recent film releases

recent film releases

something will be decided. they finished early morning. go ahead. subhu called last night. i told him krishnahas joined engineering! he told that he will takehim to gulf after the course. what to say? he will neverhave any such interest in that. he agreed to study furtheronly due to his father's insistence. savitri, where is my shirt?

in the bottom drawer of the cupboard. savitri.. - i have kept yourwrap cloth on the cot didn't you see? before he calls again tellhim the balance information too. the purse is in the table.- yes. i found it. ammu! ammu! - she hasn't woke up yet. he has gone to conductthe class after having bath.. .. who came with you after the concert. get up. if not i'll beat you. i know you wouldn't beat me.give me 10 minutes.

i'll beat you. - don't try any tricks.i won't get up. get up, will you? - oh god. will you beat me master? have bath and go to the temple. do a special prayer on krishna's name. did you eat breakfast? greetings teacher. - greetings. lat night when you came afterthe recital it was two in the morning. did you lose your sleep? - hey, no.

what else makes more happy than it? as long as krishna was playing.. .. light in sreedevi's roomwas turned on. do you know? that is called other words, it is love. is it only enough thatwe think that they should marry? shouldn't they too feel so? they too want it. by god's blessing! "no audio!" now further lessons tomorrow.

don't go. i've to tell you more. tell him. - not only tothe lord krishna! but to you too! what about yourstudents if you go off? no problem.i've found a better expert than me. i am readied him. is it? so you told me aftermaking all the arrangements. how far is the place that youare going? - about 10,000 kilometers. sri! if you want to see me,close your eyes. i'll be before you.

is it enough? come. ammulu.. hello. hey sreedevi? good morning. did he eat? - he ate stomach full. he ate seven dosas till now. is it? now eight with this. dad, uncle srinu has said thatthe file should be taken along. of course should ibe reminded of such things?

hey give it to me.mother don't pick up my plate. - okay. give me fast,i have to go the college. hello? krishna? what ever it is give it fast,she has to go to the college. here comes your brother-in-law. he comes after dressing up well. he is ram outside and ravan at home. what was all that noise yesterday? i see, she calledyou and told all that?

why did aunt lata cry yesterday.- it is nothing.. i want to see you afterthe school in the evening. i have to speak to you. - okay. we have to buy clothes. come early. okay. - tata. why you say mm?if one sees your face.. .. people may feel that it wasme who made the tyres get punctured. don't mix up married lifeand puncture and make a mess. they are coming. smile. smile.

dear brother- in-law if you walkfrom your village, you could reach.. .. faster than this. buchamma, we arewaiting for a long time. krishna, there weremany blocks in the road. deadly traffic! buses couldn't.. .. move for one hour. - he is got punctured two times. listen, krishna.i asked your sister whether she.. .. want to buy a car forrs. 40,000 or 40 lakhs. then she had toldrs. 40,000 car is enough..

.. we have a growinggirl child isn't it? she said to put the restof the money as fixed deposit.. .. in the bank. what? did you hear him talk?says he put money fd. shall i tell them? then tell us, let us too come to know. now that.. - that? the four chains andthe 16 bangles are pawned.. .. for the last three years in a fixedmanner in the bank. isn't it dear?

gold is much safer in the bank.the thieves can't get it. brother- in-law don't will know when you get married. dear come, lets us go inside.if we stand for more time here.. .. she will tell manythings about me. - come, dear. isn't there anybody at home? greetings. welcome.- sister vanaja. - how are you? i am fine. how are you? for whom is this all?- for krishna.

he is going to a college,there are many girls there. if he wears all this andshine he will go from your hands. that's why i am too coming with you. where is krishna? he is in his room. how are you, uncle?- how are you, dear? where is hari? dear! greetings. - greetings.

is the medicinebusiness going on well? no problem. there are many doctors towrite the names of the medicines. there are many peopleto buy these medicines.. .. and get many new diseases. then medical representativesneed not worry much. grandpa. come, little sweetheart! keep it inside.

here take this and keepin the cupboard. - what is it? i know there are a lotof expenses in krishna's studies. keep this. friend, as along as childrenstudy, making them study.. .. is the responsibilityof father and mother. i don't intend to share that. i will make him study,make him an engineer and.. .. hand him over to you. what hari? correct.- all this is his imagination.

in the case of krishnaand sreedevi's matters.. .. i never see my daughter,your son etc. they are our children, that's all. then what ever i have is for krishna. i am giving a portion a little early.just think that way. what do you say? - correct. no. everything is correct isn't it? where is sreedevi? she is making him wearnew clothes and admiring him.

this is the most i like.what about you? mmm. it looks good. wear this for today's recital.. no! why? - wear this onthe first day to college. let the girls ogle at you. hey enough. enough. - hey wait. i did that to make youthink of me where ever you go. hey, sree. sree.

