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cigarette smoking and alcoholconsumption are injurious to health. it causes cancer. vizag. people here are tensed like charactersfrom hitchcock's novels.. ..waves are furiouslike sri sri's novels. nimmakayala haridasis the reason for it. he held knife at a young age. after that he heldsword for livelihood. to become vizag'sbrother he held revolver.

accused nimmakayala haridas.. ..have committed murders,kidnappings and rapes. it is proved withsubstantial evidence. so this accused is sentencedto life imprisonment. acp.. you played with myemotion for my promotion. you encountered my sonand finished my successor. i will kill your familyin front of you and.. ..make you feel thepain that i underwent.

i thought you area serious kind of movie. this revenge datesback to 25 years. our guy's styleis different. watch. "2x1 = 2, 2x2 = 4, 2x3 = 6.2x4 = 8." "do not spoil itby doing something." "life without any fun.." " a movie without audience." "everybody! let us go party." "take selfie with everyone."

"it is a magical doll,it brings everything." "if you sit idle.." "..and do nothing.." " will not give you anything." "in the empty frame,keep a photo looking moody.." "..make yourself look different.." "..and give a smile." "from school to college,lessons come first.." "..followed by exams at the end."

"but this life,exams are held first and.." "..then lessons are taught later." "standing and drinking water is betterthan drinking milking after running.." "you will be left withnothing if you con people." "this is very bad." in this selfish world..another selfie day. selfie raja!- come out! selfie raja!- come out! - good morning. why are you showing offlike amitabh from 'sarkar' movie?

generally in every audio functionlike how we shout 'power star..' ..why are you shoutingin front of my house. we are not shouting with love.we are pleading you! - pleading? yes. take selfie if you have cell.upload on facebook. why did you book me? are you a ticket from'book my show' to book you? tell me what happened. where you wentday before yesterday?

day before yesterday..i went to watch 'oopiri' movie. you went to watch 'oopiri' movie but youuploaded selfie photos on facebook. yes, we do it all the time. we both are therein the photos you uploaded. what is wrong?husband and wife, right? not my wife,she is my neighbour's wife. my wife liked yourpost her husband beat me. with it, like nagarjunafrom 'oopiri' movie.. ..i am relegatedto this wheelchair.

anybody will use neighbour'sbike but neighbour's wife.. oldie selfie stick!- next! - selfie raja! you did a big mistake. you are shorter than my selfiestick. what happened to you? my grandfather fell down near buddha'sstatue where you clicked your photo. did he receive any injuries?- no. he was clicked in the photo. i took leave from school sayingmy grandfather passed away. but i got caught by my headmaster.

play in life but do notplay with lives. go. my fate! what is it with midnight selfies? midnight fun is okay but midnightselfies are wrong? my wine shop is seizedwhen it was opened at night. thrash this selfie raja. a selfie with the peoplewho are coming to beat me. this is his character,he is mad for selfies. i forgot..he is got another crazy habit.

come, sir. come.- greetings. - what is this, sir? why have you arranged itat the marriage venue... ..after saying it will bea different marriage? uncle, for variety.. ..if we keep tamarind insteadof sweets on.. ..first night then son-in-lawwill get doubt. sir is a loud mouth.- i am like this from the age of 18. let us go.- why are you crying? my mummy and daddy are fighting.

who is your father in it? master, they are fightingbecause they do not know it. madam, make hersit to the left side. priest, why is it so?- it is a tradition.. ..for girl to sit onleft and boy to the right. not tradition but income. how is that? while writing accounts.. ..we write income on the left sideand earnings to the right side.

that is why we make girlsit on left and boy to the right. though it is notinteresting to hear.. ..but there is some truth in it.- but you have got nothing. hello. - performinga family marriage? not marriage, it is managing. what is it? you saidit is an arranged marriage. yes. bride has eloped before.her father and i.. ..searched her in everyplace and fixed this alliance. groom's father sufferedlosses in business... the father of the boy is tryingto cover it with dowry money and.. ..bride's father is trying tocover up his daughter's pregnancy.. i am managing thisby managing their secrets. should i tell you a selfie secret?- what is it? poor groom! he thinks girl is good. fool does not know she is pregnant. nobody should know this matterexcept you and i. be careful. forget my matter,first you be careful. you are a big mouth.- walls have ears..

..but there are mikes here. that is why i am talking by comingfar away from mike. okay, bye. this is his character. madness for selfies and being abig mouth, let us see what he does. wow! 14, 15.. hi!- what? i did not see your father in themarriage recently. - i did not invite.

why? - did he inviteme for his marriage? why will i invitehim for my marriage? tit for tat! idiot! daddy! daddy? who are you?- i am your son. my son?- happy or surprised? doubt. - it is a disgrace to thefamily if you do not impress mother. is she already married?- no.

she will get married if you the browser of love.. ..and meet in thewebsite called marriage.. ..i will be downloaded. - why areyou talking in software language? i came in graphics,so this language. oh..- call mummy and impress her. all the best, dad. the queue is very big. divya! come, divya!

you! come and stand in line.- okay. took so long for parking car?come and stand. who are you? listen to me. why are you jumping the queue? move! move! move! i was standing inline since one hour. will you come now and jumpthe queue? you have no sense? you have no sense?

what is your name?- cheppanu. look brother cheppanu. there is awoman behind every successful man. that is why we are tellingwomen to stand behind. punch? what do youknow about this girl? what do i know?- she is a student of arts. is it? - her fatheris a heart patient. is it?- she is busy with exams. her father has nomoney to pay the bill. he told me to keepher place in line..

..until she finishes her exam. that is why i showedpity and stood in the line. is it wrong to help a person atcustomer care service? - yes, wrong. not yours, it is ours..hers, that fair woman.. his.. our give the bill.. i will steal it..sorry, i will pay. i am there to do,you go and stand in line. thanks.- human beings should.. each other.

okay.- okay. maybe this is calledlove at first back. no! no! big mouth! maybe thisis called love at first sight. hello. - for how longshould i wait here? come fast. i left,i will reach in five minutes. hi dad! graphic son! you? me too.- who is this girl? graphics daughter.- only you two..

..or is there a battalion? it depends on your net speed. my future selfies! mummy is coming.connect fast, dad. so many? come here.- who is he? he is calling you like a lover.- not lover.. ..he is very clever. how long should i stand in line? come andstand in line. come fast. - what is this?

stop! stop! stop! stop! stop! brother, you stop, i will talk. i have to tell you a truth. what will he tell?- we have a heart. this girl's father has a smallheart. but there is a hole in it. in apollo hospital, heart isstruggling to beat due to low battery. that is why she came here. what? her father is in icu and shecame to watch mahesh babu's movie?

she will come.. her father and sheare krishna's fan. she is mahesh babu's fan. she will watch this movie and thentells the story to her father.. ..then she thinks his heart attackproblem will become less. is it wrong to do that? thanks.- it is okay, divya. by the way,my name is not divya, it is swetha. why did not you tell that day?

that day you called me divya,i liked it. what is your name?- raja. selfie raja. selfie raja? by the way you.. do not talk anything. please. why? did not like my voice? no, no, not like that. if we talk everything.. itself then there would not beanything left to talk next time. my phone is missing.will you give a missed call?

