finish their studies. that is right. - don't go inside.- mr. chaudhary, leave me.

- hey, wait.- mr. chaudhary. there are guests inside. wait. - are you deaf?- mr. chaudhary. greetings. i am malhaar inapoorva's college i am.. mr. malhaar please have a seat. - he directs plays in apoorva's college.- okay, okay. - apoorva got prize in his play.- greetings. hello son, nice to meet you.

mr joshi is our relative. apoorva's marriage hasbeen fixed with his son. - will you have tea?- no. - what is the matter?- no. i want to talk to you. excuse me. what is the matter? you are fixing apoorva's marriage. i am not fixing buthave already fixed.

don't do like this.she loves me a lot. even i love her a lot. what nonsense are you talking? - i cannot live without her..- come here. ..and she cannot live without me. - come here, you fool.- listen.. - look, even i cannot live without her.- come here. there is no one except her in my life. no one can understand me.

- we love each other like anything.- what nonsense are you talking? - this is disgusting.- please, please. try to understand.our dreams will be shattered. don't do like come she did not tell you? apoorva, apoorva. - when did this happen?- have you gone mad? have you gone mad? hit me if you wish to. - apoorva, apoorva.- get out. watchman.

watchman, throw him out. hit me, hit me. - apoorva, tell him that you love me.- shut up. - take him out.- please. by throwing me out youcannot prove anything. please - what is happening, brother?- he seems to be mad. - i may live but she will die.- what is the matter son? you do not come in between. oh my god.

call the police. is he your son? allegation has been put on him thathe has killed collector abhijit joshi. sir, he is a murderer from birth. when he was born he killed his mother. and from last 30 years heis killing my dreams every day. hang him to death.not once, twice but many times. hang him. hang him to death, sir. hang him to death, sir.

don't spare him. don't spare him. look. look at this statue. someone's love has trappedhim in four breaths. i am repaying the valueof those four breaths till today. no, brahma, no i am notright for this love and faith. i am worth insult,expectation, and disrespect. hey vishnu, you are not responsibleto take care of me now. hey, shiv shankar,now i am the god of death.

now i will bring on destruction. and will become the reasonfor great destruction. i am the master of darkness. i am a clean soul. i am, ashwathama. this court announcesa punishment of 7 years.. ..for malhaar gopal agnihotrifor killing collector abhijit joshi. sawant, what happened to the car? sir, it has gone to theairport to get new collector sir. - not even for a day..- yes..

go and get auto for mother. - and i will come in the truck.- okay. do one thing find out the sharesof surya electronics and bajaj. nihaal, i am very sorryabout your father's death. - how did it happen? - but why areyou vacating the house so soon. look, father honestly servedthe government for 25 years. today, when he is no more. the government cannotgive his family.. ..six months time tostay in government office.

in just 15 days theystand here with the lock. sir, according to rule thegovernment gives one day's time. we still gave them 15 days grace.. you did a great favor on us. nihaal.- he thinks himself to be a collector. - nihaal, now you are no morecollectors' son. - yes. you eill have to make yourown nihaal joshi's identity. and i am sure thatyou will really make it. thank you daddy.

but son till then you willhave to forget everything that.. got becauseof collectors position. daddy, apoorva is with me. i can tolerate any situationwhen she is with me. i can bear any kind ofproblem when she is with me. son, i think you did notunderstand what i am saying. apoorva is one of them. whom you were going to getbecause of collectors position. if all the things are not there inyour life then how can apoorva stay?

daddy, i cannot stay without apoorva. what will i do withouthis support, daddy? look son. if you really like apoorva. then do you want to see her workingin one room kitchen cooking food. or you want to see her happygetting married to any successful man. yes, what? the rate of suryaelectronics has fallen. then sell off the shares.

what is the benefit ofkeeping the falling things? okay. okay, son. he does not want it butdid he ask me that what i want. more than all thesethings i want your support. - nihaal, i want to be with you.- apoorva, listen.. - i want to be with you.- apoorva, listen to me. - listen to what i am saying apoorva.- i want to be with you. even i want to spend myentire life with you. sit down. but not now.

apoorva, your father is a great man. do you know that heis a great philosopher? he told me what is goingto happen after marriage. till yesterday i wascollector abhijit joshi's son. after marriage i will be knownas apoorva chaudhary's husband. when will i become nihaal joshi? you can become thateven after marriage. no apoorva. the entire desire, passion, hardwork we need to fulfill our dreams.. finished working for food. i cannot marry right now. then tell me what i should do. at present i cannot thinkabout anyone else except for me. even you do not thinkabout anyone else. no, i won't cry.don't worry. i will not cry at all. what else can life do worst with me? i am absolutely fine. look. see, i am laughing.

i am laughing. i think it is time for you to leave. you should go otherwiseyou will get late. will we not meet again? of course we will meet.we will meet each other and smile. we will greet each other and leave. it is very late so go now. go away from here. go.

- what is this? has apoorva gone?- yes. just put thread in this needle, son. - what happened?- i can't do it mother. i am your mother. but now i have tobecome your father also. nihaal hadn't come out fromthe shock of his father's death. and you went and talkedbitterly with him. will the truth changeby changing time and place? the bitterness could have been less.

you very well knowthat i love him a lot. listen apoorva,don't mind my harshness. even if you keep a dogin the house you get attached. but because of some attachment.. one forgets theidentity earned in 30 years. i am talking to someonefor your marriage. the boy is ambitious. hehas bought a company worth 50crores. he will help you takeyour companies further. and if that boy asks me that..

..all this has been made byyour grandfather but what is yours. then what shall i answer him? look apoorva, if you don't want tomarry the boy i have found for you.. ..then go to americafor two years to do mba you will forget everythingafter you go there. not at all.i have never thought about my dreams. but today because ofyou i have realized that.. ..this bungalow,assets and everything can be snatched. only your identity stays with you.

i will become what i want to become.. you keep on explainingme in your way.. ..and i will keep onexplaining you in my way. if instead of doing your businessof utensils or nut and bolt.. ..i want to become a directoror journalist then can't i become. what about the thingsyour grandfather had thought? daddy, my grandfathersaw a dream of 100crores.. ..worth company sittingon the footpath. and he fulfilled it.

i am proud of him. but would his soul rest in peace.. ..seeing that his granddaughter.. living a life ofa loser forgetting her dreams. he will never be proud of me. 98, 99, 100. 101, 102. 103, 104. 105, 106.

107, 100.. 109, 110. hey, you had promisedto increase five every day. promise. come on do it. 111. you still have to do many thingsafter getting released from jail. so your health should be fine. 114, come up, slowly.