buddy! yes. hi! why did you come early? there is nothing there.. what happened to him? everyone should be happy. good morning. - good morning. father.

have you heard of dhoolpeta dora? i know a hotel in dhoolpeta.i heard chapatis are tasty there. don't make fun! he is dhoolpeta dora. tak with respect - my name is principal. bye. yes, father. are you acting smart?- father, he is brother's boy. you must take back hissuspension today itself. look, he was not justsent out for nothing. he has remained in thelock up for longer periods.. .. than he has come to college.

along with that news thename of the college too was taken. hence it is not possibleto take him back. to make a clean pond polluted,a couple of drops of dirt is enough. father don't play games with me. son, you must be from amberpet.. .. there is one guy by name umbrella. call him and ask who fatherdas is and then come. i will be in my office.go! father, i am telling you with respect.listen to me.

if you don't take meback into the college.. .. i don't know what will happen. good. are you so arrogant? i like boys who are real men.i will be in the office. you alone come after some time. go! go without any fear. i will be outside, will you threaten me? don't think i will remainsilent just because..

.. my name is das. go and ask about mein dhoolpet and amberpet. before coming here as a principal.. .. i used to preparehooch liquor there. if i see you any more in this area.. .. i will beat you upand remove your intestines. thomas, thrash him! lord, i don't find anyoption other than beating.. .. the people whoare commiting mistakes.

lord, i punished him becausehe commited mistake at a young age. you must pardon me. amen. superb! introduction is wonderful! by the way, where is your lover? uncle shiva called up. keep watching. within seconds anjanawill set foot in this campus. enough, friend. you are sayingas if ms. world is going to enter. there she goes, ex lover elizabeth. it will become a problemif she knows this matter.

it will never happen like that. there is a give and take policybetween her and me. she will adjust. hi. all the best, krishna.- thanks, brother in law. father, bless me. - god bless you! shall i go? - okay. as you said she is ms. world. it is my opinion. good morning, uncle. - good morning.

hello, anjana. hello. - my friends.vinod, usman, venky. - hello. hi, i am anjana. it seems i had seen you somewhere. hey sir, i haven'tbeen to any police station. oh, then i must bemistaken about the man. hey, your brothersare showing a behaviour.. .. which may bring a badname to your expired father. if you don't want to getthrashed in my hands then..

.. tell chakrapani to givethe money without saying anything. will he take me for a ride wheni helped me to escape from the case? call him. tell him that i told to bringthe entire money from the cupboard. move! love seems to be overflowing. hi ramani. - hi. it is time to send him out.hey. catch it. hi, chitra. is there milk for tea etc?

no, tea. - brother, what is this? this is called marfi in tamil nadu.saala in china. remove the intestines andeverything from inside and.. .. roast it and cook. i am unable to see clealy.can i bend and see? whatever it is!how should i fry it? 5.5 or 6 range? 5.5 is enough, if six it will burn. okay, brother. hey, lift me andkeep me there. slowly.

though he is small he is quite heavy. this is cooling glass weight- get one special tea for us all. don't be afraid, this is common.only four have broken. sudeep, how are the your collections? i have stopped all that long back. very good. i will makeprogress only if you show mercy. how much more he will grow? madhu, how are you? - hi, sudeep! there is a settlement inthe afternoon. you have to come.

i am sorry. don't evercall me for such settlements. why? - didn't you understand? i wantto get marry and settle down in life. they say one should winthe house before winning outside. first go and see that.he stops working if he sees a girl. i hi! - hi! - hello! entire college isdiscussing this topic. what? - they say if one is cursedby many girls one will marry quickly. does that girl know you love her? i still didn't get that opportunity.

at present i am a local guardian. does she know thatyou are local guardian? trust me.she is my would be. - how is she? that is all about me. thank you. next. okay. i am varun.i hail from vuyyur near machilipatnam. you look bit aged. yes sir, it is four yearssince i finished my inter.

i spent few years helpingmy father with agriculture.. .. and roamed around with friends. but problem started when i startedlooking for girls for marriage. nobody gave me girl becausei studied less and i don't have a job. that's why my father has sentme to city and study engineering. i didn't understandwhat you are saying. tell us in detail. we all will listen. sir, i didn't join this collegewith the desire to study engineering.. .. after paying more donation.i don't have such intelligence, sir.

but i can marry a good girl with the.. .. excuse of studying engineering.. sorry, i didn't tellthis by intending you. i will sit in one corner and study. none of you pleaselove me and disturb me. thank you.thank you. thank you. - next. greetings, i am krishnakumar. i hail from tanuku near rajahmundry. good. once i attended themusic festival held in rajahmundry.

