new releases for movies

new releases for movies

this is introduction, in the chapters to come; these characters are not so importantbut these four start everything. bbq it would fetch good price.please try well. we've been looking for sale for long.but everything is in vain. be patient my dear sun achy they are in know i've sold propertywhich can't be seen even by. i'll see the rest. brother, meet krishnakumar

greetings he is's his father's property. where is kannan ? he has gone there didn't joby tell you everything. regarding commission... don't be obstinate ..we've planned some business it'll work only if we getsomething out of this sale joby told of all these.will everything be smooth.

there are few 'kudikidappu' families.i think they would object. we can get rid of them with some tips they should be hidden when buyers come. will there be 4 acres as per the document? it's all clear. this is kan nan. kannan stay there. i'll come there. get the be here; bring them when they arrive. we'll be there.

will you be back '!. we have an you just wait here. i shall sit here. best parties... oh. you won't get it in town for this price"do you think i've no idea. i'll make i'm waiting for the party. party has come; i'll call you later. nothing good is heard of the said property. we are intending to have a villa you know... it's only because of your compulsioni come here to see

there is nothing wrong with it. have i ever put you in any trouble before. be brave sir, shall we move,get into the vehicle this is a chance... please come. come on... please come we will expel all of you we won't go from her...we will get you all in jail. we want to live in this land he has brought workers again.get lost you all

keep quite i will cut away your legsif you get out of vehicle. get away with your vehicle get lost with your real estate. what did you do? preface ends here. here begins chapters. krishna kumar's home. his father is bathing cowsmother is also seen as washing the cloths. she said she would make curry;but still she is sleeping what else to do... she is over the phone in whole night

it's shame to us if she doesn't cook inmatrimonial home though she is an engineer. she knows everything. pour some water... did you tell him of that proposal ? doesn't he need to be responsibleat least in his sister's marriage. will you keep quiet?i will talk to him i don't interfere.. bear everything alone. how big dreams were..10% commission, back water resort. it's okay" leave it an "estate" to get us beaten.

where has he gone ?he is not available over the phone. his engineer sister has come. we can't expect him then hasn't she completed her studies ? she told that she is trying for a job i don't know of her job.but her marriage is soon expected. come on, let's pick him from his home that's good idea. come on. i don't have enough balance to call

your mom says i have no attachment to you. it's a problem with peoplewho work in gulf for long. int because we don't love. come on you sit. i had many difficulties.i worked hard; but never begged. i've never told anyone evenmy children of my difficulties. i have never compelled you for anything. there is a marriage proposal for your sister. he is also an engineer like's really lucky to have an proposal like this.

i have no much wealth we are justrunning with whit i earned from the gulf. i would have tried to go togulf if i was healthy enough now. what do you mean? to conduct a marriage up to their status" i know you" but if you can get somemoney with the help of your friends.. we shall repay slowly. we've nothing to fear if she is married we can live even by sellingcow-dung until you become stable. have you ever thought who would support yourmom and sister if something happen to me?

what happened? he is in trouble please take it? if something like that happens i can't do anything. he could not by even a candy to my sister it's profitable for father to feed cattle" ...lf l can't do anything now;he can earn money from cow-dung. ask him to stop all this if we together try we can do something.

come on getup old manager sanctioned loan by consideringyour father's mri status and bank statement he had sanctioned maximum amount. now top up. it is impossible to think. we haven't defaulted any installment. that's very should continue like that only. 0k. i have some other works to do. his father must be very rich. whose?

his; who discovered sincerity and honesty etc. i'm now poor, for my grandfather gaveeverything to all when partition was effected. have a vada. our forefathers have earned good's burden for us now. otherwise game would have been ours. if we amass wealth now wecan escape from blaming. shall we smuggle something'). what shall we smuggle "torn under wears"? i've at least that...

find a solution for thematter avoiding funny chat. can you stay at kottayam for few days ? what's the matter there is a gang who smuggle owls to abroad. there are star tortoises, snakes also.these things fetch good price. if you want money soondo something like that. leave it all. think of the present issue. tell some ideas marriage alone is not our issue.don't we want to be steady!

i don't think we sale our property.we should earn some money now. i'm ready to go anywhere if i get money. i'm not burdened with anybody else goodwill. you may arrange it;it maybe good for all of us. i'm also coming with you. does it hurt you? no you can ride then bridegroom's family wants marriage very soon.