115. what happened?the weight has increased too much. i had dreamt of lifting this burden. it is not a burden. i felt as if colorful butterflywas sitting on my back. is this sleeping time? what are you looking at?get up and work outside. get up. the van is standing outside.get to work straight away. come on, everyone sit in the van.

come on, come on, everyone everyone sit in the van. even you move. - come on, come on.- hurry up. - hey, come on.- everyone move towards the van. - hey, come on hurry up.- hey, come on move ahead. with great grief weare informing you that.. ..your son malhaar is missingbecause of a bus accident. assuming he is deadwe are closing his file.

jail superintendent sharad imre. now neither prithvi raajkapoor nor balraaj sahni is alive. no one is bothered about theatre. mr. anna if you wouldhave sold it to mansukhani.. ..then you would have spentrest of your life comfortably. the theatre will come to us even now. buying it in auction i willmake mansukhani shopping center here. but you are in lossfor no reason, anna. he has lost theatre andso many loans is now on his head.

which all doors willyou close after sky? now keep watching the drama that iwill play on the stage of this world. she is lost even in so many crowds. nice quality. - colonel rathi.- hi, mrs. chawla. hello. mrs. sofia,my assistant and companion. hello sofia, how are you? i will not ask permission to sit.

formality has mademan a stranger that.. ..people have gotlost in their own lives. we army men live in the momentand do not have time for formality. - the advertisement for marriage..- i had given. and i am fortunatethat you replied to it. look, we have to find thehappiness of life in advertisements. actually i had become reallyalone after mr. chawla's death. - that is why i replied to your..- even i was married. oh really. then what happened?

after the assasination of mrs.indira our house.. ..was one of the housesthat were burnt in delhi. oh no. this usually happens in our country. after the assassination of mahatmagandhi the houses brahmans were burnt. after the assassination of mrs.indira the sikhs were burnt. our nation becomes blindby getting trapped in emotions. what will you have? even mrs.indira had asked the same question.

i had answered bullets,gunpowder and weapons. after the war of 1971. were you present in the 71 war? 20kms away from lahore. if mrs indira had given one signalthen lahore would have been at her feet. but an agreement took place. we were called back. do you know how much blood of soldiersis there in the ink of the agreement? yes mam.

- large rum with ice.- okay sir. colonel, which otherfights have you fought? for a soldier every moment is a fight. then whether there is enemyin front or someone's beautiful eyes. whether it is battlefieldor someone's beautiful body. our hands have so much talent that.. ..they can carve anybody and make it taj mahal. and so much gun powderis also filled in their hands.. ..that they can break a strong fort.

how do you break a fort,colonel rathi? we knock before destroying it. if knocks are notanswered then we attack. and what do you do of those forts.. ..which are waiting foryears for some knocks or attacks. we accept their invitation. chandra manek shah had oncetold me not to believe women ever. they are death for men. if we accept them then theykill us by making us husbands.

and if we reject themthen by making us crazy. you are a great killer. you correctly recognized me. i feel your intentionsare very dangerous. they don't seem to be dangerousbut they are dangerous. really. what do you want to do? your murder. it is acceptable to me. madam, food.

police control room.hello. police control room. madam, will you pleasetell what is going on there. hello, tell me. hello, police control. hey, get away. get a side. side.. a lot of lightning is taking place.i think it is going to rain. no sir, the flash ofthe cameras is shining.

what are you saying? why don't you wear your spectacles? what are you talking about spectacles? don't i know the flashof the cameras is shining? can't you understandsuch a small joke? policemen become very serious. if policemen were serious.. ..then people who are dyingone after the other would never die. - go and do your work. make a search.- yes sir.

unnecessarily they have joined police. it would have beenbetter if he was a singer. you are a stranger,so how can you be with me. these rich people donot have value of money. what is happening, sir? this is a very expensive perfume. if you smell it youwill become unconscious. then make me smell it. so, you have become unconscious.

- the position of the right hand.- yes. sir, commissioner sir. - good morning sir.- good morning. carry on. sir, i feel it is an open theft case. the servant got an opportunityand made the owner unconscious. and then killed her. and then ran away with the jewellery. sir, he is absolutely right.

sir, but i can see the presence ofthe third man in this case. - really? a military officer. look here, sir. these are footprints of shoes. these are military shoes but thisman did not belong to military. - why? because this sole design stoppedmanufacturing after 1971 war. it is quite clear from this that.. ..he has bought theseshoes from theft market. look here, sir. there are two glasses of alcohol.

this shows that mrs.chawla was so close to that man.. ..she could drink with him openly. there is food there soit means it was dinner party. one minute sir. listen to this. listening to this cassette it seems.. ..mrs. chawla was in avery romantic mood that night. it could be possiblethat the servant.. ..might have killed mrs.chawla after that man left. sir, if he was a guest thenhe would had food and then gone.

plates have been laid on diningtable but the food has not been eaten. it could be possible thatthe man first killed mrs. chawla. and then kidnapped the servant. no sir. the fingerprints onthose plates belong to the servant. the same fingerprintsare also on this stool with.. ..which mrs. chawla has been killed. good. yes rahim khan. sir, this bottle containsmedicine to make someone unconscious. - medicine to make unconscious?- it is very powerful sir.

sir, i think this is the medicine.. ..that was used to makethose women unconscious. - send it to the lab.- okay. nihaal, as you havedone so much analysis.. ..then you must beaware of who the killer is? - i know sir.- who? sir, he is the same cheaterwho has looted three women.. the last one monthby changing his appearance. he is the same man.i have prepared a report on him.

good. very good. sir, these are the old newspapers. there is marking on advertisement. - shall i read?- yes, read. a sikh military officer wants a wife. - retired sikh military officer..- that confirms it, sir. good, good very good nihaal. - i am proud of you.- thank you, sir. i hand over this caseof catching this actor.

thank you, sir. look nihaal. don't get worried.listen to me as of now. this often happens.commissioner sir.. he will write whatever you have saidthere and will take the entire credit. really he is a mean fellow. he is a rascal. sir, where shall igive these photographs? go and give it in the police station.why are you after me? listen, friend. listen.

this commissioner is a rascal. he is useless fellow.i cannot explain it to you. no one can stand in front of him. he is a hen pecked husband. and is scared of his wife. and he remains angry in front of us. he always gets onto us with full force. i swear my friend if.. ..he was boss of my father..