there are many geniuspeople in godavari district. you too will become great like them. thank you, sir. i too camestate first twice in percussion. what was the instrument? mridangam. i do some recitalsand teach children too. very good. is it becauseyou felt that you can't live.. .. only on recitals andyou came to engineering? no sir. since i realisedthat life is not only recitals. excuse me.can we hear you playing mridangam?

if you ask suddenly like this..over here.. krishnakumar,consider that table as mridangam. music is produced whenwe hit poles in vijayanagaram. go ahead by thinking the same. who is this new face? don't know. so is he saying hewill not listen to us? now no use of telling him politely.he shouldn't stay alive. one who goes againstus shouldn't stay alive.

kill him and surrender to the police. i will take care of the rest.did you understand? greetings.. what happened to the workthat you went for? - why do you ask? nothing happened.- sit down. malati, bring tea. i tried all my an ex mla i did everything i could. but still that boy is not listening. brother, there is nouse of keeping quiet anymore.

he will fall in line if we throwout the belongings and thrash him. is is taking us by settingup a small roadside shop.. .. in front of thebuidling worth crores? he is talking arrogantly by saying.. .. he will not vacateunless we pay him 15 lakhs. call sudeer and tellhim to come soon from college. drink tea without any worrying. no! no! sir!

no, sir! - sir! no, sir! stop it! i will hold your legs. sir, i beg you. listen to me!sir, someone please stop! don't you understandwhen i tell you once? that boy is my senior in the college. he is the youngest of pandu brothers.his name is sudeer. he has two elder is mahesh and another giril.

there are the biggest rowdieson real estate in the city. settlements and fightsare their full time businesses. please don't fightwith them in any way. dear students, music is a wonderfulart. that's why god created artists. that's why musiciansare closer to god. only one such musicianwho has the good fortune.. .. has come to thiscampus in our campus. mr. krishnakumar. i pray to god that his musicshould spread all over the world..

.. and i welcome krishnakumarto come onto the stage. superb! you played very well.- thank you. superb! - thanks. really you surprised all of us. how did you learn all this? congrats. you were really great. i didn't think you have such talent. i am very proud thatyou are my classmate. you must come withus for a small treat.

hey i don't want all that. krishnakumar, what is this? you shouldn't talk like that. you should definitelycome with us to canteen. you have to come. everybody is calling. come. yes. - don't feel shy and come. anjana. one minute.- i am going to the canteen.

i too had learned toplay flute in my childhood. hello! - i thought i will becomegreat artist but it didn't happen. this is to cast away evil eyes. hi, amitabh bachhan! - hi! what do you want, ramya? give me a mirinda. - okay. wait! - don't touch. i will give. we don't come when you call us.we come when girls come. take it, ramya.

don't keep it inyour mouth immediately. i took it from the fridge just now. give me a coin? here. did you understandwhat that girl said? no. now listen. i love you. this should be putin the donation box. not to cast away evil eyes.but not to let go off you.

we have many such techniques with us. buddy, see there. - be careful. okay? careful.. hi sudeep! shall i order for tea you?it is my treat? krishnakumar, this issudeer. our family friend. he is my college guardian. krishnakumar. hello. i am varun. we are friends.

will you come for puppy'sbirthday in the evening? hey, what a question?we will reach there at five thirty. okay, we too will leave. wait for sometime and then go. i have to go to the library. i get yawns if i go to library. sorry.. - not to sleep. to meditate. i will take this coin. for dropping it in the donation box?

whether to cast awayevil eyes or not to.. .. let him go from your hands? so you are the superstar to yourcollege girls. right, krishnakumar? say some thing man.or i will keep the phone down. some one has takena video of the event. let me see. if i get a copy.. .. i will bring it withme when i come next time. okay, i will call you later. are you still sitting like this?

bathroom is free. go and take bath. yes, buddy. how is the movie? forget the movie.tell me about the girl. i am asking about girl. hey, you are first year, right?i will come to your room later. i have small work. go. hey, stop! take bath after me. no i.. - just do what i say.get away!

hello. - can you call, krishnakumar? who? krishnakumar from first year. hey, phone for you. call for me? aren't you krishnakumar? here, hold it. girls are falling for this guy! why aren't they falling for me?

hello. - hi. do you know who i am? who is it? after hearing myvoice, can't you guess? i don't know. all the girls from our collegehave set their eyes on you. you cannot tolerate iftheir evil eyes fall on you. i really don't know who you are.tell me. i am meera. i was the one whoremoved the evil eyes..