everything is being arranged for the marriage. i don't know whit to do. be calm how can i? howl think of what joby said to us . you go and sleep.we will arrange everything. why don't you go home even by night? i'll get rs.10 for one frogif i supply them to toddy shop. if you get any star tortoise or with six fingers, when you searchdon't leave it.

please give it to me without showing anyone. i will give you. can't predict who will win these days. was your father's business in profit? you told that you would take over family business? what are you searching for? one minute... got it.. got it hello uncle i'm joby, do you get me? brother of johny.

dad is fine uncle do you have that old business ofsilver owl or snake or something can you message me their number?it's for my friends david is my native and friend of brother johny. message is here call him hallo... please say... will you buy silver owl and star tortoise just want to know the market price ?

may l know who is speaking? i'm joby. i got your number from david. in requirement for it now. if you are serious, just try for nm nm? -yes , 'nagamanikyam' its worth 'l more do you try? whit did they say ? is he out of sense?

they will give 2 cr if we give them nagamanikyam are you mad? what is that ? where can we get it ? there is nothing like that. it's only a rumor. who will say cost for a non existing one? can say any cost for such a thing. don't ignore it i don't believe in it. but, you know that forest guardchandrappan, we can ask him.

we could know whether such a thingexists or not, then only need to search. yeah sure, no expense to ask we can do one thing. to have a tea. the time for studying wastedby saying to go abroad. now he is silent about it.not any thinking about his age. saying to all wasting the time by roaming somewhere father went to fix her marriage it's good.

are there some procedures before marriage? everything will be right after all theformalities completed and date gets fixed. hmm. that's father's hope. what's we can do? what's his name? yeah, chandrappan. chandrappan. where he has gone? chandrappan. are there elephants here?

where he has gone? what? nagamanikyam? we believe that such a thing there. in such a thing in my knowledge a person came for might know about such matters. if any sandal oil or ivory, i can.but this i don't know whether it exists. is it really exist? you just enquire. if it so, will be good for all. hmm i'll try, not sure to get it.

give your number. will give a miss call. can call in case needed. 9349175251 we can go this hope too lost. right? we can look it out. if he can't will go to other person.we should get things done. he will call. i think so. kannan, please stop, please stop.

hey, distribution is not over can do this after some time, there's a matter. tell me the matter. come inside you didn't tell me the matter. will say, come. hey -yes come here chandrappan called.

he found it, where is nagamanikyam really! sn soon" he never needed it till now. hey chandrappan is great.he arranged nagamanikyam keep quite, father inside. so we can call chandrappan and fix everything. what else to fix? he called here and it's there. it's early morning, can call later. now you go and finish newspaper distribution.

i'm going to be famous. so no more distribution of newspaper. in need to think more, can fix it. yes. should do with in one week. call him, can talk about it. hmu what's the matter? nagamanikyam with can we give it there i'm anvar.1 second please

as you told, we found out nagamanikyam. then how“ be the deal'!? that all as i told you earlier. we'll come. if it's genuine will deal and it's the price. 2 cr. that's the price. that's not enough sir. we know its value is more than this. and as it's with us, it's notdifficult to find out a new buyer. how much do you expect?

we won't tell the price. but it's not you told. if you can change the price,call to this number. 0k. what non-sense you had talk to him? this time you became greedy! you could avoid bargaining. you are telling like yourfather's property is going to sell. isn't? played to know whether he is genuine. if it's not a fun, they'll call,whatever they offer we'll deal it.

if they wont call? he's calling. give me we are ready for 2+1 so... as there's no other mediators,we can share the commission, fifty-fifty. homing can do mare. ck. 0k. then, haw!“ he the next steps'!? we can meet.i can inform after fixing the time.

they have agreed to show it to one of you.come when ever you want. they are coming. kannan what's it?it's size is only of a wheat. but its brightness, amazing i had dealt with lot of matters.but this one, i was shocked. it indicates that we are going to be rich. i have worked a lot to arrange this. don't forget me if the deal is 0k. will you? my dear let us to do first. take that phone

say that the thing is in our hand.we should deal fast call them hello hello, sir, its me anwar.we have the stuff. it is safe to make a deal soon ? where is ll.m now? it is kept near nilambur forest are you a fool ? why should you let them know where it is kept.

they will bluff us and will take it away. i just didn't think that. what shall we do? we shall prepare well before we make a call;otherwise we may ruin everything. they are calling, what shall i say'). tell them as you like. pick the phone sir, please speak... we can't take this much amount to that place.