..then my father wouldhave never let me join police. i swear i sing qawali so well. altaaf raja who is so famous today. if i was there on his placethen i swear i would be popular. you are a will you be mine? - inspector rahim khan.- yes, brother. what happened? my wife scolds me in my house. i am a hen pecked husband at home.

i get onto you with full force. come and meet me in the car. get ready. okay. - apoorva!- oh my god. come on gajan hurry up. don't be scared. come with me. - apoorva, don't go.- press, press. - excuse me.- get a side. - press.- get a side.

press. is commissioner inside?gajan, take this. fast. we can't lose this. okay. - he is coming, coming.- yes. - excuse me, sir. i am from the press.- yes. - from back.- yes. sir, we have come to know that.. ..mrs. chawla has beenmurdered in this house. yes, she was murdered last night.

what do you think whois responsible for this murder? is there any connection with the illegalbusiness of her husband mr. chawla. no, no it is a case of plain robbery. a person by wearing a militarydress came to this house as a guest. he killed mrs.chawla and looted her belongings.. ..and ran away with her maid servant. isn't it possible that the manand the maid servant know each other? no. because he is the same culprit.. ..who has looted fourother women in the city.

in different appearances. but in the same wayby making them unconscious. and not by murdering. great much progress in so less time. mumbai police has really become smart. - excellent work.- that is there. - good job.- enough of your work. - come on. move on.- hey, don't touch the camera.. we will meet again.greet each other and smile.

we will greet each other and go away. hi. - nihaal.- you? police inspector. - i don't believe this.- stop it. this is personal, buddy. how come you are here? didn't you see my show on the tv?'wajood' policemen do not haveso much money that.. ..they can afforda television at home.

why? don't you take bribe? bribe no, no. if your college gatheringis over then shall we do some work. sir i forgot to tell you.her name is apoorva chaudhary. we know each other from very long. our parents' hadfixed our marriage also. so as it is rightly said noone can harm a person whom god saves. so i was saved. sir, seriously wewould like to thank you.

you are welcome. inspector haq, come with me. - come closer.- yes. who else have you toldthe matters of my home? - no one, sir.- surely no one. i spoke just like that. but believe me i have a lotof respect in my heart for you. - do you have respect?- yes. - then keep it with you.- yes.

never say these thingsto anyone in the department. - never. i swear i will never say it.- get lost. - yes.- come on. thank you. thank you very much, sir. what happened, sir? nothing. the commissioner'swife and their. anything you would like to add, sir. no. so god.

they got separated becauseof me and met again because of me. they will again beseparated because of me. it is still interval now.what have you see yet? i will make his life hell. oh shit. send her in. sir, i have got fantasticnews for tomorrow's newspaper. oh no this news can be publishedin the newspaper day after also. sit down first. you sit down.but sir..

sit down. you are looking very smart. i like it. as it is our staff shouldlook smart and glamorous. thank you, sir. i was.. why are you calling me, sir? we are colleagues, buddy. why? isn't it? by the way you arewearing a very nice shirt. doesn't your wife wear a shirt?

no, she doesn't. you should have a goodfigure to wear such shirt. you should have proper curvesand figure. and she does not. do you know onceyou had worn a red sari? your figure looked superb in that. and the flowers thatyou had put on your hair. you were looking so sexy, buddy. really sexy. yes sister-in-law. did you hear?

yes, yes he was praising you. sure, one minute. sister-in-law. hello, yes i was praising you. what should i tell youthat how i was praising you? sir, shall i tell?i remember it completely. that curves, that figure.- shut up. you go out. even you can go. this news should be publishedin tomorrow's newspaper. understood. today's latest's latest news.

actor aflatoon's new stunt. he did a great stunt. today's latest news. very exciting. police has a doubt thatthe same person is responsible.. ..for mrs. chawla's murder last nightwho has earlier looted three women. no one knows whohe is and how he looks. he might just be your neighborsitting in bus, park, and hotel. the information.. the thing that is being said.

what? what are you findingin the paper for last half an hour? the address of any woman. what nonsense are you talking?manner less. manner less? then who are you? you commit murders and loot, rascal. leave him. if i find that idiot andi would have pressed his neck. inspector, you just agree to anyone. someone calls you andsays that i am the culprit.

depending on that you cometo my house and start making search. you start the search. all the society membersare making fun of us. look, by doing this searchwe are just being cautious. so that women like youcan be saved from that culprit. that is why policeis using its entire power. i just stole from his pocketand you are being strict. if you have the powers then go and catchhim who robs others during daytime. to reach him we willhave to first find out..

..where the servantwas working earlier. but rane i cannot understand thatwhy did she suddenly kills her master. i never liked mrs. chawla. she needed a new man every day. i did not like it. i liked you.. ..the moment i saw you. i did not want her to touch you. why did you like me?

should there be any reasonnecessary to like someone? bright girl. bright. are you from mumbai? i am not from mumbai. but from latur. a terrible earthquake tookplace there four years ago. because of that earthquakemy family and parents' were killed. my entire village wasburied under the ground. when i went to the government office.. get help for thevictims of earthquake. i could not prove it tothem that my name is shalini. and i stayed in rajawadi. every man there triedto take undue advantage of me. because not a single man wasalive in this world who recognized me. people get a second life after death. but god gave me anotherlife in this birth. then i came to the cityto make my new identity. and then started workingat chawla's as sofia.

"the cloud of hairopened on the mountains." "the evening lighted dueto dew drops and it washed away." "unknowingly thereis goodness all around." "the ground and skyare also awakened." "and you and me." "cool breeze, bright surroundings." "and the time is fragrant." "the weather is singing." "the birds are singing."

"and this beautifulscenery is singing." "the sun ray startedkissing the flower." "the life became happy and excited." "the colorful caravans withfragrance are moving on our way." i apoorva chaudhary welcomeyou all to this program 'wajood' the sponsor of thisprogram is tata tea. come have tea full of freshness.tata tea. only tata tea. only freshness.

come, let's come to know him withthe statement of these three women. they replied to his marriageadvertisement published in the newspaper. and got trapped in his plan. this city is very eagerto know about that person. mrs. malhotra, he met you inthe form of a surgeon, right? - yes. so can you tell our audience that.. ..being a doctor why couldn'tyou recognizes his truth? how can i make youbelieve that his actions.. ..nature, his habits and even hishands looked like that of a surgeon?

mrs. gupta will you shareyour experience with him? his knowledge aboutmusic really surprised me. he used to sing musicalnotes in such a way that.. ..seemed birju maharajwas singing live. the happiness that igot dancing to his tunes.. ..was never experienced by me earlier. mrs. malhotra,what if he wishes to meet you again? i will surely meet him. and you will hand him over to police.