.. from you todaymorning in the college. i am that girl. now don't call me inthe hostel and trouble me, okay? how can you say that?i want to talk a lot with you. hey! - how are you? it was anjana. in the morningwhen she caught his hand.. .. and went then itselfi told you that she fell for him. now see what happened? now if you don't believe me,you see there.

she will be somewhere therewith a mobile in her hand. i will call you after seeing. sita, boy's family cameto see the girl, right? did they say something after that? aunt. where is anjana? she was just here. what is the matter? it is nothing.. whatever you want, ask andtake it without any hesitation. sister-in-law, did you see anjana?

what is it, son?you both were together.. .. since you came. where did she goby leaving you suddenly? why are you in tension? did you see, anjana? hey sudeep. shall i tellher that you like her? first tell me where she is. she went to the terrace. go and see. anjana!

just a minute. come, pandy, for the last two hoursi am waiting for you. you should have called andsaid that you will get late. - hi! well, you know it isour habit to come late. how can i change it? there is a reason for everything. that is our style! - come! come. - come inside. how are you studies? - they are fine.

what will you have? tea or coffee? we had just now. don't want. i will not agree if you say like should drink coffee. come, dear. - anjana, wait. you keep talking.- shiva, arrange the money quickly. money? what for? what for? on this earth thereis only one thing that grows.. .. in just one wink. that is girls. we should talk of marriage, right?

marriage is the biggestproblem of girls. i came here to create a problem. don't scare me, uncle.spare me for anothe four years. i have to complete my b.e. even if my husband deserts me,i have to take care of my life. there is no such chance, anjana. because i have confidence on the boy. now just one word ofconfirmation is enough. we will fix marriage after four years.

uncle, i.. what? did he say who the bridegroom is? why don't you tell the matter before? okay, leave it. i will tell her. his wish is to getyou and sudeer married. he is our boy. i believe my dutywill be done if we do it immediately. what else is there? dad, come inside once.

she is feeling shyto say in front of you. who is going to get married? we got married long our daughter let. she has to get married. then who should decide it. we are her parentsand we should do it. that is the tradition since ages. oh! sudeer is a good boy? we like both make a good pair.

what he lacks, my dear? he is well educated and also handsome.he is rich. we cannot find sucha good boy anywhere. look, can marry as you wish.. .. after four just say okay. that is sufficient. he is requesting so much.agree to it, dear. until now i didn'tdecide anything on my own., if you both agreethen i too agree with it. my sweet child!

with this, the engagementcelebration is over. all of you go home. we daily go home, isn't it? today we will havefun after drinking heavily. drinking is not important. we should clean everythingafter drinking.. .. and light candles. - hey! don't remind it now.i have to drink two more pegs. please! peddapuram babe!

wait for sometime.i will go and chat with her. hello. - go! - all of you go! we should have fun withone girl if we take two pegs. we shouldn't keepquiet after having fun. i didn't understand anything. we keep the phone on ears andtalk when we receive any call, right? likewise we should finishthe work silently after having fun. hey, amitabh. i will come now. hey sudeer, are you toogoing to her for having fun?

bring me down and yougo for as long as you want. you drank very lessbut you are intoxicated as.. .. if you drank one full bottle. shall i come in? hey, varun. get up! why do you come anddisturb at midnight? i came to tell you a happy news. for a couple of days,you got me very tensed. in a way, it is good.engagement is fixed.

your classmate.. anjana sivaraman. i have going to marry her. she too agreed. congratulations. thank you. come upstairs and drink two pegs. no, i don't want. okay. good night. good night.

anjana.. - what's up? live a happy and long married life.shall we go to taj? taj? why, sudeer? they are after me sayingwe should give treat since morning. also tell your friends to come. when there are fouryears left for marriage.. .. what is the need to give treat now? let us see when the time comes.i am going. okay. it is okay if you don't like.

let us both go to lunch together. i want to talk to you personally. hey sorry, sudeer.. i havesome work in the afternoon. after that, don't try to take me out.. .. for being my would be.i will not come. i told father that iwant freedom in college life. you too agreed, right? it is insult to you if youfail in exams for going out with me. forget all this.go to class and study. bye.

the given picturerepresents a line ab.. .. parallel to both horizontaland vertical planes. in this scale, parallel to line xy. krishna! krishna! krishna! go back! all girls are same! krishna, see there once. i am observing since many days.she loves me.

this will not work. my father will thrashme if he finds out. everyone in the collegesays we both are in love. we both love each other? don't have fun. i don't have any such ideas. i won't leave you if you say so.let us talk alone. meera.. please.. i have to go. hello, krishnakumar. come. we shouldgo to an important place. - where?

where? why should you know about it? if you interfere in thingsthat don't concern you.. .. my nature is very bad.move away. you come. krishna! - thanks. krishna! - no need for thanks.i said the truth. we have to go to a place. - where? i will tell you, just come. come i say!

i talked all night. sudeer, see over there. he is taking your lover out in car. feel bad! have you seen it?she is going only with him. out of reach! why do you leaveyour close friends and.. .. chase someone who is out of range? all of you stay here. you come.

by the way i forgot to tell you. congratulations. - thanks. how did you come to know? it is a big story. sudeer woke me up from sleepyesterday and told me about it. i don't understand whyhe told me at that time. i don't have much interest on sudeer.parents liked him. that's why i agreed.we need parents consent, right? yes, of course.