we need to fix another place in consensus. come on say sir. bring the stuff to the place we fix we will come by a vehicle with cash. 0.k. you can verify the money. our expert will test the stuff. if everything is clear, you can get the money. 0k

i'll inform you the place and time. thank you there is an issue. what? chieftain and his peoplewon't let you to even though. as they do not know the exact price now;we need to pay at ten lakhs now. i will see the rest. let me know the decision whatever it is. shall we require them topay this amount as advance.

shall try. i don't think it will work out. eems anyhow; i'll bring two and half lakhs. now tell me what you can do. i've never sought aid of my brothersso far; let me see whit i can now. where do you go? he is tensed.anyhow we should do what we can. i've been trying in various ways these days. everything is in vain.they've arranged money.

this would also be required tomake advance for the property. how long it would take to arrange everything? everything will be fine within one week. if no token is given now we may loose the sale. this sale would fetch us big profit. you can sell the gold instead of mortgaging it. it's true we need to buy new gold for marriage. all these are of old fashion. is everything okay?

keep it with you. i lied that there is a sale incity and we are mediators of sale. shall we move from here however; selling your mother's gold... we are here not to share our sad stories. we should act soon. think only of that. you should be with us untilget completed everything. what's the need of me? i don't have any partnership in this?

you asked me and i found out it. give me two or threelakhs after all. won't you? in brother, keep the stuff with you. my god! we are doing this for the first time. and we can't believe those who come. you should be with us. we can handle the money. isn't it? at the time of dealing, you bethere at a near distance with stuff.

we should give it only after checking the cash. at any cost, we shouldn't lose the stuff any way; only one more day's please join with us. you are going to earn great amount on this day. yes, i'll come with you i'll be with you even if it is to kill or die. finally don't change yourface when the profit is shared. i'm not so good, beware. everything will be informed while calling.

yeah come after all whether thischandrappan become burden for us. if so i'll kill him. i'm tensed to get everything fine. what to be tensed?these things are happening in the world. we can call them if any problem is there, no need to go back. give me your phone.

hey, their mobile is switched off. we are little bit earlier. they'll come. you call chandrappan and tellthat we have reached here. hello, we are on the shouldn't go anywhere else. joby will come and take itfrom the vehicle at right time. yeah i'll be there at the placewhere lottery is selling. 0k. he's there itself. he's calling, hello how is it? they came?

can't get them. their phone is switched off. hmm? whether joking? try your relative to get another number. if its late, chandrappan become will be violent they'll come. what they'll get by cheating us? anyway, we can wait. it's he chandrappan, please be calm.we all are waiting for him. i'll call you when they come.

how it's possible to hold it for this long time. i can't imagine if police has come. tell him to be patient. give me the phone. chandrappan, please wait we are trying them. whether they'll come or noti'll wait for little more time. then i'll handover thisthing to you and i'll go back. whether sell it or throw it away,i doesn't matter, i should get money. they won't come. will we be in agony!

why this chandrappan is so impatient? should give him after finishing everything. to finish, they need to come. look... they are calling. hello. there came a black scorpio. cash is in it any one can go and check it.only one person. 0k. cash is in that can go and check it. you go

shall call chandrappan hello chandrappan, they came. joby will come soon. yes cash is ready.joby go and call chandrappan. our expert is inside the vehicle. handover it to him and canclose the deal within 10 minutes. sir will give it within 5 minutes. hey, his phone is switched off. but he was calling all this time.

don't worry. joby went there. he's not there. shit! hey shall you wait for 5 more minutes hello sir. whats this anvil'!? one of us has to come. only 5 minutes. uh? sir, he's nearby here. please sir.

you can call again. but only when it comes to your hand. we have the facility to transferthe fund to anywhere in kerala. bye. i have sold my mother's gold. how can i go to home with empty hand? what to do now? everything is lost. h by all has lost

joby you don't are the reason for everything. don't quarrel each other.things had gone not as per our plan. hey krishnan , stop there anvar, only because of you, i came for this. my sister's marriage is on next month. for that too we... enough. everybody helped me. get lost. i don't have to look for anything. i should get money.i'll make it even by killing somebody.

at last everything is upon me. i'll give that 2 lakhs to his home in any way. he needs only that. let him go. what's the need for crying now? i told you several times, not to givethis much freedom for the children. they'll misuse it. hmm.. think of next plan. don't complaint in ill be shame for us. i was trying to call him since i knewthe matter but he is not available.

he has lot of friends.whether their number is there? krishnan's father. what to sat him? say anything- joby stop the car. why did we do all this? why did he leave us? his sister went away with somebody. what for we did all this? sethu walks along the road with a bag.a tea shop is seen far.