90100..- 90100.. 40555.- 40555. it is here. this is my number.- that is my number. - i will save it. bye.- bye. yes! my movie is success! yes! my job is also success! let us go, brother-in-law. brother-in-law?who is your brother-in-law? - you.

you. generallywhen i see a person.. ..i feel like stealingpurse or chain. my god!- do not worry, i will not steal yours. but first time after seeing you.. ..i feel like tyingfriendship band. you are my friend. as a brother-in-law, i am telling you,my sister had given her number to you.. means she fell for you. fell in it? did you fall in love?

i expected thatyou will talk of love. whom she is scolding? vardhini, mistake is not yours. it is your mother's mistake,she did not bring you up properly. was she scoldingthe woman in serial? aunt, have you seen 'kodalakodala kompa munchava' serial? she has destroyed the house.she did it. mr. brahmam would not have been.. excited as her evenwhile predicting the future.

you got this serial crazywoman to the city commissioner. fate! hey, granddaughter! who is the tall guywho clicked so many selfies? selfie raja. the one who gave tickets that day? he gave three tickets. you are showingoff as if he built a taj mahal for you. hello buddies!what is going on here? discussing boys? amazing! zing! zing!

how did you guess it so correctly? is it an answer to a question from'who wants to be a millionaire?' married woman discussjewellery and saris. single girls think of boys. look swetha.boy's life is like a steel plate. girl's life is like banana leaf. you can wash and eat fromplate any number of times. if you eat once on leaf, it is over. actually, if we think deep,i think grandmother is correct.

there is nothing like that.he is just a friend. i think he is a nice guy. what is your qualification? i did not like this educationsystem, brother-in-law. why? why did not you like? will six lecturesteach six subjects? should i study entiresubjects all alone? brother-in-law,there is a flaw in this system. not flaw, there is law in front.- stop! stop!

you forced me to drink. -brother-in-law, you manage with them. what is happening here?- can not you see? drunk and drive test.see how he is shaking. if he remains steady without shakingthen government will stumble. how? - strikes andagitations are carried out.. ..if prices of petrol is hiked. but has anybody carried out agitationor strike when alcohol prices are hiked. do not do! - yes,that is the greatness of drunkards. do not do! - will you harass thesedrunkards in the name of drunk and drive?

sir, you know whya person drinks alcohol? why? love failure..- love success.. one for not getting job..- one for getting job.. one for not getting promotion..- one for getting promotion.. one after wife's elopement..- wife is not going of town.. one for not getting married.. one for getting married. for toleratingdifferent emotions like this.. chewing betel leavesto prevent the smell.. eating bawarchi biryani.. carrying out drunkand drive tests.. labelling us a drunkardsand making us run around stations.. ..slapping fine in court,telecasting on tv.. will you play with theinnocent lives of our drunkards? hey! baahubali! is he katappa? no.

you be the saviour of this city andby leading the drunkards like us.. us from.. ..this drunk and drive. hey!- baahubali! you will die! - stop! drunk and drive test is cancelled. check the papers and leave thevehicles. leave them. - baahubali! we achieved it!yes! cheers! - basmati rice! show your papers.- give papers..

whom are you asking for papers? are you asking papers from theperson who appears on paper daily? you know who he is?- son of satyamurthy? son-in-law of satyamurthy.commissioner's son-in-law. oh.. got us tickets and showingoff as son-in-law of commissioner! nice guy. i stole the bike, that is why imade you commissioner's son-in-law. fool! your inner voiceis being heard outside.

did you hear anything?- okay. sir, commissioner is coming in this route.- coming in this route? - sir, sir.. do not tell your uncleabout what happened here. you too do not tell him about this.- thanks. come.- let us go, brother-in-law. hello.. the idiot who goes around callinghimself as your father's son-in-law.. sitting in the coffee shop. however i tell her,she does not understand.

she is stubborn! i ca not staywith her. get my son back to me. i carried him for ninemonths and gave him birth. i want the child. - what you want?-leave! - he is my son! - no, my son! sit! sit! there is logic in her words. as per my logic, it is correctif you both separate. - wrong, sir. you will find reasons to separate,but not for becoming one. unite them if you can,but do not separate. we know what to do and how to do your work.

you take the boy.- what will she take? i said leave.- one minute. - leave! do you know everything? from ancient literatures to lives,i know everything. how many pandavas are there? five. should i tell the name?no need. kauravas?- 100. tell their names. every person acts as a judge forothers problems. - what do you mean?

will you unite them?will you unite them? do it, i will see.logic does not agree. you give 100. will think after drinking coffee? coffee poured out of machine after iput the money. is it mine or machine's? yours.- but it came from machine. you have put the money. coffee poured out after ihave put money in machine. - yes. this is man's creation.

he is born when they both livedtogether. this is god's creation. look, if you both marry again,you will have children. but he wo not get his parents. but he wo not get his parents. socan not you both unite for his sake? i have no right to tell buti wanted to tell in this situation. wife is one who knowsdriving but not the route. husband knows drivingbut not the route. both of them travellingtogether is life. do not make him an orphanby acting in haste.

son.. your parents are very lucky. since they are not aliveso i know their value. hi.- hi. you called up and told me to come urgently.- sorry to keep you waiting. the way you united that family yesterday,your intelligence, i liked a lot. greetings, sir. aboutmy promotion to commissioner.. i will tell.- son-in-law is gold. you go. - bye, sir.- you praise.

is commissioner your uncle? let me take advantage byusing commissioner's daughter. yes, he is forcingme to marry his daughter. so why do not you marry?- i can not. that girl does not havebeautiful eyes like you. oh.. - that girl does notpossess a beautiful smile like you. that girl does not havebeautiful lips like you. that girl..- enough, enough.. i love you.

please do not say no to my love. hey! please leave my hand! priya, you are my life.-do not ever talk to my in life. we are just friends.that is it. - priya, please! priya, please! poor boy! she is not accepting his love in spiteof so many requests. heartless girl. she is not heartless,boy is brainless. he does not know how to propose.- how to do?

it is very simple. grow a flower tree for us.. ..pluck the first flower of it.. ..give that flower andsay i love you, that is it. any girl will accept, that is it. that is it. where?- shop will get closed.. ..i have to buy a sapling. i haveto grow it and pluck its flower. bye. "chocolate girl! juliet babe!"

"pulling with magnet like eyes." "beautiful life! funfilled!" "it is very hot." "it is becoming a friend of heart." "you and i are destinedto fall in love." "i am your selfie raja." "you are my spicy roja." "you are my selfie raja." "i am your spicy roja."

"i love with by callingyou sweet names." "i will give my entirehappiness to you." "i will make youhappy from inside." "i will set you byflourishing you with kisses." "will you fill the void.." " my life very soon?" "will you keep me inside.." "..your heart to the left side?" "i am taking only one name."

"your name is my lipstick." "i will stay with you like that." "you are my food and drinks." "you are everywhere around me." "i can not spend time without you." "i am there all over for you." "you surrounded me like wi-fi." well, when shall we fix the date? for what?- for first night.

what? - sorry.big mouth! i mean for marriage. maybe you needmy permission for it. why do you like my daughter? uncle, everyonegets drenched in rain. but only few will feel it. now your daughter is rain,and i am that feel. i think comparison is not good.should i tell one more? enough. - sir..- leave.. you are irritating meby chasing me everywhere.

if you come again... ..forget the promotion, i will tell thecommissioner and get you sacked. leave! why is he getting serious?- commissioner? he wants me to recommend policecommissioner and get him promoted. you know commissioner? his daughter wants to marry me.that is how well i know him. oh, so why don not you marry? uncle..- raja.. do not stop me, swetha.- sir, have you seen him anytime?

he looks like amonkey wearing shades. he and his ugly face! sir, how will i marrythe daughter of such person? to make you understand.. is a jinx to see him during dayand destruction at night. - sir.. sir, we received ordersto encounter rashid. okay, go ahead.- yes, sir. commissioner sir hasgiven the permission. where is he?- commissioner sir!

forgive me, sir. we can apply balm if body itches. but there is no medicinefor being big mouth. in emergency situation,my friend got committed.. ..and i continued it. all this happenedbecause of that fool. wait, wait.after drinking thumbs up.. "i will do something great today." i will give you a tight slap!

please forgive me. brother-in-law,what is the position i gave.. ..and what is it that you are lying in? brother-in-law! brother-in-law!brother-in-law! get up! what is this? i made you commissioner'sson-in-law. will you behave like this? he looks like a fool. why did you fall at his feet? sir, he is the friend i talkedabout. - yes, i am the same.

what is it now?- listen to me! - leave! you can not talk to anybody. you are afraid of every fool. who are you? what do you want? brother-in-law, he is showing his handand he stopped. what is this funny batch? you are roaming aroundwith watchmen. who are you? whoever you be, i do not care.- be in a steady position once. you touched again. why did he beat like that?