did you recognize? great krishnakumar. wait. i will be back soon. your students arepreparing for reality show. the teacher says it is a big comedy. don't know what might happen. hey, don't do it. if you talk something now thenyour marriage will get cancelled. buddy, sit on bike ratherthan working as watchman here. tension will be lost automaticallyif we go and drink two pegs.

shall i tell you something? she talks about your30 times in one minute. out of respect for me.. didn't i tell the truth? when i told anjana to performfor the dance competition on 25th.. .. she had set one condition. you should play onmridangam for that program. hey, it is..playing mridangam for hindi songs.. don't worry. it is bharatnatyam.

brother-in-law,it is you who is going to marry her. and she goes out with him. after few months,you will get nothing. he has not build hismuscles and looking smart.. .. to make you feel jealous. she falls easily if one touches her. no need to comes out automatically. let her do anyting,it is good for you to ignore it. that's why she plannedto have freedom for four years.

did you understand? she is playing with my life. i will not spare him easily. his chapter will be closed today. it has started. your sree is talking.doesn't she have any work? i am a bachelorwaiting to get married. i can't tolerate all this. should i tell one idea?you love meera. mr. krishna,please don't involve me in this.

hello. - i am comingto college tomorrow. i told everything to sister vanaja. i cannot live without seeing you. i feel as if i am dying. shall i come? i will be there beforeyou could imagine. tell me when it is. - sunday. you will definitely come, right? what will you bring for me whilecoming? special items from there. mosquitoes are very special over here.shall i bring them?

it is okay. even that is okayfor me because you are bringing them. hey, both of you come upstairs. sudeer said he will giveparty to everyone on terrace. get that tabla too with you. hey, it is not tabla but mridangam. both will produce soundwhen you play them, right? carry them and bring. bring! hey it cannot be taken to any is sin. sin? let us see how it happens.

come! what are you staring man? come. hold it, buddy. what is the relationshipbetween you and anjana? there is nothing between her and me. then why did you andshe go in a car to someplace? that was to play mridangamfor her dance performance.. .. and we had gone toa dance teacher for that. don't put flowers in ears.

playing the mridangamis my profession. i see. then will yougo even if we say don't go? i gave my word to that girl. now if i don't go..won't that be wrong? hey! will you act smart? thrash this guy! hey, don't do anything to him. leave me! lift him!

whatever pandu brothers say,you should obey it silently. otherwise you will haveparts inside but no life. i will kill you. you must stop of today you stop talking to her. if i see you anymore in this campus.. krishnakumar, he.. sudeer and others have thrashed! they didn't listen to me. why did it hapen like this?

hey! he should be here only! if anybody comes to save him.. .. he too will facethe same consequence. go! go! hey, krishna! get up! krishna! krishna, get up! hey! hey! you! leave him!

has any abnormal incidenthappen in krishnakumar's life? i mean any kind of mental disorder. or psychological problem? doctor, it is.. when he was a young boy,an incident did take place. what is that? krishna has a younger brother. he died in a car accidentbefore krishna's eyes. he couldn't come outof this grief for long time.

prayers, offerings,medicines and sorcery was done.. .. and he was cured. after that he is fine. maybe, but most probablythat incident may be the reason. we call it as flashback phenomena. if any untowardincident happens again.. .. then it is dangerous to his life. so will it not get cured? i cannot say it with guarantee.

this is not a disease that.. .. can be cured with medicines. it is kind of mental disease. you should see that suchincident doesn't happen again.. .. in krishnakumar's life.did you understand? this is the only option leftfor him to recover. even after so much has happened.. .. i have not asked what, whenor any such thing. it is my mistake. reason for it is that i don'thave guts to face pandu brothers.

i want to live happilywith my wife and children. it is better if krishnadoesn't come there. yes, father.i am afraid when he says.. .. he will come again to, father. let us think he is notfortunate to study engineering. father, brother will listenif you tell him. tell him not to go. yes. that is my opinion too. you know what thedoctor has said, isn't it? hey, he should not knowwhat the doctor has said.

he should not know. his mind will get disturbed andit will lead to unnecessary problems. you too keep quiet. is doctor god?will everything said by him happen? you may say anything.i will not send him. he should stay by my side.he should stay with me. father, mother is correct. father, tell brothernot to go. please! go. go and tell him!

father.. college principle called me.. .. and asked whether yourson will continue his studies. i told him that iwill tell him tomorrow. everyone in the house isafraid to send you to college. krishna, i don't like to see you as.. .. a person suffering froma disase front of everyone. my son is not sick,and he will not fall sick at all. don't get defeated in this life.