can i have a cup of tea? shall i get you a cup ofblack tea; there is no milk. enough here it is. how much -80 rupees has the bus gone to town? yes it has. next will come soon. you need to pay more for thatas it is an unauthorized trip you too going to town?

yes. fine, i'll get a companion i thought i won't get a vehicle as its late already what's your name? sethu. hello. are you working in town? nearby here, in a travel agency why should i give 150 buckswhen they all give you only 100? i need only 100 for you butneed 50 for this luggage.

rs.50? for this luggage. int that; for this big one. i can't let anyone to sithere because of this luggage. in fact rs.50 is lost for me. leave it. let that seat be filled. i shall leave it.will you weave an amount from your salary two tickets who is another one? you know her?or should i wake her up and say.

just leave it brother ticket costs rs.100 how will it be benefited? if there are more travelers; it will be benefited. you can decided. as you have paid rs.200 youcan get down at any hell. people don't know where to get down. oh god, why all troubles come to me ? please stop...there are two to get up

hold tightly mother you may sit there. let us go. what should i say ? close the window are you not feeling cold please close the door son. if he gets cold there isnothing here to heat him up hello i'm coming.

there was no range to call you. i'll come there by morning. did doctor examine ? is our son sleeping?'t call him. hello..hello... what happened? is anyone in hospital? yes my son. i could see an anxiety onyour face at first sight. we will reach in town only in the morning

we will reach there only by 6.30. you may be longing to reach fast. i'm also going to see my sun. i haven't seen for the last six months. is your son working in town ? it's all a big story. i made him a graduate. although he had good marks,his destiny was different. he lost his father when he was in v standard. my struggle, thereafter only god knows

don't put your hands out don't you know that it is illegal to putyour head and hands out while traveling? you haven't brought me to marry.come on sit here. why are you so afraid? brother we are in trouble what happened ? police is chasing us. what"? police...

don't stop, drive fast. oh..mother please come sir what are you hiding ? any ganja ? what question is this sir.there is nothing but only theses. isn't that your regular answer ? this is not like that it means you have hidden something ? ho" no..nothing is hidden.

did you not get enough travelers ? the whole bus is vacant.there were none on the way. inspector is there in vehicle tell him all that. should i say it now?. of course. come on.let me check the vehicle.. 100 enough hey... sit properly. hey..what are you doing? is he sleeping or dead?

come there is nothing. let's get nut. fed up of these drunkards are you on your way to marketfor sale or returning after sale? i don't have any sale sir. yah.. i'm on duty today,otherwise...leave the place. suresh come let's go. where has he gone ? oh.. “s freezing. where did you go?

just to piss to piss yes.. to piss do you go to piss onlywhen you see the police ? no brother. i really wanted it earlier. but when we stopped i thought i could do it now. yes..we'll talk later..start the vehicle. why did you hide your bag when police came? there is money in my bagfor the operation of my son.

i'll have to reply if policeask where from this money is. if it is money be very careful. you should be afraid of everyone not only police. i can under stand this i know how fearfully my son handed this. your son"? he is in jail. he was involved in a hawala racket.i came to know everything only late. he chooses that job when i rebuked him forwandering without job after the education.

someone robbed him whenhe was carrying the money. people who gave himmoney do not believe him. they think that he is incollision with the robbers. who? the people who gave him money. they to be killed if no amountis paid back now threat him. there was other way to save him from them. so i required him to surrender before the police. he then need not be afraid of others.

can you do me a favor? can you do me a favor? i'm tensed. i doubt that people who sit in frontof us know that i have money with me. they are observing me for along time i feel bad of them. will you keep this in your bag? they should not get this moneyeven if they snatch away my bag. if i loose my bag..,0peration of my son. tea" tea" tea tea... coffee

come..get down five minutes halt...if anyone want they can have tea. if you want; go and have tea. in... my son was also like this, if somethingtroubles him; he does not eat or drink anything. when will he be released? he will be released in coming january. he can't stay there further. do they threaten you now?

issues are not settled he is my only son. i can't let him to be thrown to death. come on let's go..come don't shake it like that i have to take this to town. are you all in? i'll pay them back their's only for that i live now. one and half lakh rupees needed.i will find it out. it costs my son's life.