he is commissioner. get up. - sir..- take him.. sir, will they wash melike clothes in washing machine? no, wash him like clotheswashed by hitting the stone. brother-in-law! brother-in-law!brother-in-law! save me. sir, sir, sir, i talked withoutknowing.. brother-in-law! - raja.. i accept becausemy daughter liked you. bring your elders,we will fix the date. greetings, baba.

baba! whatsapp baba! what is happening with stars? what is going in horoscope? what is coming in bad time? what is what! i tell everything. whatsapp baba! thumbs up? i do not drink. whatsapp.. i am advice not to drink it.

she drinks 7 up. not thumbs up or 7 up. whatsapp!whatsapp! - she is my wife. oh my goodness! i am talking of something and yourhusband is talking of something else. is your husband deaf? my name is jyotilaxmi. made for each otherlike phone and sim. baba, ask me if you wantto ask something. she is deaf.

what you came to ask me for? we selected a girl for our son.check both horoscopes. it is difficult for themto stay together if married. they will get separated.- mix up like soda and whiskey? you will die! we too want the same.- oh my whatsapp! he says their marriageis strong like metro pillar. why do you need umbrella now? our family does not have anysuch problem. - sound engineer!

if you stay herefor some more time.. ..i will write on papersand sign it saying.. are responsible for my death.- want fees to write the horoscope? oh my whatsapp. hey, my fuse is alreadydamaged because of your deafness. i do not want any fee from you. firstleave from here. - do not want fees? did you hear only this? - hey.. he says he will not take fees.there are good baba's too. yes, they are.

you go. - bye, baba. do not come. - seems to be deaf.- do not come again. commissioner is gettinghis daughter married. he will cry if his daughter dies. if i make his daughter cry,he will die of heart break. who is his son-in-law? raja.. ..your uncle's house is very nice. yes, car is very small.

no place to keep legs. no, it is asian paints. aunt and uncle! did notyou bring your deaf machines? deaf machines? - yes.- it is insulting to bring them. you can see how goodi am at lip reading. he is my uncle, she is my aunt. my parents died in childhoodso they brought me up like parents. oh, parents died in your childhood? yes, next month wetoo are planning to die.

you too come,we all will die together. grandmother,you should definitely come. what i said, and what he said. god forgot to giveears to my uncle. he forgot his deaf machine at home. how are you toleratingthis deaf husband? you only talk. song? how can i sing now?i sang long back before marriage.

he fell for it. i said deaf but sheis talking of song. same to same! he shaves his beard,she can not. that is the only difference. hey, both are made for each other. son, hope you are fine. why not? he lacks nothing. he is firstin studies, sports and everything. thank god! he saved me.- by the way, what do you do? police commissioner.- oh, commission agent?

police department.- departmental store? police! police!- security. - police commissioner. no, he is a tailor. we will give our marriageclothes to brother for stitching... we can save money. i will stop giving clothes outside..- uncle.. girl is very beautifuland slim like i-phone 6s. how could you ask for dowry? brother, he will ask for not give any money in dowry.

why do you ask for dowry? girl is not give any dowry. do not spoil girl's life.cancel this proposal. mother, you are seeingtheir shortcomings. i am seeing the goodness in them. raja, let us completethe formalities. how do i look in this sari? you look like ambulancein red and white combination. i like your sense of humour.

how about naughtiness. hey, stop! gifts.. i should blame the person who hasput gifts in this first night room. please let us see few. neha, my school friend. stingy! i gifted i-pod for hermarriage, she gifted me pen drive. gifts are souvenirs butnot to recollect and abuse. i received all gifts. did notyour friends send you any gifts?

so many have come.did not a single guy bring gift? it is.. my friends are very rich.they must have booked online. gita. there is nobodyfrom my friends. like finding water in desert,i got one. i have to use itand elevate my image. oh gita. my best friend. your friend? - yes. thickest,closest, deepest and finest friend. did not i tell? online.. online.. open it. - it is okay,you only open it. - okay.

she likes me a lot. ugh! oh sportive girl! she understood what is neededat this time and has sent it. you could not understand. what? did she send letter too?read it. hi raja!- hi. we stayed together in summer. together? - we did not use sweaterin winter and stayed together.

winter..- i know your stamina. that is why i amsending these packets. swetha, what is this? you said she is quite sportive. shewrote about the sports you played. promise, swetha.i do not know who she is. no, swetha. believe me. i am a big mouth! my foolishness! i do not have anyrelationship with her. did not you lie with traffic police sayingthat you are commissioner's son-in-law?

did not you lie inbsnl saying you know me? they are all lies. big mouth!i said it in foolishness. swetha, i reallydo not know who she is. ask my aunt and uncle about me,they will tell. who? that deaf man?- swetha! man lifts his handwhen he cannot an answer. do not forget i too have hands. arguing with you is waste. please, are thinking way too far.

i am thinking of staying away fromyou. - swetha, please do not go. relationship betweenus is already broken. but still if youwant to prevent it... i will behave likestaying with a stranger. uncle, what happened is..- i know. though i do not have ears to listen,i have heart to understand. she is in angry, everythingwill settle down in time. the moment i saw him, ifelt he is a six foot tall sadist. his eyes say he is a bigwomaniser and lustful person.

we should try to solvethe problem but not aggravate it. look dear,fights are common in marriage. they will settledown by themselves. by seeing the face i can find outwho is honest and who is criminal. i feel he is a good person. i am going to us on official work.. ..take a right decisionby the time i return. please swetha, listen to me. i do not know who gita is,give me one chance.

brother-in-law, you are feelingsad that your first night... ...did not happenafter marriage, right? that is why, in ..there is an offer of 50 percent.. i booked this hottie. come. say hi. hi. how smooth you are..- i am finished! you scoundrel!

you ruined my life! rascal! fool! brother-in-law, she is yours. hell with you! you came to separateme and my wife! scoundrel! come, come. you and sister made compromise? forget compromise,you separated us permanently. rascal! bringing women to my place?

swetha, listen to me. however you try to convince,i will not get convinced. i do not know anybodyfrom the photos you see. did you get photos clickedby them and uploaded.. ..facebook without your knowledge? you know about my habitof clicking selfies, right? moreover i do not have any affairwith anybody as you are thinking. if you call again or try tomeet then we will break your legs. hi.- hello.

happy married life, swetha. sorry i could notattend your marriage. marriage is over. what?- swetha.. i want to talk to you for one minute.- i will not talk. swetha, it is not that.. please.. hey, why are you chasing her whenshe says she does not want to talk. who is he?- not a sportive friend like gita. no shame even aftertelling so many times..

swetha! i committed a mistake by loving him.- who is he? why is he chasing like that?- swetha, please listen to me. i will meet you later.- okay. look, if you tryto talk to me again.. ..or call me then you wo not see me,you will see my dead body. leave my hand! swetha! i will die without you! so die!

dad, i do not believe youand mother will become one. think of me as a dream hereafter.bye dad! god! save me lord! came for sightseeing? no, i came to die. congrats, buddy! jump likea rocket, you will die soon. i want to die but do nothave courage to jump. no! so what to do now?- why do not you come and push me?

i ca not! why?- if you fall down.. ..i am afraid someone mightsteal your purse and chain. i will give them to you. push me! buddy! you are rocking! here.. take it. push me now. i cannot push you, baahubali! gone!

my god! what if my headwas broken instead of the cell? i do not want such dangerous death. god! save me andgive me another death. hey! somebody help! who is shouting here? it is not shouting,it is scream of death. who are you? i am the mason of thisbuilding in construction. i should know whatis happening here. find out! find out!

what have you done! - hey! thank you, sir! hey, what mistake youcommitted for holding my legs? leave it! rascal! do not ask me toleave your legs, sir! i have three children. three?- mason.. oh my 'leader of masons.' who is she?