you should go to college again! you must need not worry about anything. i will be there supporting you. why did you come here? i told you not to beseen in this campus again. but still you came. it means.. .. your attitude is still the same.what do you say, venky? you are right. mad people are.. .. tied up with chainsand confined to a room.

did you break the doors and comeout or did you parents.. .. throw you out because theycouldn't tolerate your nuisance. tell me. what are you watching? we will hear it if you tell us.entire college should know about you. hey! speak up! what is that look? what is it? i didn't come hereto give reply or hit back. i came to study.

i came here for livlihood.don't ever interfere with me. i am a pure brahmin who is livingby considering music to be everything. if you interfere with me theni will make mridangam with your skin. my leg is on your heart. it will not take morethan a minute to kill you. but i am giving you once chance.if you interfere with me.. .. then one of us will remain is not you. dear, students! now we.. stop the class.

who are they, sudeer?why did they enter the classroom> hey, you go out for 10 minutes. you can come later and teach lessons. we have a special class here.all of you go out. didn't you hear what i said? go out. go! - come! go! it is you whose nameis krishnakumar, isn't it? do you think you arethe hero of this college..

.. after beating these four guys? neither such thoughtnot you should exist. you! though you don't have moustache,you are a man. even after seeing somany guys in front of him.. .. he is standing by holding a knife. you fought with you are finished. we reserve berths toeveryone who fights us. now we will decide your fate! what is this nuisance?

who has entered the class room.. .. and creating nuisance? go out with everyone. otherwise i will givetc and send you home right now. your brother is genius. six police cases, five suspensions,four ladies cases in one year! best student! he can apply for nobel prize. sorry! enough of your talking.stop it.

don't make me talk more. all students get in the class.come on. can't you hear? go! if you talk to him hereafter.. .. your studies will end with this. i have become like a rat that gotcrushed under the feet of an elephant. watch below while walking. rascals! very decent family. you will become good if you go there.

i am telling you withthe love i have for you. in this world, burglars.. .. killers, and scoundrels.. it is such a notorious place. the guys who went out just now.. .. they all have obtaineddoctorate degree from here. be careful! father, i am not afraid of studies should be completed. anjana, i am too supporting you.what he and his brothers did is wrong?

firgive them once for my sake. what do you say, brother? everything will becomefine if they talk openly. what. dear? you tell us, uncle. will my brothers keep quiet.. .. if anybody beats me? i will not keep quiet.- he is correct. moreover, how can i stop myselfwithout going if they call me?

you cannot. father came and toldabout me unncessarily. when i contested as chairmanin colleeg elections.. .. i had many issues against me. in fact they filed a police case too. they even filed tworape cases against me.. .. in order to degrade me. but they couldn't do anything to me. people who hate me have done it.

see how she is sitting witha pale face without knowing the truth. that is right. one minute. where are you?- i am in uncle shiva's house. do you want me to givethe phone to uncle? - yes. we found him you want us to kill him? fool, don't do that. she is already very angry. my daughter's character is different.

she doesn't have my soft nature. if she comes to know thatkrishna got beaten again.. .. then everything will get present let us leave this matter. we will find a time to thrash him.we will see then. okay. start! once it is under repairit won't be repaired. all these should be broken. when did you come? i came in the morning.where is sree? sreedevi!

he is very upset whenyou don't take his call. that's why i came. he will feel good ifi tell him that i saw you. or he will be come by next train. since yesterday i am tellinghim to repair the phone. what is it, son? if we tell the mechanic in the nextstreet then he will come and repair it. or shall i go and tell him?- no, don't. we will see it tomorrow.

no! i should talk today. - what? you don't fret. i will go home andsend a mobile with ammulu. what is it?nobody is talking anything. why is everyone observing silence? nothing.some family matter of ramesh. what is it, ramesh? didn't your wife come back since then? no. - oh, it will become alright now.shall i leave?

i will send the phone.- okay, uncle. bye. wait for sometime. nothing will happen ifyou don't talk to him today. he is not your husband. i shouted saying not to make.. .. their friendship become thick?what happened now? what is your intention? that is irrelevant to you.go inside. how is krishna?

he is absolutely fine! he and his studies are great. i called him up yesterdaytoo and talked to him. maybe he will come next sunday. what about his sickness? he did not have any sickness.all that is over now. now he is very happy. when is subramanyam coming from gulf? he had said next month.

what is it, ganesh? shall i leave? - okay. why do you look upset? tell me what happened? sree.. another proposal has come for her. marriage proposal for sree?just don't say anything nonsense. i am telling the truth..- hey, i just came from there. you know our krishna'sclassmate subramanyam, right?

they went to his fatherto show the horoscopes.. boy is from neighbouring village. krishna is calling. i will.. yes, krishna. it is me.nothing.. phone is under repair.. i told them to get it repaired. you don't come here.i said don't come. i will come there tomorrow morning. krisha, i want to talk to you. stop here.