no, i will forgive him. and you will accept him. apoorva, shall i ask you a question? please ask. if you meet that man again whomyou loved earlier but he cheated you. or he moved on the wrong path. then what will you do? if i really love him then i willtry to bring him on the right path. i will not reject him.

the question is that if he is socapable then why he is doing all this. for money, popularityor he is a frustrated actor.. ..who did not get chance to playthe characters he liked on the stage. and he is taking revengefrom the society. or maybe he is successful but it isthe wrong means to get his identity. i leave the decision on you. i shall meet you next week. with people who continueto find their identity.. your favorite program 'wajood'

the sponsor of thisprogram was tata salt. run the terror has come. she has eyes on every food. what kind of salt is this? don't waste money. tata salt. - vacuum evaporated.- yes. extra energy.- yes. even iodized.- yes.

no one can make such pure salt. only tata salt has this. when put in food everyone appreciates. salt should always be tata salt. hello, tell me. - i am apoorva chaudhary speaking.- hello. i saw your interview yesterday.i really liked it. thank you. take this. it is fantastic the wayyou have analyzed that incident.

it seems as if you werealso once connected with stage. you understand the mentalcondition of an actor. hello, i think thereis some disturbance. - no, that is by birth.- yes? don't you think he wantsto prove something to someone? yes, might be. if that is the case thenhe may now do bigger crimes. like bank robbery. hello, who is speaking?

tell this to inspector nihaal.he might be able to stop it. but who are you? - hitchcock.- what? hitchcock. - wait madam.- is manager inside? the bank opens at 8:30 madam. no, no i am his sister-in-law. i have come from out station. okay, okay go.

'sanskrit chants' has my letter come? mr. gupta, this is 15lakhs cash.please count it. everyone hands behind the head. no one should move. don't look here and there.lie down on the ground. lie down on the ground. leave her, leave her. leave her.

you should not hold a woman like this. go, go. no man can hold a woman like this. only othello can hold destimona. no one else. pots! so what color jacket was he wearing? - sir, he was wearing a red color jacket.- red? no sir, he was wearing a green jacket.

- no, sir it was red.- no, sir it was green. you don't was red.- no, sir, she doesn't know. i do. - red..- quiet! they saw him. stop always contradict me.- you do it too. how do you know? you werein the room combing your hair. come, mister. past, present,future..job, marriage, dear bird willtell you everything.

he'll make your future bright. he'll make your life better, make things better for you,for only 5 rupees. - i don't know, sir.- excuse me. i guess you're a experienced,senior police officer. what do you think? this criminal who robbed1.5 million rupees and fled.. ..what steps will the policehave to take to catch him? i think the policeshould announce a reward..

..and the people canhelp us in apprehending him. of course,he's not going to do anything. what will be the reward? - reward..- 200,000? - 200,000.- 200,000. don't tell the press about it..what is this? - mic?- i.. what's all this about a reward? if we give 200,000and recover 1.5 million..

..don't we still profit 1.3 million?use your head. please leave..leave.. you guys don't help the police. in fact, you make things difficultfor us with your rubbish news. if you talk calmly.. ..then even i can give youfew clues about this bank robbery. what? i got a very strange call yesterday. first he congratulated mefor interviewing those three women.

and then he said thatthe culprit's next step.. ..can be robbing a bank. and that's what happened. you never listen to me, apurva. this is exactly like i predicted. you warned him with yourinterview..he thanked you.. ..and changed his technique. what else did he say? nothing.

young man, this is one can change it. mallahr..thanks to your contribution.. ..we saved this theatrefrom being razed down. "how do i tell you.." "you're my faith." "you're my're my love." "you're my desire." you work so hard. spend some time for yourself.

if you want..we can go out for dinner. - or we can see a movie together.- no, sir. i will look odd goingout with you and your wife. no need.. didn't you see yash chopra'sfilm 'daag' on television yesterday? what a film.i am a fan..especially that song. "what's in my heart..ifyou want i can tell you." rajesh khanna's loveris sharmila tagore. and his wife is rakhi.

and in the climax..rajesh khanna.. ..keeps rakhi andsharmila tagore together. they all stay together,where is the problem. if two can live happily,then why not three. absolutely right, sir. and why just three. we've examples wheresix live together happily too. what are you saying? that's fantastic. who is the lucky person?

draupadi and the 5 pandavas. correct. i've decided, i will callsister-in-law and tell her.. ..if one mr.sanyal can keep you so happy. then imagine what four more can do? what do you mean? sir, if you're a bigfan of yash chopra's 'daag'.. ..then i am a big fanof br chopra's 'mahabharat'. should i call sister-in-law.

- no. no need.- she must be at home? - apurva.- i am going out. there is someone waitingfor you at the lobby. excuse me, sir. apurva, you suspected thatthe man calling you is the culprit. we've taped your phone to find him. whoever calls you now,his conversation will get recorded. our man is sittingat the telephone exchange. and he will tell us whois calling you. understand.

but you must keep himbusy until we don't find him. obviously, that's oneway to catch him. understand. imagine that he calls..andyou recognize his voice. you will tell kanchan. and kanchan will tell uswhere he's calling from. understood. let's do a demonstration. answer the phone. come on. - hello.- hello. it's him.

very good. what will you do now? - no, it's him.- who? - the guy that keeps calling me.- oh. - just keep talking to him.- but.. - keep talking to him.- what do i say? - hello, who is it?- what's in the name? you put my job on the third page. third page? what did i do? the news of my bank robbery.

as a friend i informed you. then i took the troubleof robbing the bank. and the risk. what for? for you. what's he saying? hello. rahim khan, where is he? - gate of india.- okay. these days until you don'tpublish few murders, rapes.. ..or robberies on the firstpage people can't digest their food. and you put me on page 3.

this is not fair.absolutely ridiculous. no way. - i..- this is how you treat friends. sorry, it was a mistake. after this all my newsshould be on page one. please. please, i request you. please. i'll see what i can do. i am very sure..if the pressand criminals work together.. ..we both can progress. you'll sell more papersand i will get famous.

okay okay. - next time i will do my best..- they are coming. to make sure yournews is on page one.. - yes, they are here.- who? my friends..i was waiting for them. - okay, then. bye.- no, no, please.. - listen..please, talk to me.- i'll hang up now. listen, spread around. and let me know if yoususpect anyone. come on.

that man who was talking on the phone,where did he go? - who are you?- i am a police officer. yes.. - yes..- yes? he left. listen, was there a girl with him? i mean..did you hearwhere he was going, or.. no..but he sounded like a criminal. - how do you know? you're blind.- i am blind, not deaf, son.

i am really sorry..sorry. he's committed robberies and murders. oh, god. but he escaped. how long can he run? he's wasting his lifefor few moments of happiness. no one wastes hislife without a purpose. but son, very cruel. it forces you to turnyour back on friends.. ..and join hands with criminals.

bloody cruel destiny. you're right. one sudden incident..andeverything is shattered. even your own kin become strangers. the story doesn't end there, son. when you meet those kin,who have become strangers.. ..then it makes you laugh at destiny. he..he..he called on this number. - hello..who is this?- nihal, what happened?

he escaped. thank you.thank you very much. i guess our life'sstory is quite same. - destiny is same, son.- yes, of course. he's the man. god! anyway, thanks a lot..old man. - god bless you.- thank you. god bless you. hey..