hey.. get down only the vehicle is stopped. all will come to us if something happens. please get down here. we are only up to here. may your son get well soon. i'll pray for him. come on make it fast. who is this? should we drop him in his house? hello sir, hello... it's the place...come on please get down. make it fast sir, we have some other works

arun rides bike along with his friend choonda.choonda asks his doubts to arun. how many persons did i kill ? four persons. four persons...? have you ever been to jail? you are still in jail. just released on parole. still in jail"? parole...? hello. where are you ? none of you are seen here ?

stay there. they will come now. what about you? i was on my way to pick choona. we shall reach soon. give a ring to kanu. yes why did you mention of that rape case.what those girls would think of me. i have said what all i have to revealwe are here for a serious matter. people with us are cowards.

your presence would make them courageous. you look like a goon also with this broken hand? i made you a hero goon who brokehis hands by slipping in the bathroom. hi.. how is up? nothing much haven't they come yet? i have been waiting here for long. let them come. we have time.

hi uncle. hello shyam. how are you? i'm fine. we friends together go for a picnic. won't you back tomorrow! sure may come. be careful with this one. 0k. uncle we will see that. 0.k..

0h..he is here also there is an issue.i can't take you there now. is that your team?-yes. hi friend. see now.. i'm a man of word. here is the vehicle. come fast. you are already late he is here. where were you? i was late because i needed time to pick him. what's this shall we move?

jincy... come on. is he the person you told about? kanu.. give me the key. i'll drive. choonda, take the friend seat. open it... hello i've come out of home.have you started? we are on the way. there is bus stop near to a travel stay there. 0k. i'll call you when i reach there.

shyam... where has priya reached? she will be there in time. we are only late. i'll adjust all that in my driving. it's 0k. but don't make any accident. dad wanted to take the vehicle.but i didn't let him. arun, whit are our plans for tomorrow! everything will be according to our plan. we'll reach in registrar office by 11'o clock. there won't be any problem.

however we 're going to conductthe marriage of our priya and shyam. we are in the position ofyour parents since today you should remember that. are you tensed? hey nothing. hey kanu... what about the tickets? take these two bangalore tickets. multi axis sleeper coach. have a luxury first night

jincy... nah what about our stay! don't worry about that. i have arranged everything in my uncle's resort. kanu.. he has raped two;i feel respect for him. you people go on keeping idle. arun, be careful. i'll show them. leave them

arum. arun..just leave them. shit. is hit. what shall i tell my dad? arun please stop the vehicle. how do you drive? com out you... sorry l it was my mistake. mistake..are you saying sorryafter hitting the vehicle. did anything happen to the vehicle?

we are ready for compensate. are you going to compensateafter hitting the vehicle then buy us a new pajero. do you want it? do you? it was not a was a deliberate hit. what can you do? none of you will go from here. who the hell is he? please obey what i say.

hey... arum. get into the car. should i tell you separately? get in. come here. hey come on..let's go... come on... don't spoil there man. they got afraid. now do you understand whydid i take choonda with me. if some one stops our planwhether from priya's family"

...or from shyam's familychonnda will handle it. brother choonda? '(ah what happened to your palm? it's... -blast...blast bomb was blast when he threw it. how much? - rs 45 priya i have reached here.where are you?

how much time do we need? ten minutes. 0 k. i'm here in front of the travel agency. hello. i'm here. i shall wait down here. they are four. right? i have arranged their travelingand staying in tourist home. you just entrust this to the manager. where are you going with bag? i'm on leave for some days.i want to go home.

you just drop me in koikka's guest house. i'll drop you. come on start the vehicle. ls there any trouble in your family? what trouble? there is no trouble. you both shall not make anytrouble tomorrow onwards. your romance ends today. don't we need one?

get lost. catwalk i've enough snaps choonda... come on.. get into the vehicle. we shall drop this on the way arun start the vehicle. wait ..don't start the vehicle. we have not done any crime.

we shall first call the police. let them decide. it's good. call the police.i've no problem it is true. call the police.police shall conduct the marriage. if some one sees us shyam" please don't makethe issue complicated. come one don't' utter any further.get into the vehicle. throw him out. some one is coming.

kan“... call the shyam shayam. come fast come on call shyam. he is not dead... come on.. make it fast i say stop the vehicle" you be here i'll go and see whit happened"

don't go. sometimes you may be caught. it's not safe to be here now.they have seen our vehicle. yea... its correct. there is no range here arun take the vehicle to any placewhere mobile coverage is accessible. please stop. here we get range. try them they are out of network. what we will do?

don't be upset. they willcall us when they are in range. it's shyam's message" he requires us to leave. they will reach there anyhow. don't be afraid. there are two. why did you get this goon into the vehicle for help? what did he do'! he is a criminal. who knows what he has done. why do you blame him?