did you see my masonwearing ironed clothes? just now he went down. - he looksgreat like a new cement bag. mason! third person has come! - mason! my mason! my mason! anasuya! anasuya! anasuya! - who is he? - anasuya! ana.. - jabardast anasuya! no, my wife anasuya.

oh.. she went behind the mason. so my doubt is true. i will catch her red-handed... ...and make her stand in frontof jeevita in her program. i will see her.- hey vp. how do you know my name, sir?- i can get it by seeing you. you should not go to that side. this side! - this side?what should i get into, sir? no need to get into anything,it is enough if i push you.

he came by following me! rascal! anasuya! did not i tell you that i willmake you fall at my feet some day? will you not leave that mason? i cannot live if ileave the mason. - oh.. is the matter so serious? why is husband holding wife's feet? first leave the legs. i will die if i leave.

that is why i am tellingyou to leave. - hey! stop your jabardast comedy. baahubali! did not you die yet? it is an insult to my alcohol. it is my responsibilityto send you up! he is coming!somebody call the police. sir, there is nobalance in my cell! when was therebalance in your cell? mason's cell had lot of balance.

rascal! leave me! state or central, power or pride.. position or opposition.. it is only until i do not step! once i step in, history repeats! oh no! what has the weight increased? there is another guest appearance. what guest appearance now?who is he?

si ankusham. they callme gabbar singh in department. they call me babbarsher in apartment. criminals call me six pack singham. you will land up in cemeteryif you fall down from here. - hey! you are the reason behind all this,right? - yes. you are under arrest. "i wanna follow you!" be there! "i am coming!"

anasuya! - mason.. dirty smell!- what is this gas smell now? i will shoot you! rascal! baahubali!- he came! - it is my responsibility.. send you up.- what are you searching for? hacksaw blade! wait. - do something, i am coming. please i beg you! do something. baahubali!- what will you do with it?

i will cut this pipe.. ..with the hacksaw blade. no! stop! stop it! stop! please! hey! si ankusham is telling you!stop it! - please! hey, i did not listen to ankushamrajashekar. will i listen to you? you are telling me?wait, not like this.. hey.. what are you doing?

you just see what i am doing.- stop! you too will die withus if you cut like that. no discussion!- stop! stop! save me! blasted baahubali! oh! dear! my wife.

your honour!shoot me in nirbhaya case. hang me in tada case. encounter me as kasab's cousin. do something, sir. please sir. we will do. we will do. hey, sir is in deep frustration.order coffee. boost for me.- look, brother. we may find a person havingno account on facebook but.. ..there would not be any personwho is not harassed by wife.

brother-in-law?what are you doing here? i have to die urgently now.tell me some plan. what brother-in-law? my marriage broke down.. ..when you brought that woman. your sister told me to die. you should die if you wereto gain sympathy from sister. who will kill me? there is one person. - gopichand?

alkapuri nagaraju nagaraju is synonymouswith illegal grabbing. sign it. brother-in-law, i know him.if you occupy his land illegally.. ..then he will kill you. so now.. come.- brother! somebody occupied our land illegally.- who is he? who are you?- tiger! bengal tiger! veerappan?

bin laden? " tiger! bengal tiger!" " tiger!" that is wild animal.i am national animal. go to the zoo if you are an animal. i will kill you ifyou interfere with me. i too want the same. kill me if you have guts. he is 30 metres away..

i am 25 metres away.. anti-clock wife,tractor in 45 degrees.. 7 footteps by him.. 6 footsteps by me.. knife in his hand is sign theta. my head is coz theta. if my equations arecorrect then my will be cut. if these calculationswere to be correct... ...then he shouldcome at 45 degrees.

thank you, sukumar. stop! if you have gutsthen come at 45 degrees. i know quarter and half.what is this 45 degrees? more than quarterand less than half. little.. little.. okay? - perfect. now start. - hey! how come i am not dead?how come his head is cut? how did i go wrongwith sukumar's calculation?

why are you watching like a movie? come! - kill me! he killed brother,he is no ordinary person. who are you?- sir, i am selfie raja. sir, i have given story, screenplayand direction for this death. are not you producer? you did not kill him. i killed him.- sir, this is cheating. forget it! call the press.

sir, how did it happen? gangster nagaraju wascreating problems each day. he was making the police runaway when they come to arrest him. that is why i came. i told him that i willget him bank loan for livelihood. he said he will kill me. he died. sir, this is your encounter? wrong words!i am a non-violent supporter. if we shoot criminalsthen it is encounter.

if the criminals killthemselves by fearing us.. is gandhi counter.i am a gandhian. it is duty if vijayshantiwears police uniform. if humanity wears police uniform.. ..its called 'ankusham.' do not you fear his gang? had gandhiji fearedthe power of british.. was india getting 4g? did not understand.

get updated! come! you? sir,will you not let me die in peace? look, i would have died long back ifi wanted to die when my wife left me. what? flashback? it was our 10th year of marriage. it was my birthday. nobody was wishing me at home. i got angry.

i came to the station. nobody wished me over there too. i felt sad. i saw a smile at that time. lady constable sunanda.. happy birthday to you, sir. thank you, thank you very much. when she said those words,i felt as if ar rahman.. ..came next to me and played music.

will you come homefor candle light dinner? come, sir. you turn off the light,i will go and bring the candle. okay. candle was lit in darkness. happy birthday to you! in that light,my wife suryakantham.. members andcolleagues where there. sunanda wanted to thrillme but i gave them shock.

what happened after that, sir?- my wife left me. did i die?- sir, you do not have shame. whatever you say,i will not get angry. because i got promotedas ci because of you. i will convince your wife. come. sir, there is an old woman there. she is a legend. she willbecome a lion if she sees us. if she is lion then i am dictator. i will trample her!

no, sir. listen to me. nothing will happen.- let us go back. i am there. - no, sir. taking risk for me isas easy as drinking water. call your wife. swetha..- swetha.. only we both can hear out loud. swetha!- swetha! sw..

brother, you said yourwife looks like a doll. she looks like grandmother. she is that dinosaur. why did you come again? ca not you understand when i tell you?- you dinosaur! stop there! tell the matter. he is the engineer whocame to save my marriage. is this some construction to do so? sir, swetha...- you wait for a moment.

look, swetha.wife deserted by husband.. ..and wi-fi withoutpassword are same. everyone wants toget connected freely. listen to me and get connectedto your husband immediately. sir, you do not know,he is a big womaniser. swetha, wait..- just shut up! he looks like a bank manager.why do you call him a womaniser? you think i am a bank manager? i told you not to speak wheni am talking about you. - hey..

enough of all this.are you married? i got married andalso got separated. you do not have rice to eat but.. ..want to feed him biryani. no discussion with you. no, sir.- wait. do not stop this angry man. look, where is grandfather?grandfather.. call grandfather..- he is not there.

did he go out?- he went up. how? he was nagging like you.. i gave a hard hit. he died instantly!- oh my god! - stupid! brother! selfie raja! save me! have it.. have it.. yes! cool! finished.- brother-in-law..

there will be many reasons.. ..behind one girl's crying.- yes, brother-in-law. but..for a boy to cryonly girl is the reason. there should be a reasonbehind our getting angry. for wife to get angry,husband should be there. by the way, what is your story? coming.. one day i went home early. my wife was watching a tv serial.. ..and i got angry andi changed the channel.

what did your wife do? she changed me. rather than women whocry by watching serials.. ..there are many men whocry after seeing marriage card. wow! you are superb! look selfie raja! victimsof wives are gathered at one place. do not delay, sing a song.- i will play music. "rest of the life.." "restaurant is the house.."

"waiter is my wife.." "romance with the wine glass.." "life has becomeempty quarter bottle." "wife has kicked me out." "paru sent me away,bar has called me." "tears in eyes, beer in mouth.." "vexed up.." "mind is vexed up!illusionary world." "enthusiasm is lost,life has become bore."

"fire inside the heart.who will extinguish it?" "if i were the government.." "wonderful!" "if i were the government,round the clock bar.." "..will be opened." "whoever has invented alcohol.." "i will build a goldentemple for him." "alcohol is bad,sorrow is even bad." "it is good for us if weremove a thorn with another thorn."