hey, sudeer. see there. she hasn't come to study. she hasn't come to teach too. if she is an orphanthen we will give her life. move aside! shall i introduce ourselves? where is the firstyear electronics class? first year electronics..who do you want to see there? krishna..krishnakumar from rajahmundry.

hey, sudeer. babe has come tomeet our krishnakumar. where is he? why do you ask as if you don't know.if he sees a beautiful girl.. .. he will run behind her like a dog. entire college sayshe is mad for girls. don't talk unncessarily.tell me where he is. are you angry? do you love him?

why do you say like that? she came all the way for the sakeof love. why do you ask her like that? you seem to be innocentso i am telling you. forget him! we have decided tokill him next sunday. you are fair and beautifulbecause you are a brahmin girl. where did krishankumar go? to library? she is sreedevi.why did she come here? she is weeping badly.

don't cry, sweetheart. sudeer! why did you come here, sreedevi? i called up krishna.he didn't take the call. hence i came here. he is at his siser's house. varu, you go with her. come. uncle, is sreedevi inside?

she is inside, come, ramesh. i didn't come to come inside. send her out. her marriage is fixed. we should leave before everyonecomes to know this matter. it is.. - what happened dueto which she will face humiliation? brother, it is.. - what? ramesh.. srinivas, we are thinking ofgetting sreedevi and krishna married.. .. since thier childhood.

we dreamt a lot for their happiness. so can we separate them? what are you talking, uncle?how come we are enemies? krishna is our guy. uncle, you forgot something. your old friend apparao'sson venkat who came from singapore.. .. was married to a girlby saying she is not mad. that girl committed suicidewithin 20 days of the marriage. did you forget?

enough. stop it. didn't you understandwhy i am talking like this? you need not say anything now. don't stop me, uncle.i have to tell you something. what did the doctor say at that time? he said his madnesswill not get cured, right? the reason why we didn't tell everythingsaid by doctor us if you come.. .. to know of unncessary things thenyou cannot live in peace, krishna. land and woman cannot be forcibly taken.

they should come searchingfor us happily and with consent. then only we can live happily. we thougth we willlive and die together. sree, i think itwill become a lie now. don't tell me anything. i will not go. sreedevi,how can i tell you to stay with me.. .. when so much has happened? i cannot say what willhappen to me anytime. understand me, sreedevi!

go! as your father said.. .. marry that boy. sreedevi, i will not stop it. krishna, i.. come i said! i will not come. - what areyou watching? you cannot marry him. we will not do it. come i say! i am telling you. - pleasetry to understand me! - come! come! don't you understandwhen i tell you once? come!

krishna! - come i say! krishna! - come! watch megastar's next movie.i will become a huge hitt. the pain suffered.. .. by my sreedevi when shegot separated from her lover.. .. you too should suffer.. .. the same pain. engagement is finishedand she is my wife. you are going around thecollege by saying this, right?

i will see that you don't get her. person who cannot hitback is not a man at all. go! go and fall athis feet and convince him. only then you will marry her,isn't it? do you have any shame? don't blame him. i wouldhave killed him that day itself. you stopped his death. hey, it is not a big deal to kill him.simple work! if we throw little moneythen there are people..

.. in our circle who will kill him. now the important matter is.. look, it is because of him. my daughter believes that krishna'slife is ruined becase of him. that's why you stay calm for sometime.that is enough. the matter of marriageshould be decided today. we cannot wait for four years. if she agrees then engagementwill take place next sunday. fifty percent of themarriage is done with it.

that's why let us knowyour daughter's opinion. if she is not interested thenthis proposal ends today. what do you say? i never said no to you. what is your decision in this matter? i have supported youin everythingh you did. i am with you now too. they are saying that engagementshould take place now. whay is your objection to it?

if you act stubborn even now.. .. then sudeer willhave to marry another girl. you both showed me a boy. i agreed to it reluctantly.father, i am yoru daugter. do you want me to marry a criminal? meera, shut up! - please, mummy! if a girl were to liveas a wife of a person.. .. then that person shouldpossess at least one good quality. what does sudeer possess?

do you know how many girlswere cheated because of him? kirshnakumar is innocentand his life got ruined.. .. only because of sudeer. don't know how manylives got ruined like that? you must be feeling insultfor not keeping the promise, but not me. not now. father, please try to understand me.i cannot live.. .. happily after marryinga criminal against my wishes.

dear! wait! - move! if you talk more then i will kill you. you will stay in thishouse if you listen to me. otherwise i will neckyou out of the house. dear, will you talklike that with daughter? i have a friend hema in warangal. till plus two, weboth studied together. i am going to her. i felt like seeingyou once before going.

i can still remember the facethe first time i saw you in the class. then what ever happenedsince then to you.. .. knowingly or unknowinglyi was behind it. at what time is the train? 10.30 krishna, will you come here once?anjana one minute. she is a girl wholived in a good family. you are the reasonshe is leaving home today. any one take revenge on any one,challenge, defeat them.