arun...take the vehicle to the resort. there we'll think of next steps. i'm afraid that shyam is accompanying choonda. i feel bad" he is not chonnda or agoon...he is my friend vinod. i'm tensed now what shall i tell to him mom now. is this the place they asked you to come? i was asked to come to this bus stand. just make a call to them

their mobiles are switched off. let's park the vehicle there. we set off yesterday morning any how we are here now let's face this there they are come on start the vehicle fast" what happened"? i'll tell you later come start fast..get in fast.

a person who saw us in spot is in that bus. who is he? he is that ...he is coming to this side. will there be any trouble? nothing will happen. i'll tell you later. first we shall move to registrar office. hospital reception is crowded as usual.. anie sits on the front bench waitingfor the man who went to buy medicines. here are the medicines you required

how is your son now? there is no improvement. here is the balance. shall i go ? right. did seth“ come'!? in. but he had phoned yesterday. there are some caste organizationwhich give medical aid. could you not try aftermentioning this to sethu? is there any organizations here that helphuman other than the caste and religion?

give this to your son. here we have that. it's 0k. but receive this for me. did you get all the medicines? ieu mmm..thank you. sethu... when did you come uncle? i was here for a long time. you just come.

how can you do this with anordinary job in a travel agency! ante's father has shown wasjust an expression of grief... ...when a father comes to know that hisdaughter eloped with a boy of another religion. he could solve the issue. leave your entire complex first. remember only your son. i've spoken to anie. both of you think well and take a decision. i fell asleep.

did doctor come? he says no other waythan removing the growth. our doctor had contacted with rcc it is said that along with operationkemo therapy also will be required. it is heard that there are various grades. we won't get any benefits when we arereferred from this sort of hospital. mmm. thomas uncle had come i met him.

you open that bag. there is money. where do you go with bag? i'm on leave. i need to go home. will you just drop me in koya's guesthouse? yes.-let's go then. when will you be back? can't say anything. my son is admitted again. is operation date fixed? need to fix it immediately.

i had asked money to koya.he said he would give it today. i was waiting for him since the morning. his phone is ringing he is not picking it up. perhaps he will be in guesthouse. i can't go without seeing him. everything will be all right. should be all right. i don't like to troubleothers by borrowing money. ramesh please drop me in thatjunction i shall take short out.

in need to get them bored. alright. please call me if you need any help. o key- preman... ls koyakka here? can't predict when he comes? as you know he may come or may not come. i need to meet him before i leave. i was in office since the morning.

when rameshan came by this wayi thought i could just come here. i need to go today. i tried for money. all my money is blocked in various places. can't adjust so easily.and the amount required is big. do one thing you just go to hospital; ifi can arrange i will bring money there. and... if there is other sources find that also. do you know how long i have been strugglingthere searching for a way to escape? then only you came.

howl want to have luxury life. i could have gone away with theseten lakhs without giving to anyone. did i go? ho. it shows my sincerity. do you under stand whit i'm saying'). you should keep your word as per our dealeight lakhs for me and two lakhs for you lf l don't get it whole of my life will be ruined. keep your word. why should i keep word withone who cheated his friends.

you earned this in the name ofa non-existing nagamanikayam? now i will dictate you will obey:. fifty fifty"? ready? if ready we will close the sale. i need eight lakhs as i said.i attempted only for this. have you come alone or have you got anyplan to fetch this entire amount alone. i was little doubtful when youasked me to come to this spot. you are an expert in crookedness. final bargaining do you want five lakhs?if you are ready i'll give it now.

if you don't want it now get lost.. when five lakhs are offeredhe is becoming greedier. he is not intelligent enoughto accept what is offered. please save me... save me.. yes... please say... yah..i'll say. i'll do like that. yes father. we shall put an end to all ourstubbornness and unnecessary pride. father will come here tomorrow.

we don't want this money. what do you want sethu? i want to see you very urgently. where are you? are you in hospital? i will wait in bus stand. come to there. it's all my fault. i brought all these ideas. hello...mother where are you? are you troubling hard to earnmoney for your sister's marriage?

when she insisted to go for a picnicwith her friends i only allowed her to go. now she informs me that she is married at aregistrar office and is on her way to bangalore. you were our only assets. she is gone now. we can't bear it, if you are also leaving us. come... kichu, where are you? your parents are verymuch worried. come back. do you have any money!did you eat anything?

many more... with unknown pales. how many more chapters; among us... nearest...

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