"it has become aproblem with the wife." "celebrations are dull." "crushed!" "torn!" "my life has crashed down." "my fate has changed upside down." "happiness has turned into sorrow." "wife and children.." "..are threat to life."

"fights in the house.." " the music of death." "no sane man willmarry second time." "he will spend his lifehappily by remaining single." "children's fee, wives shopping.." "house rent, provisional bills..heavy expenses.." "not to worry about moneyif there is no marriage." "we can drink alot with that money." "marriage life is damage life."

"it kills you bykeeping you alive." "madness." "insanity." "life has become a waste." "shock is felt, nail is hit." "brake is applied, tract is lost." this is disgusting! i think they are shameless. sir! sir!

sir.. hey, what is the disturbance? first wear shirts, i can not see. we enjoyed a lot in the night, right?- yes, sir. you look like vegetarian. do not you have shameto do non-vegetarian things? sir asked by himselfso i gave it blindly. oh my sunny leone! i never thought i will have tosee such thing when you are there.

what happened?- what happened? he is jealous for not taking him. you too come today. three of us will enjoy!- no! no! i am not your type, sir.i have my wife. crap!- our wives have left us. we enjoyed a lotin order to forget it. drop my friend. bye, sir.

we will enjoy again tonight.- they are not friends. friendship! i realized that everythingwe see is not true. forgive me.- what happened? krish. before your father went to us.. ..he told us to inquireabout gift packet and photos. he is caught in that inquiry.tell what you did! i loved you in college days.

before i could tell you about it,you married raja. i thought if i couldseparate you both.. ..then i will geta chance to marry you.. i morphed selfieraja's photos and sent you. selfie while committing suicide! hey selfie! who? - neck tightensfirst when you hang. nerves get stuck. blood circulation will stop!

totally more painbut death is not sure. i do not want this death. by the way, are you a doctor?- killer. contract killer! khaki! shoot me once for fun? - hey! i do not kill even the mosquito,that bites me, for free. got it, take. take this too. kill me without pain.

i liked your excitement a lot.for the first time in life.. ..i am seeing only youwho is asking to kill oneself. did you take this decisionafter thinking of everything? remember very well. if you give me contract oncethen there is no looking back. super!- selfie! you go and sleep. verysoon you will become dead body. where is khaki?whom will he send to kill me? run! run!

bhims, we got acontract for murder. you come to hyderabad urgently. did you leave us and go? brother-in-law nagaraju! who is there for us now? you made him cry when he was alive,now they are crying after he died. i told him hundredtimes not to use dual sim. we did not know ituntil the phone was dead. sister, see how happy he looks asif he is watching world cup match.

what is your reaction onmr. nagaraju's death? i ca not believe thatbrother nagaraju has died. he would drink fullbottle in one shot. in spite of having 36rape cases against him... ..he behaved normal with us. for burning buses,for occupying illegally.. ..he was always ahead. so what i am going totell on this occasion is.. ..i demand the governmentto name our colony..

..after brother nagaraju. greetings! greetings! calm down. what happened now? am inot there instead of your husband? am i not there if he dies? leave the past. tell me when brother nagaraju'scondolence meeting is planned. i will celebrateit in a grand manner. if we do not garlandthe photo of the person... who has put garlandon our husband's photo..

..then my name is not padmakka. my name is not sitakka. boys! greetings, whatsapp baba. whatsapp! have you come again? baba, it is enough if you haverespect inside, no need to stand. i stood not due to respect. with fear. why did you come again? baba, marriage was performedon the date you fixed. we called you many timesto invite you for marriage.

you picked up thephone but did not talk. did not i talk? hey, i shouted over the phone. i even broke five phonesbecause of anger on you. do not break my head now. he is wearing a wig. first night was disturbed once. swami, fix an auspicious date now. next month on 9th.. - what?

today 9 o'clock.. oh my whatsapp.. hey, tonight 9 o'clockis auspicious. let us go. raja! raja! what happened, raja? that khaki.. ..killed me in dream. who is khaki?- contract killer. contract killer?

i wanted to die at that time. now i wish to live with you. but i am in tensionas how will khaki come and kill me. go out in disguise withoutgetting caught by the killer. nothing will happen to are commissioner's son-in-law. nothing can happen to you. moms, what is all this? i heard and watched in moviesthat big dons kiss on hands. but by seeing you directly..

..i am feeling excited from inside. did you feel so, bhims? our den is facingloss from two years. they are kissing menot by thinking i am basha. when i came out for you,they thought i ate biryani.. they are smelling the hands.rascals! hey, where is the pumpkin? sir, we felt hungry so we ate it. this is our situation.

anyway, how is our kingdom? mom, this is not called kingdom,it is called jinx. how is mumbai, bhims? moms, mumbai is good but we are not. what is it, bhims? how isyour bar and girlfriend in bar? girlfriend is fine. but her uncle is a wastrel. how dare you wantto marry my niece! i am daring todo so because of you.

in which house will youlive after marrying my niece? are you selling thishouse for our marriage? no, uncle. we will staytogether after marriage. i will keep your girl inflowers and take care of her. do you have money to buy flowers? why do we needmoney to buy flowers? there are many flowers in our neighbour'shouse, we can pluck them for free. i do not want a boy wholooks at plants for flowers and.. ..also looks at buffaloes..

..if she asks for milk. he should bring everything.. ..she asks for instantly. got it. i should takethis money from box and.. ..leave your niece, right? i will neither leave this or this. why is it so light? i do not care whether youcommit murder or work as labour.. ..if you bring moneyfull of that box..

..i will get myniece married to you. uncle!- go inside! uncle!- what? we are already inside.- so you go out. that is my situation. i have got a solutionto fill your solution. how is it, moms?- insurance! - insurance? hello, sir. my name is anand swamy arvind swamyvijay krishna pilley solomon fish, sir. insurance agent, sir.

sir, we have a very good policy. two policies, sir. okay, sir. sir, one is accidentaldeath policy.. is natural death policy. sir, accidental death policy, payone thousand, ten thousand, sir. sir, natural death policy sir.. lakh, sir. you die, sir. yourfamily happy, sir. two crores, sir. but death is very important, sir. natural death very important.- stop your nuisance! get out!

who is he, moms?- insurance agent. i asked him for my insurance money. hesaid they will be given after i die. that is why i said tostay here till he dies. we pay insuranceas long as we are alive. some other personwill enjoy after we die. will any sane person pay insurance? no smart person will buy.but a sharp guy will pay. see this. when did you click my photo, moms?

that is not your photo,his name is raja. he looks exactly like you. so how will you kill him, moms?- not in a simple way. first i will take insurancein your name for two crores.. ..and then i will kill him.. ..and then i will convince theinsurance company that you died.. ..and thereby claim the two crores. weboth will share fifty fifty after that. moms! whom will you givethe remaining 1,99,99,900 rupees? to you.

hello? what is the landprice in amaravati now? our boss.. moms, why should we delay further.. ..when there is such a good chance.let us kill him. but there is anotherstupid cause with this clause. what is it? if we wereto get the insurance amount.. yes. - his death should be natural. so what should i do now, moms? change your getup urgently.

same to same. very good. we need a snake now. snake? we should goto old city for it? - okay. watching without sound. dying with this sound! reduce the sound.- who are you? looks like pipe covered in burqa. my name is alqaida. her friend?- yes..

her friend. - no. her friend. nowadaysgirls are becoming taller... trying toget size zero figure. have you seen?your uncle did not recognize me. how will khaki recognises me? come fast. shahrukh khan,salman khan and amir khan. she is going to become mother. you know where cobrakatraj lives here?

you know where kumari 21 f lives? kumari 21 f? how will i know where she stays? how will i know where he stays? sorry. you have katraj's number so why doyou call others. call him directly. i should have balance to call him. how will i have balancewhen boss does not have? you will get balanceif you recharge it.