- insolent.- oh..sorry. - mom, he's troubling me.- these children always troubling me. oh my..where's my bread? hey inspector, did you see my bread? where do these thieves come from? - look at that..- look there. he'll die. hey boy,let's shake hands before i go. enough of your charade,take that off. come on.

don't ruin my makeup. bloody rascal,i am just getting started. you'll learn your lessonwhen i deal with you in the lockup. come up. we wanderers arenot scared of the storm. because we carry ourabodes on our shoulders. watch this. storms are our friends, and not enemy. really. hold my hand,or else you will fall down.

even your bones willget shattered. come on. come on, old man. i won't let thecurtains lower so soon. there are many more dramas left to do. to hell with your.. glory to..lord hanuman! drive father. baffles the police and robs the bank. this is ridiculous.

it's an embarrassmentfor our government. the elections are round the corner. do you the effect thiswill have on the public? but sir, we cannot stophim from talking to anyone. he's been intentionallytalking to the police.. gain publicity and humiliate us. i don't understand whyhe's taking such a risk. sir..maybe the law musthave been unfair with him.. ..and now he's taking revenge.

but this won't continue for too long. because we havestarted investigating.. ..the fingerprints found at mrs.chawla's home. and we're matching them withall the criminals in the city. - and soon..- these are lengthy procedures. i want results. results. stop!

we police officersget only 2 hours of sleep. they've been puton round-the-clock duty. come on..get up..get up. we're searching every nookand corner of the city for a clue. for example the bag which we found.. ..that was used to takethe money stolen in the robbery. we've inquired in everyshop within the 25 kilometer area. listen.. - was this bag sold from your shop?- this isn't ours, sir.

- take a good look. - but we haven't hadany good luck in finding.. ..where the bag came from. but why are you telling mewhat the police is doing or not doing. and the truth is..thewomen in the city.. ..fear that the police are useless. you have failed.failed. failed. failed. - sir, you're ignoring our hard work.- i know.. but the opposition will blowthis matter out of proportion.. ..and deem us unfitto run the government.

you are unfit. sir you tell me whatthe police should do. do one a press-conference. so that the people would knowabout the arrangements we've done. and yes..assure the press that.. "we will arrest thecriminal in 24 hours!" don't try to be sarcastic, okay. don't try to be sarcastic! you forget that even weare ordinary people, and not god..

..who can reach the sceneof crime before it occurs. - excuse me, sir. i've a question.- yes, go ahead. sir, we know that thepolice works really hard. not just the ordinary people. but the police givessecurity to criminals as well. protect them.. and in order to save thegovernment from the trouble.. ..they make a livingfrom here and there. but it's hard tounderstand why the police..

..couldn't find a single clueeven after 4 murders and 2 robberies. shall we consider ityour helplessness or weakness? look, it's neither ourweakness or helplessness. we don't want that criminal tofind out what we're doing or thinking. we want to keep him you understand? can't go inside.there's a meeting going on inside. so what? let me go. move. - who are you?- who else? i am a reporter. who else can be insuch a condition? move.

look, it's been 50 yearssince we got independence.. ..and look at what he's done. i wrote four lines aboutwhat happened at ramabai chawl. first the britishers would torture us,now it's our own people. look..look.. hey camera..look..capture this. show they my face. 'vande mataram..'what 'vande mataram..' they say it's been 50 years..

what independence? even today we're not a democracy. listen..silence, please.. did you file a complaintwith the police? complaint..the police has done this to me. - look..- with one eye. this press conferenceis regarding a criminal. yes, the criminal who'sbeen robbing everyone.. robbing them.

he'll have a conversation withyou and leave..and you wouldn't know. fine..fine..file a complaint, andi'll personally look into the matter. look into the matter. - madam.- yes. give me that pad. look into the matter. complaint. so we've a witness whocan help us find that criminal. and when i get my hands on him.. ..i will talk to him personally.

here's my witness. yeah.. do read it when you get the time. please give it to him. give it to him. read it. - thank you.- it's okay. - thank you.- you're welcome. look at what's happenedto your world, god. where's that witness? where is he? what is his name?

we cannot tell youabout his whereabouts. because his life can be in danger. but sir, it could also mean.. ..that the policecan't protect one man.. will it protect the entire city? 'you wished to see me..i'llsee you at your home.' 'your criminal.' - hello, sister-in-law.- hello. the department can't toleratethis man for 25 seconds..

..and you tolerated him for 25 years. there's something abouthim which even he doesn't know. hi, how are you? for the party? - congratulations. congratulations.- thank you, sir. what happened.. - lift's stopped. sachin is the bestbatsman in the world. yeah. do you remember that134 against sri lanka?

- yes.- mind-boggling batting. mind-boggling, i tell you. - where?- 5th floor. i see. anybody there? oh my, god. it was so hot. sachin's going to bat,i don't want to miss it. you enjoy yourself, i'll leave.- bye, sir.

hello, commissioner.after a long time. - how are you, sir?- great. ..a run out. ..score a 100. what's the score? looks today tendulkar hasset himself to get a 100. he's played very well. well played. i am hungry. eat something.

take the packet of bread from there. - sister-in-law didn't come along?- no, she's visiting her mother. - i see..- see you then. - i need to make an urgent call.- okay, sir. - okay, bye.- goodnight. look..look, this portion. - hello. apurva speaking.- hello, it's me. it's him. yes. i am waiting for the commissioner..

..and there's no sign of him? hello, where are you? from his home. you're at the commissioner's home? i heard he's gone to a party. people are getting robbed,and the commissioner is partying. - you want to meet me.- yes, of course. - yes..i'll wait for you.- sure? confirmed.