but it should not beat the cost of some one else. to win over sudeer,you risked anjana's life. can you say no to that? it was a marriage that wasto take place after 4 years or not. but it came to enagementnext sunday suddenly. it is due to this she had toget out of the house. listen to me. don't act in haste and send her awayfrom here. think with a calm mind.. .. and take a good decision. anjana, come

life is not to get is meant to live! strangers didn't scold you, right? they are your parents. after two days,they will come in search of you. you should be here then. varun, i will take the bike. sudeeri! anjana is there! where is she going with him? krishna.. sudeer.

here.. varun will bring the luggage. call me if there is something. clear my way. where is he? tell me. he cannot go anywhere withoutyour knowledge. tell me. promise. i don't know.i saw him two days back. okay, i accept thatyou don't know where he is. but..

you know all this places. tell me! otherwise you will lose your hand. bring his sister andbrother-in-law by dragging. his elder brother is admitted in icu. it is a severe head injury.he is in a coma. he has not gainedconsciousness till now. his chances of survivng are less. no sudeer.uncle shiva called up just now. he is coming with the police now.

my god! he has come! krishnakumar,today your arrogance will be lost. if madhu dies thenmurder case on you.. otherwise attempt to murder case.. any way,you wouldn't see the outer world. before that..a mutual understanding between us. i'll tell you whenwe go to the station. let us go. they made to sit likethat saying doctor will come.

i thought we will go afterhe comes and gives discharge. he is not coming at all. don't know what he will say. i will wait further. hello.. - shiva.. use your power and send him to jail. i will make arrangementsto get him killed in the jail. send night duty officers. i will tell them what should be said.

what do you say? - i will see to that. don't just say it.make all arrangements and call me. gangadhar. - sir.. no need to write fir. there is a matter to be settledbefore that. i will do that. i have special treatmentwith me to make.. .. stubborn people like youto lose their attitude. you will personally see what it is. he should leave fromhere as a dead body. kill him!

escape from here! they have planned to kill you in jail. sir! he is mad! take him to the mental hospital. otherwise he will kill you! take him away, sir.listen to me. don't stare. call for the ambulance. what are you saying? mad people will be taken to hospital.

it is not possibleto take him to sub-jail. you remain silent. i will take care. bike.. take it in theevening at bus stand. - what? i am sorry. take out the vehicle. fast! sir! there is no key? - what happened? hello! i can hear you now! where are you? where are you calling from?

i'm at gvk. i am in the house of a close friend. i want to tell animportant matter to you. i am not the only enemy for them! but you too! so, if you want to be safe,there is only one place. that is your house. krishna, listen to.. - anjana.. don't waste time in talking.

you can call me at thisnumber in case of an urgency. but i want.. we are still searching for him. don't know where he hid. i will inform you after i catch him.okay? i will call you later. where is krishnakumar? tell me. it is not sufficient if you growmoustache. you should be like a man. if you cannot be like that thenwear a sari and stay in the house.. watch your words.- or else, what would you do?

after hearing you, i'velost money spent in the sub jail.. .. and the girl who'ssupposed to be his wife! my brother is battlingfor life in hospital. i want to tell you my thanks! we were supposed to becoem relatives. it has come to an end today. don't think that i willleave this matter here. we will not spare your will see our true colours now. did you see what happened now?

she was dearer to youthan your own daughter! god has punished you fordriving anjana from here. you have to face it. she is in the women's hostel. her friend has called up. she will come if you go and call her. uncle! anjana is.. anjana? - they have taken her. about 15 men came withknife and sickle! i was helpless.

we informed the police, krishnakumar is calling. talk to him. please. dr. john here. your brotheris serious. if you can come soon.. hey, dr. john told me tocome to the hospital urgently. i am going. see that there is no mistakein her matter again. be careful. what happened? how is my brother? it is.. your brother..

brother.. brother.. hey! who is it? where is anjana? i had a craving for you for long! i've achieved thosewhich i yearned so far. will you surrender to me or.. .. should i make you surrender?tell me. tell me! if you try to touch anjana's shadow..

.. the head of your elderbrother who threatens everyone.. , sudeer! sudeer! sudeer! - brother.. it will get cut! come! come! i underestimated youby thinking you live.. .. a simple live by offering prayers. you taught me a good lesson. i will teach you a lesson forlife for separating me from anjana. i will give you onechance before you die.

decide whether you wantto go to heaven or sky? thrash him! but he shouldn't die. if i leave your hand.. no court or policestation can punish me. because you have branded me as insaneand that will save me. but i will not leave your hand. because you shouldsuffer every minute.. .. by remembering thelife that i gifted you.

i don't want the lifeyou give me as charity.

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