ten rupees.- take ten. 'available balanceis not sufficient..' hello. hey, how are you talkingon phone when there is no balance? why do we need balancefor incoming call? the boy has fooled you. hey, you are so small!will you cheat a tall man like me.. giving a dummy card? i will see you!- what can you do to me?

my mother is begum bengal tiger. she will rip youapart if she comes. hey! my moms is delhi's don. i will call my mother.- go away. james, by seeing his force,i think his mother's force.. is better..- moms, why do you fear? sit. sit.. hey! who do you think he is? come! hit!

so many problems for being a girl? khaki! khaki! hey, he has broughthis mother bengal tiger. khaki! brother, if she is bengaltiger then you are lion 123. this is old city, they will crushyou like spices if they catch us. let us go! let us go! - run! hey, how does she know our name? moms! moms!should i go and ask her name?

rascal! rascal! rascal! - sorry. - hey.. today this handbag should be filled why is he calling this as hand bag? what?- i will try to fill it, sir. good. why is she running like that? hey! stop! stop my god! hey..

generally men chasewomen but here.. woman is chasingtwo men. - sir.. are you a policeman? why are you talking here whenthey are committing a crime there? we need collection, not chasing. sir, she is not female,she is male. i think he is a terrorist,he is wearing burqa. brainless fellow! one is not a terrorist ifthey wear burqa and grows beard.

terrorist throw bombs and kill. this is also the same. leave this bag. - collection bag! sir, this is the proofto say he is terrorist. bomb! oh no! - run! see how fast she is running. sir, it is male, not female. let us catch her. - come. i think he understand english too.

where is he? come aside, sir. he is a terrorist. all of us will die ifhe carries a bomb. hey.. i will catch her withthis injection and.. ..bag promotion. - let us see. tell me. are you talibanor lashkar-e-toiba? isis or icic or kfc? hdfc or indian overseas?

they are the banks' names. you will get encountered if you throwcounter while i am interrogating. out!-sorry. because of people like you.. ..wives of bollywood heroesare planning to leave the country. if we say bajrangi bhaijaan,you say taliban force. i will put an end to your jihad. tell me. who are all behind you? doing comedy with ci ankusham?

i know very well howto make you confess the truth. this electricity is producedat kondapalli power plant. if i give shock with it.. ..your father in syria, grandfatherin taliban and aunt in pakistan.. ..will shake. come on! him? our station will getdisgraced if anybody sees. you proceed, i can not watch. like a beauty parlourin every street..

..why do i catch you in every case. sir, you only should help me. wait. who do you want? cobra katraj. what do you want?- i want snake. not snake, call him as babu. babu? - what baba? babu. come, mr. khaki. see this. babu with sridevi.

babu with superstar rajinikanth. babu with mahesh babu. babu with venkatesh babu. baby with mega star chiranjeevi. he is there from the time of'punnami nagu.' is your babu old? babu was a child artistat that time. khaki! what are these set properties?- not set properties. 100 days scenes.four nandu awards. 3 santosham awards.2 filmfare awards.

one ssif.. what is that? - aifa. not only that,american university.. ..conferred doctorate..- stop it! stop your boasting andtell me where you babu is. follow me carefully. there are small snakes on floor,do not step on them. you look like a camel in khaki, it is you. babu's name is sheshu. born in penugonda.

lives at manikonda.mother's name is anaconda. father's name bellamkonda? do not say like that. babu.. babu.. for how long will youwatch movie like that? what is the time?you should eat snacks. nowadays you are notmaintaining any time sense. hey you!- sir.. - give snacks to babu. take it.- will snake drink alcohol?

i asked whetherbabu drinks alcohol. do not care for what he says.he said something in flow. it sat in my hands.. you are a hero from both states. rum before acting naughty.. beer when in sorrow.. gin after coming from gym.. whisky when when hugging.. even after drinking full bottle..

hood.. hood.. hood..- tell me. when do you want babu's dates? two days.tomorrow and day after tomorrow. sorry. babu is going totana celebrations as chief guest. what? fans irritating you with selfies?i will manage. okay. babu does not like to attend tana. he says to give the dates to you.- yes, thank you, babu.

thank you. you go and wait outside. i will wash babu and come. okay.- hey fool! wonderful! selfie in sardar getup.. harbhajan singh pose. who is it now? hello?- hello, selfie raja marriage bureau?

tell me. sir, i told you long backto find a good proposal for me. i will find.- sir, it is not like that.. my grandmother will die if you do notfind a good proposal in one hour. what is this link?- it is like that only, sir. sir, i shared myaddress on whatsapp. bring photos there.- okay, i will come. "wonderful!wonderful! wonderful man!" hey! are you a singh?

should i sing if you tell me?i will not sing. i did not ask that. i am asking whether youare singh from 'singh is king.' that was akshay kumar and.. ..i am selfie raja. you? why are you in this getup? you want answer or girl? i want girl. brother, why did not you come yet.he came.

i came one hour back,waiting in backyard. see down. why did not you come up? hey, i told you tocall me after he comes. i have sent youmessage on whatsapp. our chat application. is it the time to eatsnacks? he has grown old but not his brain. brother, it is difficultto tell you now, you come.

where you went after i toldyou that i will show the girl? for this.. - okay.. what kind of girl you want? i want a moon like girl. you mean one who comes atnight and leaves in the morning? is there such facility? hey, throwing punches at me? i will kick you. - sorry, sir. hey! where?

for this.- can not you bear some time for me? is there phenyl in the house?- no. no that side, this side. you went to this side. that is ladies toilet. please.- will he change or changes other.. come. come behind. two crores. "inner feelings aregetting unleashed."

"this cunning youth.." where is the chorus comingfrom when i am singing? no! snake! he died! two crores insurance! two crores insurance!- moms.. what about one crore ninety lakhs..- take it. let us go and collectthe dead body. come.

sheshu babu! where are you? moms, he escaped. yes. he seems to have escaped. sheshu is frozen likewatching telugu movie. katraj boasted a lot. it showed its hood but.. ..i think it is waste. right? - yes, moms. moms.. - sheshu babu..

pack up! pack up, sheshu babu. why is not it moving? - what? sheshu babu! sheshu babu!have you passed away? sheshu babu! calm down! will the snakecome back to life if you cry? first see what should be done. what do you thinkof our sheshu babu? you gave 'narasimha' to rajinikath.

you gave 'murari' to mahesh babu. you proved to be more handsomethan nagarjuna in 'soggadu' movie. you jumped from 500 foot tall buildingwith jackie chan in hollywood. you did not die them.. - oh.. you run under thetrain in some movie. you did not die at that time. now big celebrities are coming. what should i tell them,sheshu babu? tell me, sheshu babu.what should i tell?

hey scoundrels! what you showedand killed our babu? we did not show anything.he only showed us stars. you will not tell like this. bring. move. sister, he knows whokilled brother-in-law. tell! you must be thinking i am civilengineer because i came in civil dress.

police! ci ankusham! i will remove your skin! rascals! sitakka! padmakka! what is your show off? - hey.. who killed our husband? ouch! hey, who killed him? tell me. stab him with the knife..

..he will tell immediately. madam.. ..when two womenlive like sisters.. ..for drinking waterfrom same river.. ..we drink alcoholfrom the same wine shop.. why ca not we livelike husband and wife. no! i will tell where he is. go out! useless life!

on one hand i am dyingwith khaki's tension and.. this dog is also chasing me. why is the right leg shaking? phone? i think it is in vibration. hello. - how are you, son-in-law? dog in front, crow behind.. ..between these two.. ..i am shaking in sheikh's getup.

son-in-law,this is not the time to do comedy. what is with him? i am telling seriouslybut he is taking it as comedy. he is trying to kill all of us. all of you be careful. he should be killingonly me, right? not just one.. ..he warned to destroy me and.. entire family.

you do not take any tension. i will call your folks and.. ..tell them to be careful. first you be careful. why should i be careful? i do not belong to your family. raja, you are myson and son-in-law. so he will target only you. be careful.

what is this fitting? one gives money and jewelleryfor their daughter's marriage.. ..but he is givingvengeance and enmity. mr. ankusham. hello, mr. ankusham.. i have an importantnews to tell you. the news that i am goingto tell is more important than it. sir, is your wife back? you need comedy even during climax?

anyway, it is dangerousto me if my wife returns. this news is dangerous for you too. nagaraju's wivesare very dangerous. i am unable to toleratetheir thrashing and.. ..told your name sir, leave it.barking dogs do not bite. not you.. anyway, why didyou tell them my name? this is injustice!

i did not tell wantonly. they held a knife on my neck.. ..i do not know fromwhich door i told your name. so i turned thetsunami against you. whether you escape from it.. ..or swim in it, it is your wish. bye, raja. in this getup, dogs.. ..khaki if i remove it..