- hello. - what happened? - hello, listen.- the phone's dead. my god, he's at thecommissioner's home. hang up and get the camera. quickly. let's go. mahadev. mahadev, what's the score? is sachin out? thank you. thank you very much.

bye. hi. ..wonderful play by tendulkar.. he's steering indiato a place in the final.. respected commissioner, i cameto see you but you weren't at home. i had 4 eggs and 6 bread pieces.. ..and i've kept 9 rupees for it. i really loved your cap,so i am taking that along. - good evening, sir.- you? what are you doing here?

sir, that criminal justcalled that he's in your home. what nonsense? how is this possible? - sir.- i.. i'll get it. - "commissioner.."- wait. wait-wait-wait. please, give it to me. don't read it. apurva chaudhary, i am warning you.. - ..don't use this..- thank you, sir.

- you'll have to face the consequences.- bye sir. how did they get in here? nonsense. "law and order in a quandary." "police commissioner helpless." "barges in commissioner'shome and steals his cap." this is apurva chaudhary's doing. she has mocked theentire police department. now we must do something big.. that they write aboutus in big on the front page! and people forget all about this. - is that clear.- sir. you're absolutely right, sir.we must give a fitting reply. - and i have just the reply.- what? - resignation.- resignation? yes..our resignation will make peopletrust the police department again.'re absolutely right. resignation is the best solution.

and right now.. give me a paper, sir. pen. sir. write.. "i, police commissioner of mumbai.." "..resign from my post right now." resignation. mine? what do you mean? will read thenews of our resignation. the news of your resignation will beprinted on page one, with a picture.

shut up. shut up and get out. out. inspector nihal, i am warning you. if you don't take a solidstep against this criminal.. ..and stop apurva chaudharyfrom printing such absurd news.. ..then i will remove youfrom the police department. - is that clear?- okay, sir. - khan..what do you do?- i sell newspaper.

and what do you wantto be when you grow up? that guy who's inthe headlines these days? - why?- he's quite the guy. he's always in the headlines. people talk about him on tv and radio. the people and policetalk only about him. he robs money and goesaround with girls too. i want to be him, i swear. and what if you get caught?

so what?you can grease palms to freedom. we're taking you backto our studio, where.. what is all this? you're doing a great job by publishingthese criminals on front page? you're wrong, apurva. 15-20 years ago who wouldfeature on the first page? lal bahadur shashtri!jawaharlal nehru! vinobha bhave! and now..some mafiadon worships lord ganesha.. ..and his picture ispublished on front page.

did you see the effectof it on that young boy? what was he saying? apurva..that boycan commit any crime.. order to featureon your newspaper's front page. i know..this sensational news willboost the sales of your newspaper. you will also get promoted. but apurva,in order to sell this newspaper.. must decide whatyou will do if someday.. have to sell our country'sfuture and your conscience!

you tell others to think,but you must think yourself.. ..before it's too bloody late. i guess the reporters publishedsomething absurd again. that's how these reporters are!they print anything. 'they never think aboutthe effect on the society.' 'all they care aboutis selling their newspaper.' 'of course..' - hi, beautiful. what are you thinking?- nothing, sir. can i tell you what you're thinking?

please leave me alone, sir. i am talking about your promotion andyou're telling me to leave you alone. tell me..what am i to you? - boss or..- do you want to know? do you want to know? - apurva..- come on.. i'll tell you what? apurva.. you're a common mongrel thatroams the street and always hungry. your eyes feel like you see everygirl around you as an opportunity.

when your mother-daughter-orsister goes out.. ..i am sure they see thesame thing in other men's eyes. and when they come back home,and see the same thing in your eyes.. ..then think about whatthey might be feeling. so i like you shouldbe put in dog pounds and castrated. that is what i was thinking! whatever you said that day was right. we reporters shouldrealize our responsibility. actually, we both..the press and the police..

..should work against those criminals. because our duty is same. protecting the rightof the common man. right? -'s me.- it's him. keep talking to him. finally you brought me on page one. really i am honored. rahim khan, where is he speaking from? thank you.

i did my part,will you do something for me. just tell me what you want me to do.i am always there for you. just tell me. i want to interview you.because you're a fantastic actor. and so daring as well. - why don't you come see me?- you're the one i want to meet. the front page. but why praise me so much? what for? your voice sounds so familiar.sounds like we've met before.

hello. hello.. why else would you call me? who else can i call? you're the only onei have in this world. whenever i talk to you,i feel like i am talking to my past. lightens the load on my heart. feels like i've committedall my crimes in front of god. that means i am not just ajournalist to you, but something more. right? tell me..who am i to you?

please tell me. who am i to you? tell me. how do i tell you..who you are to me? how do i tell're the song of my heart? the music of life. you're life, you're devotion,you're the light..the freshness. you're every happiness, you'remy love, my companion, my soul.. please go on.please talk to me. talk to me, please. hello. hello.

- nihal.- what? - i think it's malhaar.- what rubbish? he's dead. - yes, but do you know what he said.- what? it's the same poemfrom malhaar's play. yes.. "you're my life, my devotion.." i know this is malhaar! but could be a different student,who saw this play. maybe? but whenever this guy talks to me..

..there's a strangedisturbance on the phone. like someone's playing something.. you know, malhaar had this habit. he would keep tappinghis fingers like this. like this. apurva..if this is malhaar,then i have a way to catch him. - what's that?- you must do a stage show. stage show, why? look..malhaar has two weaknesses.

you and the stage. if we arrange a cultural program,then he will get caught. because he will cometo watch your show. but i must have areason to do a show.. that he doesn't get suspicious. - my mother will help us.- how's that? apurva chaudhary presents.. ..cultural show for theaid of special children. - hello.- hello, commissioner.

i got the invitationfor apurva chaudhary's show. thank you, i will definitely be there. - who's speaking?- the guy that stole your crown. you cannot escape my clutches. i am going to nail you,you bloody bas*** how dare you threaten me? how dare you threaten sher jung? i will come tomorrow,i'll shoot first and then talk. - shut up!- wait for me.

- my name is amina.- sit down, amina. this is inayat, my aunt's son. - calm down, son.- he's greeting you. ajit, give me the ball. take this ball, and go play there. - go, go.- take it. - good.- go.. get up. go on. - get up.- careful.

i used to stay in agripada'sjamnabai building. with my parents and elder brother. my aunt used to livein the same building. the riots that broke out 2 years ago,they set my building ablaze. his mother and my entirefamily died in that fire. now..where will i go..with him. you don't worry, dear. let him stay here. and you can stay hereas long as you want.

don't cry, dear. don't cry. if you've seen this man or heard him.. ..then please inform the police. and help the policein getting him arrested. - show me your license.- let me go. show me your license. how are you surethat malhaar will come? i.. how will he come?

we've information,he died a year ago in a accident. i am sure it's malhaar. if it's malhaar,then how will we find out? he'll tell us..and iknow how to get him out. wait..wait.. - put this here. here. see.. one, two.. like this.. very good. like this. very good. now the second one..second one..

this is the plan. you will enter throughhere with the kids. we'll send others from this corridor. but this corridor willbe for you and your kids. and rahim will look after it himself. i mean if anythinghappens in the corridor.. ..then you can come outthis way through the corridor. so that you don'tget stuck in the crowd. understand?i mean there's nothing to worry.

don't worry. i am a inspector.gun.. this is real.. let it go, please..what are you doing? gun. it's a gun. it's real..not a toy gun. happy diwali. look.. come on, let go.

you shouldn't do that.come on, let go. that's like a good boy. now you play. malhaar and i understand eachother really well at some level. hatred is also a bond, mom. we're bound by that. he will come. he will definitely come. "it's broke.." come..carefully. come on.

"i saw in the middle of the market.." "a face as bright as the firefly." "she conveys what's in her heart." "sings and dances too." "listen to my tale." "listen to my story." "someone was crazy about me.." "and i was crazy about him." "those were the days."

"when we promised tolive and die together." "we broke the norms of the world." "and swore on love." "i swore..honestly.." "..but his promises were fake." "it broke instantly." "when he would come to see me.." "he would sing praises about me." "call me an angel."

"and would keep staring at me." "he used to say we'llnever part ways." "even if the whole world forsakes us,but we'll always be together." "your love is like a magical spell,only you dwell in my heart." "it's no crime..i amonly in love with you." "i will never..let you go." "but the bond of love was so weak.." amazing. "when i was his love."

"i was his destination,and he was the traveler." "i was the heartbeat,and he was the heart." "i was the wave,and he was the shore." "those were the days and nights." "the talks were so sweet." "we used to have so much fun." "we would stay lost." "we would get upsetand cajole ourselves." "and pretend to each other."

"those images stilldwell in my eyes.." "..and pierces my heart." "i remember those days in love," "but his promises were fake." "it's broke.."- still no sign of him. how do i tell you.. - how do i tell you?- malhaar. that's the voice we hear on radio. my yearning craving eyes..

..when they saw you after a long time,it felt like.. ..rain pouring over the burningsands in the desert and calms it down. when i saw you after so long,it felt like.. ..when the darkness has shed, andthe light has risen from everywhere. when i saw you after so long ,it felt like.. ..the soul has returnedto a lifeless body. the life that was lost,has come back again. one that was dead,has risen again and says..and says.. stop malhaar.

- how do i tell you..who you are to me?- move. move. - how do i tell you..- move. move. move. nihal. don't worry sir,no one can get past here. sonny..hi. how are you? what? what? what? pee? go this way. my old friend, i was talking to him.

not that way. not there. that's the railway yard. oh, he'sgoing towards the railway line. - what happened, did you catch him?- i did, but he escaped. - where did he go?- towards the yard. get to the yard withall the police officers. come on, fast. malhaar. rascal, where are you hiding? come out.

i won't spare you. because you're my hatred. you're the wound.. the reason for allmy shattered dreams. you're the obstruction in my way. the barricade in my path. all my humiliations,insults, failure has just one name. malhaar! malhaar! and you?

what are you? only your existenceput me behind bars. you tried to steal my apurva from me. but apurva never betrayed me.. don't deceive yourself, malhaar. she's mine. and she will always be mine. if that was true,she would've been yours long ago. she still waits for me.

nihal, you've no ideahow much she loves me. whenever i would get disappointed.. ..whenever i would get tiredand give up, she would encourage me. come on, malhaar. fight. fight. she would quietly comemeet me at jail. with food. she was pregnant back then. she still tells some stranger overthe phone, that she's waiting for me. she's told millions of people overthe phone, that she won't leave me.

you saw what was onapurva's eyes and her lips. if only you had takena peek in her heart.. would've seen me, malhaar. you're nothing more thana common criminal for apurva. our destiny has alwaysbeen crossing paths. as a result both ourdreams always shattered. once and for all. let's end this forever. apurva, always wantedus to be friends. malhaar.

but she didn't know thisis one aspect of friendship as well. take this. take this. nihal! - nihal!-, sophia. - no.- no, don't apurva. no. she will shoot her. what did you say? how did you say it? you should be worried about should be saying my name.

how dare you take his name? my image should be in your eyes. did i hear wrong,or did you say it wrong? i didn't say anything wrong,nor did you hear wrong. you didn't misunderstand. i never loved you. if there's anyone i loved..anyonei loved from my heart.. ..then that's nihal. no one else. lie..lies..

then what was that? "malhaar you're great." "malhaar i adore you." "you're not born tobe a clerk like the rest." who said all that? you.. when i tried to commit suicide.. were weepinguncontrollably for me. you brought food for me in jail..

what canteen..whatjail..what are you saying? i don't know anything. yes, i adored you. i did. but the talent inside you. - you sat on my back..- i only love nihal. i want to spend my life with nihal. the rest is your dream. dream. malhaar..before a new bornchild is born..god shows him a dream.

what it can be? what talents does he possessthat can help him make his identity. lot of people forget theirdreams in order to make a living. some forget their dreams in orderto fulfill their parent's dreams. but..some are like nihal.. ..who sacrifice their love, theirhappiness to fulfill their dreams. and some are like you..whotake the easiest way. you escaped from jailand chose the path of crime. malhaar, i was sure thatsomeday you will be a great artist.

and i will proudly sayto the world that malhaar.. malhaar is my friend. but the talent thatcould've given you respect.. used that talentto commit crime. i am ashamed of myself.. ..that i ever knew you. i will hand myself over to the police. just meet me once at the old theatre. what for?

for my father. he's never seen my plays. even with all the police present.. ..a escaped criminal gets on stage,sings a poem and escapes. huh! it's a shameful fact. the entire police department'sbeen humiliated because of you. everyone's laughing at us. what people, sir? the same people thatwatches blatantly..