..on one hand nagaraju's wives.. ..on another hand it is haridas.. ..what is all this? govinda! govinda! run! it is better to hide here. where he went? no! he escaped again. he is running away! - let us go.

i think he sellsadulterated petrol in dubai. wells dried up there.. he seems to beselling utensils here. i will not spare you! you killed our both masters.. ..for no reason. whom did i kill? you gave me a snake thatacted in movies long back. i knew it is...of no use.

do not tell me all that. will you firstpay the money or not? what should i pay? do what you can do. hail snake! rascal! katraju! lost your hangover? did you give me anesthesia and..

..shoot any dirty movieafter making me nude? you said to do what we can do. what did you do? i removed your kidney. hey, i am still unmarried. kidney is here.. so can i marry? you can marry happily. snake plan has failed.

what to do now? i am not getting any idea. not getting idea? brain is paining,you wait, i will think. did you get any idea? let us do something.we both will think together. however i think.. idea? - bell. surprise!

you? where is the pony? i changed the lookto change the luck. how come you are here suddenly? should not i come? i wanted to see you. so i came. did you miss me so much?- very much. what about my uncle's target?

i found another target.. reach that target. what is that target? i got. i am dying in this getup. god is playing candycrushand temple run with me. do not know from whichside gun is coming from.. from which side isthe knife coming from.. i am dying in tension.

what? - you said tension.. i want to give a bumper offer,brother-in-law. "silk lungi, flowers shirt." "wearing shadesand winking at you.." "bumper offer for you!" "silk sari, imported scent.." "flowers in bun,came to meet you.." "your waist is too slim..your curves are beautiful." "give betel leaves,set the bed and count the stars.."

"get ready for it.." "everything is set for you." "there will be notalks after i come.." "i will come prepared.." "i will fulfil all your desires.." "see my entire beauty,strike everywhere you want." "i will create chaos in dark." "come, o naughty. fun lies here." "i will not control myself."

"i will give you everything." "bumper offer for you." what moms? you went in singham style.. ..and coming in gangnamstyle while coming. he asked me moneyfor snake's death. i said i will not give andtold him to do whatever he can do. he removed the kidney. wait, i will be back.

moms, did you go inside and.. kidney related exercises? no. i checked whether he removed.. ..something else along with kidney. is it necessary to killraja by taking so much risk? i lost my kidney.. ..because of raja. there is no questionof leaving him. i swear on my lost kidney..

the comedy that happenssomewhere in nature.. decided by a comediancoming from some place. do not know what is in store for me. who are you calling me like that? thank god! getup is successful. i am selfie raja. raja? brother-in-law.. you are raja.what is this 'nannaku prematho?' with the fear of khaki..

stop it. how can you fear khaki? there is a reasonif you are afraid of dog brother-in-law, a small setup.. ..i will be backin five minutes. wait. did you see him anywhere? i did not see. - okay. brother,he is telling he did not see.. ..without even seeing the photo. is he right?- what he said?

you did not see anything.- what i said? you said he did not see.- both are same. both are same. rascal! come! i escaped from the jail.. kill him and his family. do not spare anybody. i will not spare anybody.i will not spare! hey, are you talkingon phone or directly? you look like a masseurto michael jackson.

do not you have phone manners? what are you feeling so proud for? for having my uncle behind me. who is your uncle? commissioner!- is commissioner your uncle? is he your uncle? i think he is haridas' man? no. - but you saidyour uncle is commissioner. my uncle is municipal commissioner.

please - brother-in-law.. my work is finished, i have come. i am caught. why is he carryingyour family photo? shh!- what is it? you know who he is? him? why do you talkwithout giving respect? you think he is the son-in-lawof municipality commissioner? no. he is the son-in-lawof police commissioner. rascal!

finished!- do not you understand? he is the same guy. he has put me in trouble. do not you still understand? brother-in-law,because of your beard.. ..he is not recognizing you. remove it. yes. to my brother-in-law, with love. "i wanna follow.."

who are they?- you follow me! "follow!"- catch! catch! who are they chasing you,brother-in-law? my uncle's enemies. they are out to killeveryone from my family. why did you stop?- i am not your family member. they do not know that.- i will tell. you die as you want. i am not that family.

ask my father if you want. who is your father? ask my mother about it. she showed me threepeople recently. i am so confused. thrash him!- hey! leave me! catch him! fools!

they beat me buti stole all the purses. i think they left. you are caught. moms, why did you bringme to this local bar? if we come to local bar, wewill get local ideas to kill him. i have a come he looks exactly like me? hey, someone fromyour seven generations.. ..had committed somewhere. their commitmentis useful to us now.

in seven generations? who could it be?i want to see him once. do not search the sevengenerations now. first drink. drink. he is here. let me found.. search! - sister, it is him! he killed brother-in-law! eat! rascals!

eat! enjoy! you killed our nagaraju? who is nagaraju? cobra katraj's snakedied because of us. it is the same. hey, not nagaraju. we only killed his son whatever you want. nagaraju should see his death. take it out!

what will you take out? boys! ready? ready boss! - one! two! three! moms! - bhims! i thought nagaraju is snake. who is he looking like guerrilla? when did we kill him?

we are ready. so we escape! why do you catch me? catch! hey! stop! boys! go! see where they are. they are coming. he came!

catch! hey! are you trying for olympics?stop! stop! moms, they are coming.- this way! here..- okay. where are they? why do you beat?- come, sister. they left. moms, energy is finished.let us drink coconut water. i think we will die before..

..killing raja. make a hole to this coconut. he is there! kill him! my god! he thinks i am raja. let us go, moms.- come. what is this tension?we planned to kill him.. ..but they are coming to kill us. not only for us, raja seemsto have given murder contract.. others too.

there! over there! trapped between thedevil and deep sea. i found my pit, you find yours, go. come! come! come. - coming, coming. be there. come, come. - coming. sister, they escaped, let us go. where?

i should catch him today. come.- come. what will you catch? he is there, catch him. hey! stop! come! move! selfie with the dead body?they are worse than me. hey, stop the nuisance,and lift the dead body. did you see.. good he is? he came even withoutour carrying him. lift.. lift.. khaki. what boss? khaki, do not kill me. i am not a bad manto kill the dead snake. you shut up! how come dead body is talking?

hey, they are taking the pyre. where are you takingit when the dead body is here? recce? recce? crap! this is dead body. who told you that is the dead body? are we fools to believeif anybody tell us? dead body has told us.- yes. i told.

dead body.. khaki, stop! stop! how does it know my name? is it because of the colour? it is a devil, it will know. hell with the life! i became greedy for insurance moneyand now being chased by a dead body. he looks exactly like me. who are you?why you pulled me inside?

..why are you in tension like vijaymallya who returned from abroad? look, i am not steve waugh. i am mark waugh. what did i tell you dueto which you are praising me? i think you are deaf. you are listening with eyes. it is all your love. forget love! who are you and whereare you taking me?

why are you scolding me like that? do not know how we nurturedyou for being an orphan.. ..but you are treatingus like your own parents. forgive us if wecommitted any mistake. it is not that.. i..- do not talk more. everyone felt happybecause of you but.. ..nobody is feeling sad. for a good person like you.. ..god will neverdo any harm to you.

he will not do any harm. i think raja is innocent. swamy! see that he is caught soon. swamy..- who is he? swamy! swamy!- who are you? laxmi narasimha swamy! for this devotee.. came fromyadagirigutta to punjagutta.

my life is blessed, lord! hey, are you drunk? you saw my face andasked whether i am drunk. it is not a simple thing. you are indeed god! hey, i am not god! god is talking to me. am i a drunkard...notto believe it? i am drunkard ramesh.

katappa! so you are.. i am your baahubali. tell me why katappa killed you. again? i am unable to tolerate. i feel very proud of you. a new member isentering our family. congrats, grandson.

thanks, grandmother. take.. - congrats. be careful, boys. we should kidnap raja.. any cost today.. ..and do suicide. it is not suicide, it is murder. it is the same, we should murder himwithout even postman's knowledge. did you get injured in childhood?

no. why? it is not postman,it is post-mortem. it is the same. post-mortem. anyway, we should makeit look like natural death and.. ..usurp the two crores.- yes. when will you pay insurance for me? after murdering you. thanks, boss.- welcome. hey, turn the house into dark.

so we should call kamal haasan. who is he?- you got injured for sure. let us go, boys. moms! moms? bhims? bhims. did i hit you? bhims.. sorry, i have hit you.

bhims.. who are they? hi.- who are you? who am i? ask mumbai beach. ask the sand in beach. why should we go so far for it now? tell me who you are. stop jokes, bhims.

bhims?- i am raja. oh, i am bond. james bond. stop talking rubbishand tell the matter. look, the bhims youthink is different from me. though we are not twins.. ..we look similar like twin towers. just now haridas' henchmenare taking away bhims. haridas?- yes. he called me herefor dance program.

dance program? "i am born in amalpauram." "i grew up in america." "i came to my village recently." "boys are chasing me badly here." "my grandmother said.." "..i was beautifulwhen i was born." "while growing up.." " mother said i was hot."

"at the age of 16,i had a voluptuous figure." "i remained a gorgeous figure." "with beautiful curves.." "..with people ogling at them.." "i was the cynosure of all eyes." by the way, what is that beauty? "figure.." "measurements of my house.." "measurements of theroads and surroundings.."

"measurements.. measurements.." "i like it when it is packed." "there is no funin keeping it long." "you drag few things for comfort." "do not worry, this is common." "everything is lost.." "everything has changed.." "if future were to be good.." "..these changes are needed."

"measurements havechanged at all places" which measurementsshe is talking about? "the measurements in frontof my employer's house.." "the measurementsof my boss' compound.." "measurements of mylandlord's threshold.." "measurements ofthe surroundings.." sunny leone! do not makeme crazy with your liplock. is there any link between yourcolour and your dreams? rascal! bhims. - moms.

why did you go toselfie raja's house? my going there is not important.. who has brought us here,is important. moms, bald guy will bodyguards,so he is the main villain. let us pretend to sleep. hey, you think thisis den or deluxe lodge? playing games with me? call your father. hey, why do you talkto women when i am here?

talk to me directly if you want. call commissioner. i was waiting for this phonesince long. will you sell it? sell? - call commissioner. china phone costs 50,000?i will give 5,000. what am i talkingand what you are talking? you look like a wild not you speak? i said i will give 5,000because it looks like iphone. okay, i will give 500 extra.give it.

what is it with him?- sell it, boss. he too says the price is high. i will shoot you! will you sell this too?for deepavali? i think there is no reel. i will really shoot you. i think you are dumb from outside, youare dumb inside too. no reel inside. please! do not do anything to uncle. i will call..

daddy.. hey commissioner.. do not do anything to my family.i am coming. leave! do not do anythingto my daughter! leave. how can you think iwill forget my enmity of.. ..10 years in 10 secondsif you request me? but i am not goingto kill your daughter. your son-in-law.. why did you point gun at me sayingyou will shoot his son-in-law?

i am not his son-in-law. son-in-law, will you feardeath and deny being my son-in-law? i will take care, do not fear.- what will you do? not from there.. you will realize it ifgun is pointed point blank. are you such coward? it is not that, listen..- stop! samba! hey! who are you? gabbar singh!

sardar gabbar singh! are you both hello brothers? no. different brothers. i am commissioner's son-in-law. leave that innocent guy. no, i am commissioner's son-in-law. leave him. bhims.. - moms.. we are trying to kill himbut he is trying to save us.

i do not care who it is. matrix shot! back is broken? i will finish you both! so whom should i kill? who are these twin horses? not twin horses but race horses. one of them killed my husband! hey! you kill one of them..

..and i will kill another. thanks, raja. hide. money. mr. khaki! you? mr. khaki! - why are you requestinghim? - cancel that contract. i want to live. i gave the contract to him.- feared him all the while? where is it? leave!

hey! kill him! katappa returns! now tell me.will you kill me or have drinks? go ahead! bald! why should so many peoplekill each other for one cell phone? not yours or mine.. ..give it to me.- if you talk of cell phone again.. ..i will kill.

he suffers from nerves weakness,use homeopathy. i will give 15,000.i will bring, give it. sell it, boss. i will shoot you!- hey! what?- come here. fix it rate. i will not tell, brother.- kill him! you must be thinking iam a fool for wearing red shirt. mass! total mass!

hey! - hey! whether you use money or men.. ..whether you make recommendations orbring goons from outside, your wish. there is sunlight with sun,darkness with moon, if i come.. your death will come! was the recentthrashing now enough? i am feeling excited from inside. let us fight, come. you are telling everyone'sdialogues like mixed juice.

i will not tell, brother.- so move aside! hey! - hey.. who knows where to fall down.. greater than whoknows where to get up. now sisters'.. not miss brother-in-law. they do not need us now. let us go. thanks,, one selfie.

selfie now? if people drinking water fromsame river can live as sisters.. we drink alcohol in the same shop.. not we live like wifeand husband. - oh my darling! why should not we be so?let us go and have fun! do we need auspicious time for it? why are they fighting? she has 3g and 4g too. what? for me?

what will they do? god gave lot of beautyto aishwarya rai and me. i will hide. - hey! hey! not 30,000 he saidhe will give for 15,000. she is a deaf woman andthat bald guy is a big fool. well done my boy.i promote you as dsp. sorry, sir. do not arrest me. i am dsp. dsp, at least now tell me..

..your name. i will not tell, brother. who is he? - sell it, boss. hey! you! - brother,i will not tell even if you sell. let us see, brother. i will sayprayers daily in the jail from now. not for my well-beingbut for you to stay alive. i will come out andkill you and your family. will you not change the dialogues?same dialogue in first scene and.. ..also in climax.

change the performance. hey, go inside and lead apeaceful life at least at this age. take him away. - i will not leave. they too will not leave. go. suspicion between wife andhusband will lead to many problems. if it arises onceit is difficult to leave. see that such suspicionsdo not arise between you again. sorry, uncle. - sorry, daddy. had you said sorryin the first half.. kidney wouldhave been with me only. come on! what is he saying?- seems to be a joke. laugh. nonsense.. hey! you said youwill go to shirdi today? lies? - i do nottell lies in my life. yes. correct. hello. i am goingto vijayawada by bus. okay. - you said youdo not tell lies in your life.

i tell lies over the phone. sorry, my mistake. nobody should see.. - slowly.. slowly.. a big fight is taking place here. do you need this at this moment?- sir, it is good here. be for some time. thanks. everyone will see there,nobody will see here. you too come, nobody will see here. okay. turn on the ac.

we cannot turn on acunless we kill someone. at least turn on the fan. here is the wind you want. oh, if you sell this wind to usha companythen you would have got one lakh rupees.. you should find the people.. ..who killed your fatherand grandfather and.. ..kill them by biting. sharpen your fangs tokill your enemies. got it? thanks, babu. thanks.

it is them. bite them on face. bhims! - moms! - babu! babu.. babu, you too have left me? hey, you petty thieves! generally snakes will seek revenge. why are you seekingrevenge from my snakes?

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