..when some lunatic kills somecollege-goer inn broad daylight? or the people that simplyapplause when a criminal escapes. shut up. shut up. these suspension ordersare to fire you from the force. understand. you should be thankfulthat the date's for tomorrow. now you have only 24 hoursto save your job and respect. let me finish the bandaging! stop this..tapping.

this sound makes mefeel my father's with me. if this sound stops, i panic. i am used to hearingthis sound since i was a kid. it's a lullaby for me. i would fall asleephearing this sound. and i would wake up to this sound. my father has writtenmany absurd my life. tick-tick. tick-tick. tick-tick.

i never saw any solaceon my father's face. his eyes would try tosearch the happiness of life.. ..amongst the letterstyped on the paper. only two expressions in his eyes. defeat..and hatred. hatred was only for me. all our life, we stayedseparate like the railway tracks. we kept walking together,but never met. the only thing that binded us was..

tick-tick. tick-tick. tick-tick. sophia..let's play a game. let's play a game. sophia.. come, sit. sophia, we play a game. i'll try persuading you to marry me,and you keep refusing. i cannot live without you. i cannot do anything without you. i am scared of this loneliness.

if you stay with me.. ..then this tick-tick-tick-tick..will be out of my life. i am incomplete without you. don't leave me at this point. i will give you all the happinessin life that you dreamed of. just say yes. look..look at this piece of dust. binded by few someone's lust. and now i am paying for it till now.

just once..say yes..once. once..just say once. say yes. you're mine..i am yours. - i won't go anywhere.- this is a game, you must say no. only she has the right to say yes. - you must say no.- don't say that. - i love you a lot.- i know you love me.

but i love her,she loves someone else. this isn't your fault,not hers, not mine. our father, up in the sky.. ..he has already decided our destiny. what can i do? what can i do? i can't say yes. i must go. i must go. am i wrong? you're very nice. you're very nice.

i want to be nice too. we must all carry this wound. of us.. we're all like ashwadhama! look there.. please type. today i am really happy to announce.. ..that i am the luckiestfather in the world. my son has becomean officer in the army..

..a doctor.. ..a collector. he became everything i ever wanted. reports about him isprinted in every newspaper. but..the credit ofhis success goes to me. because if i hadn't thrown away histrophies deeming it to begging bowls.. ..if i hadn't suppressedhis desires to become an artist.. ..if i hadn't humiliatedhim publicly, then.. ..he could've neverbecome what he is now.

and so..i am his creator. and tomorrow, whateverrewards he gets for his success.. ..i shall receive credit for it. full gopal raghavdas agnihotri. sign. that's like a good father. come on, let's celebrate. cheque.

- cheque.- yes. sir..he seems to bethe man you're looking for. i can you be so sure? he also sounds the same, sir. okay, listen. keep listeningto what he's saying, i'm coming. - is that clear?- yes, sir. look after yourself. - thank you.- welcome, sir. you did a good job.

- sir, he left long ago.- where did he go? did you figure out where he went? sir, he was telling theold me "let's go see a play". which theatre? sophia shouldn'thave committed suicide. giving up so easilyin love isn't justified. look at me. i will never give up. i will remind apurva everything.she can never say no.

- surround the theatre.- sir. and if he tries to escape,then shoot him. - sir. - no..- but remember. he shouldn't know that you're inside. otherwise..he can takeapurva hostage and escape. malhaar! malhaar! malhaar! malhaar! malhaar! third bell. let's begin.

apurva! apurva! apurva! apurva! apurva! you've come here after so many years. yet no one's forgotten you. all the walls areechoing with your name. when i came here, it felt likeeverything here is waiting for me. yet it looked empty. now that you're here,it looks complete. those four years just flew by.

seems like we're gatheredfor the rehearsals. ashish on this spot,and vincent on this spot. all the students are in their places. where were you? where were you? you were here. and i wasgiving you instructions from here. "apurva.." "apurva, turn aroundand look at your lover." "he's shattered." "with the fear of losing you."

"if you leave him he will die." you cannot see his plight. turn around. i banged my leg, and you were scared. "i want tears in my eyes,i can't cry." "why can't you cry?i don't know how to cry," - you remember everything.- i remember. i remember everything. how do i tell'rethe song of my heart?

you're life,you're devotion, you're the light.. leave it. apurva, do you rememberyou played that role. of that cursed god! who becomes ugly and wanderson earth for salvation. remember. that cursed, ugly god was me. me. i wrote that playkeeping myself in mind.

if only once.. apurva, let's do a play. let's do a play. i will keep persuading you tomarry me..i'll keep persuading you.. ..and in the end you will say yes. just once..only once. i've already rehearsed for this play. only once. my life is incomplete without you.

i will give you all the happinessin the world you dreamed of. but..just say yes once.i cannot live without you. just once. - say yes once.- no. - no..- hey.. this is just a play,you need to say yes only once. i know you don't love me. you love that nihal. by the way, i've lived anentire life with you in my dreams.

but in this play..just say yes once. if you say yes once,i will get salvation. god will come for me himself.just once. - no, i can't do it.- why not? - no, i can't do it.- what is it? - i cannot do it.- why? - i cannot do it.- why not? - malhaar..- try. don't touch me.

- i trusted you, malhaar.- can do it. - malhaar.- just once. - i cannot do it.- you are a great actress. - come on, just once.- i cannot do it. - malhaar. malhaar.- you can do it, come on. that's it. come on. - i said you're a great actress.- leave me. - you can do it.- leave me. - come on.- i cannot do it.

- yes.- malhaar. - yes. you can.- malhaar. leave me. what kind of an actress are you? someone loves you..he'srequesting to marry you.. what scene is this? there should happiness on your face. you're crying. - people will hurl their shoes at us.- no. - come on, smile.- i cannot smile.

- you can.- no. i cannot smile. you can's easy. - malhaar, i can't smile.- you's easy. - i can't do it. smile..please. you can smile. smile. smile. smile. smile. you can smile. it's easy. i can't.

- why not? what's so difficult?- i cannot. - i cannot.- it's not so difficult. look see..i am smiling. this is how you smile. "come..let's row our boat." "to the village covered in moonlight." "to the other end of the rainbow." "beyond it lies the third shore." "no one else on this journey."

"this journey isabout..just you and me." "what are we waiting for?" "when i call you my love,and our world of dreams awaits." "let's go, apurva." no! you acted really well, son. very well. my son acts so well. isn't it? it's been so many yearssince i last came to the theatre.

last i came with his mother,when she was alive. even before he was born. and now after so many years,i saw his acting. he's a great actor. very great actor. i used to abuse him for no reason. i kept cursing him. come on, son. let's go home. come on, get up. it's time to fill the water.

come on, get up.come on, let's go home. malhaar. get up, son. i am very happy, son. come on..get up. i'll cook your favorite dishes today. how do i tell you? you dwell in my eyes, in my memories. in every breath..and my sighs. you dwell in my sleep and my dreams.

you exist in everything i do,in my days and nights. you're in my dawns and dusks,my thoughts and every job. you're my achievements,you're my failures. you're my smile, my tears. you're the one iwake up and sleep for. everywhere i go, i see you only you. how do i tell you,i am nothing without you?

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